
征稿通知 | 第十六届国际认知语言学大会(ICLC-16)主题会议(theme session)摘要征集

认知语义学 认知语义学

The 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

Main theme: Modeling Language and Cognition

August 7-11, 2023, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany https://iclc16.phil.hhu.de/call/


A Diachronic Cross-linguistic Study of the Macro-event Hypothesis


Fuyin (Thomas) Li, Beihang University, Beijing

thomasli@buaa.edu.cn; thomaslifuyin@hotmail.com


Fuyin (Thomas) Li received his Ph.D. in English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2002. He is professor of linguistics at Beihang University, where he has organized the China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics (cifcl.buaa.edu.cn) since 2004. As the founding editor of the journal Cognitive Semantics (brill.com/cose), the founding editor of International Journal of Cognitive Linguistics, editor of the series Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics (brill.com/dlcl, originally Eminent Linguists’ Lecture Series), editor of Compendium of Cognitive Linguistics Research, and organizer of ICLC-11, he plays a significant role in the international expansion of Cognitive Linguistics.

    His main research interests involve Talmyan cognitive semantics, the overlapping systems model, event grammar, causality, etc. with a focus on synchronic and diachronic perspectives on Chinese data, and a strong commitment to usage-based models and corpus methods.

    His representative publications include the following: Semantics: A Course Book (1999), Metaphor, Image, and Image Schemas in Second Language Pedagogy (2009), Semantics: An Introduction (in Chinese, 2007), An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (in Chinese, 2008), Semantic Typology of Events (in Chinese, 2019), An Introduction of Event Grammar (in Chinese, 2021), Ten Lectures on Cognitive Semantics: Basic Theories (in Chinese, 2022), Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Volume Ⅰ: Concept Structuring Systems (Chinese version, 2017), Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Volume Ⅱ: Typology and Process in Concept Structuring (Chinese version, 2019), both volumes were originally published in English, written by Leonard Talmy in 2000 and published with the MIT Press. 

His personal homepage: http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/lifuyin/en/index.htm



A few prominent theoretical models in Cognitive Linguistics are based on a systematic study of the form-meaning mapping between different syntactic and semantic levels. The two-way typology studies the mapping of the semantic element PATH onto the formal expression, i.e. the verb or satellite (Talmy 1985, 1991, 2000). The manner/result complementarity hypothesis is based on the distribution of MANNER and RESULT in the verb (Levin & Rappaport Hovav 1991). The English resultative constructions are studied from the syntactic level of a clause (Goldberg & Jackendoff 2004). Different semantic concept may correspond to different size of the formal construction. Therefore, adjustment of the granularity of the concept at semantic level may correspond to different expression at the syntactic level. Such as, the semantic concept of PATH is at a finer grained level in the semantics than that of EVENT. The former may correspond to form at lexical level, while the latter, to clause. Similarly, a verb is at a finer grained level in syntax than a clause.

    It seems few (if not none) of these models above are proposed from the diachronic perspective at the semantic level of the macro-event.

    The Macro-event Hypothesis is proposed at the level of semantics to reflect the evolutionary trend of a language. Simply put, languages may generally fall into two broad categories, macro-event type languages and non-macro-event type languages. Alternatively, it can be stated in a more elaborated way as follows.

    The macro-event hypothesis: A language can generally use a construction in which one clause is in a certain syntactic relation with another clause to represent, correspondingly, a situation in which one event is in a certain semantic relation with another event. Some semantic relations, such as manner and cause, are privileged, while others, such as an if-then conditional, are not. For the privileged cases, some languages can use a single clause to represent the entire situation as a single larger event, termed “macro-event”. In such cases, human cognition can treat the same situation either more analytically as discrete simpler events with a connection, or more synthetically as a unitary integrated complex event. This dichotomy might alternatively be viewed as a continuum in several aspects. With corresponding semantic gradations, there might exist syntactic gradations from a double to a single clause representation and, within the single clause, from less to more grammaticalized for some constituents. Diachronically, a language might then progressively change its representation of a privileged relation from having solely a highly analytic one to also having a highly synthetic one. On this basis, languages may fall into two major categories: Macro-event languages and non-macro-event languages, which then might be further divided into four distinctive types, respectively: steady state macro-event languages versus conflated macro-event languages, and steady state non-macro-event languages versus deconflated non-macro-event languages.

    Existing literature (Li 2018, 2019, 2020) indicates that Mandarin belongs to a Macro-event language.

    The Macro-event Hypothesis requires both empirical and cross-linguistic support. Papers on any aspect of it are welcome.


Send the following to the theme session organizer Thomas (thomasli@buaa.edu.cn; thomaslifuyin@hotmail.com) before the Deadline of Oct 25, 2022:

paper title, author(s) name, institution, e-mail, an abstract of no more than 100 words in English.

Issues to be explored(主题会议摘要选题范围):

Patterns, rules and regularities revealed in the evolutionary pathway of semantic elements at different granularity --- included are PATH, MANNER, CAUSE, EVENT, RESULTATIVE, MACRO-EVENT, etc.--- should be explored, with connection with their linguistic forms, included are verb, satellite, preposition, directional, complement, verb complex, serial verb, etc.



The acceptance of the theme session proposal will be notified by Nov 15, 2022.



Then submit your full abstract to the ICLC16 website before December 15, 2022.




  1. Goldberg, Adele E. & Ray Jackendoff. 2004. The English resultative as a family of constructions. Language 80: 532-568.

  2. Levin, Beth & Malka Rappaport Hovav. 1991. Wiping the slate clean: A lexical semantic exploration. Cognition 41: 123-151.

  3. Li, Thomas Fuyin. 2018. Extending the Talmyan typology: A case study of the macro-event as event integration and grammaticalization in Mandarin. Cognitive Linguistics 29(3): 585-621.

  4. Li, Thomas Fuyin. 2019. Evolutionary order of macro-events in Mandarin. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 17(1): 155-186.

  5. Li, Fuyin. 2020. Macro-event hypothesis and its empirical studies in Mandarin. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 52(3): 349-360.

    Talmy, Leonard. 1985. Lexicalization patterns: Semantic structure in lexical forms”. In T. Shopen (Ed.), Language Typology and Lexical Descriptions: Vol. 3. Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  6. Talmy, Leonard. 1991. Path to realization: A typology of event conflation. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on the Grammar of Event Structure, 480-519.

  7. Talmy, Leonard. 2000. Toward a Cognitive Semantics. Volume II: Typology and Process in Concept Structuring. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Cognitive Semantics



刊讯 | Cognitive Semantics征稿启事


Cognitive Semantics


Fuyin (Thomas) Li (Beihang University, China)


George Lakoff (University of California at Berkeley, USA)

Ronald W. Langacker (University of California at San Diego, USA)

Leonard Talmy (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)










编辑、排版 I 刘娜


