超详解 | 阿尔茨海默病重磅新药Lecanemab全球III期研究(中文幻灯)
我认为我们无需太在意这一点,我当然也是这样。有这么多的亚组,总有一定的可能它们倾向于另一个方向。我认为,对于ApoE4纯合子亚组,首先,它是一个人数很少的亚组。它出人意料地在安慰剂组中显示出减缓的衰退现象,这可能是其中的一个原因。重点在于,在很多很多的其他结局指标中ApoE4纯合子亚组支持仑卡奈单抗的疗效, 如果我们看下一张幻灯,我们对ADAS-cog和ADCS MCI-ADL两个指标进行同样的分析,我们可以看到森林图中的这些亚组都支持仑卡奈单抗的疗效, 包括ApoE4纯合子亚组(I don't think we should make too much of this,I certainly don't. This is with so many subgroups were bound by chance to have some that go the opposite direction. And I think for ApoE4 Homozygote, first of all, it's a small subgroup. It showed unexpectedly slow decline with the CDR-SB in the placebo group, which may have been a factor. And maybe importantly is that for pretty much all other endpoints, all other assessments, the ApoE4 Homozygote group did favorably Lecanemab, including if we look at the next slide, which is the same analysis with the ADAS-cog and the ADCS MCI-ADL, now you scan down the forest plots and every last one of them favors the Lecanemab, including for the ApoE4 Homozygote)。
”这可能是因为这些指标可能需要时间才能做出反应,也可能是因为仑卡奈单抗去除了脑内的淀粉样蛋白,具体原因还有待在进行中的研究中继续随访跟踪(Potentially because these measures may take more time to respond, they may be compounded by having amyloid removal and I will be followed in ongoing studies)。
”我们知道tPA是一种溶栓剂,它有出血的风险,最终出血发生了,病人去世了,这可能是tPA造成的并出现在使用仑卡奈单抗的患者上(My neurology colleagues know that this is a thrombolytic, which means that has a known complication of a hemorrhage. And the hemorrhage did occur and the patient expired. But it can It was in the setting of tPA in Lecanemab)。
”患者使用阿哌沙班(Eliquis)治疗房颤,在OLE阶段患者开始使用仑卡奈单抗4个月后出现了多次的跌倒、肺炎并出现了大出血。于是患者停用了阿哌沙班(Eliquis)。后续患者使用了(肝素)治疗他的房颤和心肌梗死,最后因为心跳呼吸骤停死亡。要确定这些案例与仑卡奈单抗的关系有点困难。我理解有人会说可能有些关系,但这需要更进一步的探讨(…Eliquis for atrial fibrillation, who had many falls and pneumonia and developed a macro hemorrhage 4 months after initiation of Lecanemab open label treatment. Eliquis was stopped. The patient subsequently because he had atrial fibrillation, had a myocardial infarction and died from cardiopulmonary arrest. These cases show that the causality with Lecanemab is a little difficult. And I understand that if people want to say that there's some causality, these things are continued to be explored)。
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