
Chengdu Agricultural College Fully Chinese Language Scholarship

Cathy Scholarship Cathy 2023-05-07

Chinese Language Scholarship Program

Scholarship: The scholarship cover all tuition fee and accommodation fee.

↓↓↓ Eligibility ↓↓↓

1. Non-Chinese citizens

2. Meet the age requirements:

Diploma Program: 18-30 years old

↓↓↓ Application Documents ↓↓↓

1. Application Form for International Students in Chengdu Agricultural College
2. Copy of high school graduation Certificate (college study certificate) (original enrollment)
3. High school transcripts (or school transcripts) with official seal
4. Copy of passport (remaining validity more than 1 year) Personal information page, visa page or residence permit
5. No proof of criminal record
6. Physical examination form for foreigners
7. Passport specification 10 photos
8. Declaration
9. Consent Form
10. 3-minute Self-introduction Video (Chinese/English)
11. Others

↓↓↓ Application Deadline ↓↓↓

Application deadline: July 15, 2023
Starting date: September 2023


