【1】 Loschmidt echo and Poincaré recurrences of entanglement
备注:28 pages, 20 figures and 4 pages with 4 figures Supplementary Material
摘要:We study numerically the properties of entanglement of two interacting, or
noninteracting, particles evolving in a regime of quantum chaos in the quantum
Chirikov standard map. Such pairs can be viewed as interacting, on
noninteracting, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs in a regime of quantum chaos. The
analysis is done with such tools as the Loschmidt echo of entanglement and the
Poincar\'e recurrences of entanglement in presence of absorption. The obtained
results show unusual features of the entropy of entanglement and the spectrum
of Schmidt decomposition with their dependence on interactions at different
quantum chaos regimes.
【2】 Recycled entanglement detection by arbitrarily many sequential and independent pairs of observers
备注:6 pages, 1 figure
摘要:We investigate the witnessing of two-qubit entangled states by sequential and
independent pairs of observers, with both observers of each pair acting
independently on their part of the shared state from spatially separated
laboratories, and subsequently passing their qubits to the next pair in the
sequence. It has previously been conjectured that not more than one pair of
observers can detect Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt "Bell-nonlocal" correlations in
a similar set-up. This is intriguing since it is possible to have an
arbitrarily long sequence of Bell-nonlocal correlations when only a single
observer is allowed to share a bipartite state with multiple observers at the
other end. It is therefore interesting to ask whether such restrictions are
also present when entangled correlations are considered in the scenario of
multiple pairs of observers. We find that a two-qubit entangled state can be
used to witness entanglement arbitrarily many times, by pairs of observers,
acting sequentially and independently. We prove the statement to be true when
the initial pair of observers in the sequence share any pure entangled state or
when they share a state from a class of mixed entangled states. We demonstrate
that the phenomenon can also be observed for a certain class of entangled
states in which an arbitrarily long sequence of observer pairs witnessing
entanglement is reached in the limit of the initial entanglement content
tending to a vanishing amount.
【3】 Homodyne coherent quantum noise cancellation in a hybrid optomechanical force sensor
备注:16 pages; 16 figures; in submitting to PRA
摘要:In this paper, we propose an experimentally feasible scheme to enhance the
sensitivity of the weak-force detection beyond the standard quantum limit (SQL)
in a hybrid optomechanical setup assisted with squeezed vacuum injection, based
on a combination of the coherent quantum noise cancellation (CQNC) strategy
[\textit{\color{blue} New. J. Phys. 18, 073040 (2016)}] and the homodyne
detection of the cavity output spectrum. Realizing a negative-mass oscillator
in the system leads to exact cancellation of the backaction noise from the
mechanics due to destructive quantum interference. Squeezed vacuum injection
enhances this cancellation and allows sub-SQL sensitivity to be reached in a
wide frequency band and at much lower input laser powers. Interestingly, the
homodyne-CQNC, which exploits both amplitude- and phase-quadratures, instead of
standard-CQNC, which only uses phase-quadrature to readout, enables us to
enhance this noise cancellation up to $60\mathrm{dB}$ more than the standard
case by controlling the optomechanical parameters and homodyne phase angle.
Surprisingly, our calculations reveal that a homodyne-CQNC sensitivity of the
order of $10^{-19} \mathrm{N}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ is achievable which is two
orders of magniude larger than that in the standard-CQNC. Moreover, in the
homodyne-CQNC with a nonzero detuning, the signal-response can be amplified at
least 3- to 5-times larger than that in the standard-CQNC which practically
leads to a higher signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR).
【4】 Quantifying unsharpness of observables in an outcome-independent way
备注:11 pages, 2 figures
摘要:Recently a very beautiful measure of the unsharpness (fuzziness) of the
observables is discussed in the paper [Phys. Rev. A 104, 052227 (2021)]. The
measure which is defined in this paper is constructed via uncertainty and does
not depend on the values of the outcomes. There exist several properties of a
set of observables (e.g., incompatibility, non-disturbance) that do not depend
on the values of the outcomes. Therefore, the approach in the above-said paper
is consistent with the above-mentioned fact and is able to measure the
intrinsic unsharpness of the observables. In this work, we also quantify the
unsharpness of observables in an outcome-independent way. But our approach is
different than the approach of the above-said paper. In this work, at first, we
construct a Luder's instrument-based unsharpness measure and provide a tight
upper bound of that measure. Then we prove the monotonicity of the above-said
measure under a class of fuzzifying processes (processes that make the
observables more fuzzy). This is consistent with the resource-theoretic
framework. Then we relate our approach to the approach of the above-said paper.
Next, we try to construct an instrument-independent unsharpness measure. In
particular, we define an instrument-independent unsharpness measure and provide
a tight upper bound of that measure and then we derive the condition for the
monotonicity of the measure under a class of fuzzifying processes and prove the
monotonicity for dichotomic qubit observables. Then we show that for an unknown
measurement, the value of these measures can be determined experimentally.
Finally, we present the idea of the resource theory of the sharpness of the
【5】 Quantum error correction using squeezed Schrödinger cat states
备注:15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
摘要:Bosonic quantum codes redundantly encode quantum information in the states of
a quantum harmonic oscillator, making it possible to detect and correct errors.
Schr\"odinger cat codes -- based on the superposition of two coherent states
with opposite displacements -- can correct phase-flip errors induced by
dephasing, but they are vulnerable to bit-flip errors induced by photon loss.
Here, we develop a bosonic quantum code relying on squeezed cat states, i.e.
cat states made of a linear superposition of displaced-squeezed states.
Squeezed cat states allow to partially correct errors caused by photon loss,
while at the same time improving the protection against dephasing. We present a
comprehensive analysis of the squeezed cat code, including protocols for code
generation and elementary quantum gates. We characterize the effect of both
photon loss and dephasing and develop an optimal recovery protocol that is
suitable to be implemented on currently available quantum hardware. We show
that with moderate squeezing, and using typical parameters of state-of-the-art
quantum hardware platforms, the squeezed cat code has a resilience to
photon-loss errors that significantly outperforms that of the conventional cat
【6】 Variational quantum simulation of valence-bond solids
摘要:We introduce a hybrid quantum-classical variational algorithm to simulate
ground-state phase diagrams of frustrated quantum spin models in the
thermodynamic limit. The method is based on a cluster-Gutzwiller ansatz where
the wave function of the cluster is provided by a parameterized quantum
circuit. The key ingredient is a tunable real XY gate allowing to generate
valence-bonds on nearest-neighbor qubits. Additional tunable single-qubit Z-
and two-qubit ZZ-rotation gates permit the description of magnetically ordered
phases while efficiently restricting the variational optimization to the U(1)
symmetric subspace. We benchmark the method against the paradigmatic J1-J2
Heisenberg model on the square lattice, for which the present hybrid ansatz is
an exact realization of the cluster-Gutzwiller with 4-qubit clusters. In
particular, we describe the Neel order and its continuous quantum phase
transition onto a valence-bond solid characterized by a periodic pattern of 2x2
strongly-correlated plaquettes, providing a route to synthetically realize
valence-bond solids with currently developed superconducting circuit devices.
【7】 Asymmetric comb waveguide for strong interactions between atoms and light
备注:12 pages, 6 figures
摘要:We propose a new type of periodic dielectric waveguide that provides strong
interactions between atoms and guided photons. We design an asymmetric comb
waveguide that supports a slow mode with an unusual quartic dispersion around a
zero-group-velocity point and an electric field that extends far into the air
cladding for an optimal interaction with atoms. We calculate the potential of a
two-color trap made by using blue-detuned and red-detuned guided modes. We show
that cold Rubidium atoms can be trapped as close as 100 nm from the structure
in a 1.3-mK-deep potential well. Finally, we calculate that, for atoms trapped
at this position, the emission into guided photons is largely favored. The
radiative decay rate into the guided slow mode is 10 times larger than the
free-space decay rate and the beta factor is as high as 0.88.
【8】 Noiseless linear amplification in quantum target detection using Gaussian states
摘要:Quantum target detection aims to utilise quantum technologies to achieve
performances in target detection not possible through purely classical means.
Quantum illumination is an example of this, based on signal-idler entanglement,
promising a potential 6 dB advantage in error exponent over its optimal
classical counterpart. So far, receiver designs achieving this optimal
reception remain elusive with many proposals based on Gaussian processes
appearing unable to utilise quantum information contained within Gaussian state
sources. This paper considers the employment of a noiseless linear amplifier at
the detection stage of a quantum illumination-based quantum target detection
protocol. Such a non-Gaussian amplifier offers a means of probabilistically
amplifying an incoming signal without the addition of noise. Considering
symmetric hypothesis testing, the quantum Chernoff bound is derived and limits
on detection error probability is analysed for both the two-mode squeezed
vacuum state and the coherent state classical benchmark. Our findings show that
in such a scheme the potential quantum advantage is amplified even in regimes
where quantum illumination alone offers no advantage, thereby extending its
potential use. For coherent states, the performance in such a scheme is bounded
by one without amplification except for a few specific regimes which are
【9】 A Pure and indistinguishable single-photon source at telecommunication wavelength
备注:7 pages, 4 figures
摘要:On-demand single-photon sources emitting pure and indistinguishable photons
at the telecommunication wavelength are a critical asset towards the deployment
of fiber-based quantum networks. Indeed, single photons may serve as flying
qubits, allowing communication of quantum information over long distances.
Self-assembled InAs quantum dots embedded in GaAs constitute an excellent
nearly deterministic source of high quality single photons, but the vast
majority of sources operate in the 900-950 nm wavelength range, precluding
their adoption in a quantum network. Here, we present a quantum frequency
conversion scheme for converting single photons from quantum dots to the
telecommunication C band, around 1550 nm, achieving 40.8% end-to-end
efficiency, while maintaining both high purity and a high degree of
indistinguishability during conversion with measured values of
$g^{(2)}(0)=2.4\%$ and $V^{\text{corr}}=94.8\%$, respectively.
【10】 Simulating linear optical properties of molecules on a superconducting quantum processor
备注:27 pages, 5 figures, with Supplementary Information
摘要:Predictive simulation of molecular response properties such as electronic
absorption spectra is of great technological importance, but remains a
long-standing computational challenge for electronic structure methods on
classical computers. While quantum computers hold the promise to solve this
problem more efficiently in the long run, existing quantum algorithms requiring
deep quantum circuits are infeasible for near-term noisy quantum processors.
Here, we report the first ever simulation of linear optical properties of
molecules on a superconducting quantum processor enabled by a hybrid
quantum-classical approach. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for
computing dynamic polarizabilities of the hydrogen molecule, and then apply it
to tackle two representative problems of practical significance, including
simulating ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of polyacenes and X-ray
absorption spectra of carbon monoxide. These results represent an initial step
towards exploring quantum computing for reliably simulating linear and
nonlinear response properties of more challenging systems in the near future.
【11】 Numerical analysis of effective models for flux-tunable transmon systems
备注:17 pages and 41 figures
摘要:Simulations and analytical calculations that aim to describe flux-tunable
transmons are usually based on effective models of the corresponding
lumped-element model. However, when a control pulse is applied, in most cases
it is not known how much the predictions made with the effective models deviate
from the predictions made with the original lumped-element model. In this work
we compare the numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation
for both the effective and the lumped-element models, for various control
pulses. We consider three different systems: a single flux-tunable transmon and
two two-qubit systems. We find that a series of commonly applied approximations
(individually and/or in combination) can change the response of a system
substantially, when a control pulse is applied.
【12】 Genuine tripartite nonlocality and entanglement in curved spacetime
摘要:We study the genuine tripartite nonlocality (GTN) and the genuine tripartite
entanglement (GTE) of Dirac fields in the background of a Schwarzschild black
hole. We find that the Hawking radiation degrades both the physically
accessible GTN and the physically accessible GTE. The former suffers from
"sudden death" at some critical Hawking temperature, and the latter approaches
to the nonzero asymptotic value in the limit of infinite Hawking temperature.
We also find that the Hawking effect cannot generate the physically
inaccessible GTN, but can generate the physically inaccessible GTE for fermion
fields in curved spacetime. These results show that on the one hand the GTN
cannot pass through the event horizon of black hole, but the GTE do can, and on
the other hand the surviving physically accessible GTE and the generated
physically inaccessible GTE for fermions in curved spacetime are all not
nonlocal. Some monogamy relations between the physically accessible GTE and the
physically inaccessible GTE are found.
【13】 Monogamy relations of entropic non-contextual inequalities and their experimental realization
备注:Comments are welcome!!
摘要:We develop a theoretical framework based on a graph theoretic approach to
analyze monogamous relationships of entropic non-contextuality (ENC)
inequalities. While ENC inequalities are important in quantum information
theory and are well studied, theoretical as well as experimental demonstration
of their monogamous nature is still elusive. We provide conditions for ENC
inequalities to exhibit a monogamous relationship and derive the same for
general scenarios. We show that two entropic versions of the Bell-CHSH
inequality acting on a tripartite scenario exhibit a monogamous relationship,
for which we provide a theoretical proof as well as an experimental validation
on an NMR quantum information processor. Our experimental technique to evaluate
entropies has been designed to obtain information about entropies via
measurement of only the expectation values of observables.
【14】 Generalized quantum similarity learning
摘要:The similarity between objects is significant in a broad range of areas.
While similarity can be measured using off-the-shelf distance functions, they
may fail to capture the inherent meaning of similarity, which tends to depend
on the underlying data and task. Moreover, conventional distance functions
limit the space of similarity measures to be symmetric and do not directly
allow comparing objects from different spaces. We propose using quantum
networks (GQSim) for learning task-dependent (a)symmetric similarity between
data that need not have the same dimensionality. We analyze the properties of
such similarity function analytically (for a simple case) and numerically (for
a complex case) and showthat these similarity measures can extract salient
features of the data. We also demonstrate that the similarity measure derived
using this technique is $(\epsilon,\gamma,\tau)$-good, resulting in
theoretically guaranteed performance. Finally, we conclude by applying this
technique for three relevant applications - Classification, Graph Completion,
Generative modeling.
【15】 Scaling Quantum Approximate Optimization on Near-term Hardware
备注:10 pages, 5 figures
摘要:The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is an approach for
near-term quantum computers to potentially demonstrate computational advantage
in solving combinatorial optimization problems. However, the viability of the
QAOA depends on how its performance and resource requirements scale with
problem size and complexity for realistic hardware implementations. Here, we
quantify scaling of the expected resource requirements by synthesizing
optimized circuits for hardware architectures with varying levels of
connectivity. Assuming noisy gate operations, we estimate the number of
measurements needed to sample the output of the idealized QAOA circuit with
high probability. We show the number of measurements, and hence total time to
solution, grows exponentially in problem size and problem graph degree as well
as depth of the QAOA ansatz, gate infidelities, and inverse hardware graph
degree. These problems may be alleviated by increasing hardware connectivity or
by recently proposed modifications to the QAOA that achieve higher performance
with fewer circuit layers.
【16】 Quantum computing based on complex Clifford algebras
摘要:We propose to represent both $n$--qubits and quantum gates acting on them as
elements in the complex Clifford algebra defined on a complex vector space of
dimension $2n.$ We demonstrate its functionality by performing quantum
computations with several well known examples of quantum gates. We also compare
our approach with representations that use real geometric algebras.
【17】 Benchmarking Characterization Methods for Noisy Quantum Circuits
备注:18 pages, 23 figures; content originally in M.L.D. dissertation found at: this https URL
摘要:Effective methods for characterizing the noise in quantum computing devices
are essential for programming and debugging circuit performance. Existing
approaches vary in the information obtained as well as the amount of quantum
and classical resources required, with more information generally requiring
more resources. Here we benchmark the characterization methods of gate set
tomography, Pauli channel noise reconstruction, and empirical direct
characterization for developing models that describe noisy quantum circuit
performance on a 27-qubit superconducting transmon device. We evaluate these
models by comparing the accuracy of noisy circuit simulations with the
corresponding experimental observations. We find that the agreement of noise
model to experiment does not correlate with the information gained by
characterization and that the underlying circuit strongly influences the best
choice of characterization approach. Empirical direct characterization scales
best of the methods we tested and produced the most accurate characterizations
across our benchmarks.
【18】 Angle and angular momentum -- new twist for an old pair
备注:5+9 pages, 2 figures
摘要:Reaching ultimate performance of quantum technologies requires the use of
detection at quantum limits and access to all resources of the underlying
physical system. We establish a full quantum analogy between the pair of
angular momentum and exponential angular variable, and the structure of
canonically conjugate position and momentum. This includes the notion of
optimal simultaneous measurement of the angular momentum and angular variable,
the identification of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-like variables and states, and
finally a phase-space representation of quantum states. Our construction is
based on close interconnection of the three concepts and may serve as a
template for the treatment of other observables. This theory also provides a
new testbed for implementation of quantum technologies combining discrete and
continuous quantum variables.
【19】 General solution of the Schrödinger equation
摘要:The wave equation in quantum mechanics and its general solution in the phase
space are obtained.
【20】 Reply to the Comment on "Thermal, quantum antibunching and lasing thresholds from single emitters to macroscopic devices"
备注:1 Figure
摘要:We deconstruct and address a comment to Carroll et al. [Phys Rev Lett 126,
063902 (2021)] (PRL) that has been posted on arXiv appearing as two versions
[arXiv:2106.15242v1] and [arXiv:2106.15242v2]. This comment claimed that a term
in the model presented in the PRL had been incorrectly omitted and that, hence,
the laser threshold predicted by the model in the PRL is unattainable. We show
that the term in question was correctly neglected because it represents
collective effects that are not observable in the devices modelled in the PRL.
Moreover, even if this term were to be included, the laser threshold would
still be present, contrary to what was claimed in the comment. We conclude that
the model presented in PRL is correct and that its results are innovative and
of wide application in laser physics and quantum optics.
【21】 Analytical calculation formulas for capacities of classical and classical-quantum channels
摘要:We derive an analytical calculation formula for the channel capacity of a
classical channel without any iteration while its existing algorithms require
iterations and the number of iteration depends on the required precision level.
Hence, our formula is its first analytical formula without any iteration. We
apply the obtained formula to examples and see how the obtained formula works
in these examples. Then, we extend it to the channel capacity of a
classical-quantum (cq-) channel. Many existing studies proposed algorithms for
a cq-channel and all of them require iterations. Our extended analytical
algorithm have also no iteration and output the exactly optimum values.
【22】 Bregman divergence based em algorithm and its application to classical and quantum rate distortion theory
摘要:We formulate em algorithm in the framework of Bregman divergence, which is a
general problem setting of information geometry. That is, we address the
minimization problem of the Bregman divergence between an exponential subfamily
and a mixture subfamily in a Bregman divergence system. Then, we show the
convergence and its speed under several conditions. We apply this algorithm to
rate distortion and its variants including the quantum setting, and show the
usefulness of our general algorithm.
【23】 U(1) Fields from Qubits: an Approach via D-theory Algebra
备注:42 pages, 8 figures
摘要:A new quantum link microstructure was proposed for the lattice QCD
Hamiltonian, replacing the Wilson gauge links by a bilinear of fermionic
qubits, later generalized to D-theory. This formalism provides a general
framework for building lattice field theory algorithms for quantum computing.
We focus mostly on the simplest case of a quantum rotor for a single compact
U(1) field. We also make some progress for non-abelian setups, making it clear
that the ideas developed in the U(1) case extend to other groups. These in turn
are building blocks for 1+0 matrix models, 1+1 sigma models and non-Abelian
gauge theories in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. By introducing multiple flavors for
the U(1) field, where the flavor symmetry is gauged, we can efficiently
approach the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of the quantum O(2) rotor with
increasing flavors. The emphasis of the method is on preserving the symplectic
algebra exchanging fermionic qubits by sigma matrices (or hard bosons) and
developing a formal strategy capable of generalization to SU(3) field for
lattice QCD and other non-Abelian 1+1 sigma models or 1+3 gauge theories. For
U(1) we discuss briefly the qubit algorithms for the study of the discrete 1+1
Sine-Gordon equation.
【24】 Strongly interacting trapped one-dimensional quantum gases: an exact solution
备注:22 pages, 19 figures
摘要:Quantum correlations can be used as a resource for quantum computing, eg for
quantum state manipulation, and for quantum sensing, eg for creating
non-classical states which allow to achieve the quantum advantage regime. This
review collects the predictions coming from a family of exact solutions which
allows to describe the many-body wavefunction of strongly correlated quantum
fluids confined by a tight waveguide and subjected to any form of longitudinal
confinement. It directly describes the experiments with trapped ultracold atoms
where the strongly correlated regime in one dimension has been achieved. The
exact solution applies to bosons, fermions and mixtures. It allows to obtain
experimental observables such as the density profiles and momentum distribution
at all momentum scales, beyond the Luttinger liquid approach. It also predicts
the exact quantum dynamics at all the times, including the small oscillations
regime yielding the collective modes of the system and the large quench regime
where the system parameters are changed considerably. The solution can be
extended to describe finite-temperature conditions, spin and magnetization
effects. The review illustrates the idea of the solution, presents the key
theoretical achievements and the main experiments on strongly correlated
one-dimensional quantum gases.
【25】 Classical and quantum walks on paths associated with exceptional Krawtchouk polynomials
备注:22 pages, 4 figures
摘要:Classical and quantum walks on some finite paths are introduced. It is shown
that these walks have explicit solutions given in terms of exceptional
Krawtchouk polynomials and their properties are explored. In particular,
fractional revival is shown to take place in the corresponding quantum walks.
【26】 Coherence dynamics in low-energy nuclear fusion
备注:Submitted to Physics Letters B on 5th January 2022
摘要:Low-energy nuclear fusion reactions have been described using a dynamical
coupled-channels density matrix method, based on the theory of open quantum
systems. For the first time, this has been combined with an energy projection
method, permitting the calculation of energy resolved fusion probabilities. The
results are benchmarked against calculations using stationary Schr\"odinger
dynamics and show excellent agreement. Calculations of entropy, energy
dissipation and coherence were conducted, demonstrating the capability of this
method. It is evident that the presence of quantum decoherence does not affect
fusion probability. This framework provides a basis for quantum thermodynamic
studies using thermal environments.