
08/25 | 福浪×morrisworks VOL.3


8.25 周五

VOL.3 继续免票!








面具哥哥 since2023 by MorrisWorks


Mickey Zhang





Mickey Zhang(张然)是中国电子舞曲文化的领军人物。在23年的音乐生涯中,  Mickey不仅仅以DJ、制作人、派对活动主办方的身份推动着中国电音文化的发展, 他更像是中国乃至亚洲的电音大使,是最被国际认可的亚洲电子音乐人之一。 

Mickey 创造了中国电子乐发展史上的许多个第一:○ 第一个在柏林传奇俱乐部Tresor演出;○ 第一个登上ADE(阿姆斯特丹电子音乐节) 西班牙Sonar(享誉全球的前卫艺术、科技及音乐节);○ 法国MIDEM(法国戛纳国际音乐博览会);○ Wire(日本最大的室内 Techno 音乐节)等国际顶级音乐节;○ 第一个在国内发行原创电子乐专辑;
曾与Laurent Garnier、Ken Ishii、石野卓球、Technasia等国际级DJ同台献艺,在不断与众多电子音乐高手的切磋中磨砺出猛烈纯粹的Tehcno风格,并逐步确立起他在中国电音界的领军地位。

Mickey Zhang (Zhang Ran) is a godfather of Chinese dance music. His massive 23 years career spans DJing, producing, sound tracking, and numerous album releases. Taken together, he has become an ambassador for China’s burgeoning electronic music scene.As his career took off, Mickey went on to set many “firsts” in China’s growing electronic music scene: the 1st Chinese artist to perform at Berlin’s legendary Tresor club, the first to play at Sonar in Spain, MIDEM in Cannes, Wire in Japan; and the first to release an original electronic album in China itself. He also has a myriad of international collaborations under his belt – including Laurent Garnier, Ken Ishii, Ishino, and Technasia (to name but a few).

DJ OuYang 欧洋SHAPE \* MERGEFORMATStyle: house, techno house, minimal, break beat作为中国辉煌时的的摇滚⾳乐人,用震撼的摇滚音乐影响了⽆数年轻人。今天,他是电子舞曲行业蓬勃而生的DJ强手。他正在把他特有的对于音乐的感召与热情投入到每次DJ现场中。Ou Yang曾是中国80's如雷灌耳的乐队,如“面孔”、“超载”、“何勇”乐队贝司⼿,并在 1994年的香港红磡中国摇滚新势力演出。现在他依然带领着崭新的“追星族”乐队。正是这 些丰富的音乐创作体验与历练,令他在中国众多DJ中具有独树一帜的声响,摇滚音乐中肆意温暖的热情,令人激动不已的旋律都被他与沸腾的电⼦节奏融汇贯通,硬朗的电子节拍就这样在的手指下充满了感性与酣畅。2003年对于Ou Yang是个里程碑似的经历,专程远赴英国学习电子音乐,让他确定了音乐以DJ为事业的决心和自信,拥有了宽阔视野的同时更使得他具备理性的艺术思维,并用他真诚的心不断的在舞曲领域开创属于自己的DJING方式。随着他不断在北京多家俱乐部和不同的party中担任DJ,如糖果等俱乐部的绚烂感受,白兔俱乐部深邃中的感动,都让Ou Yang的DJIN日斟成熟,具有鲜明的Ou Yang标签似的撼动舞曲。自2006年起,Ou Yang开始连续三年登上迷笛音乐节的“焱舞曲舞台”。2009年再次在北京草莓音乐中的CoEmo舞曲舞台放歌。⼤型音乐节繁杂现场的精湛表演,更为Ou Yang确立他个人的风格与成就推波助澜。场面的控制与乐曲间大气的编排,细腻的音色表达,让所 有户外的人们在无法停止舞动的同时,内心充满久违的温暖感动。他将摇滚乐精髓深刻得融入进多种舞曲类型,把他对音乐的独到理解在节拍中释放,在techno的冷硬中铺垫感性的流露,在minimal中又突现灵动感觉, break beat中的爆发力更被他发挥的淋漓尽致。而分别和2008年焱新年倒计时party和2009年焱五周年庆典派队上,再次登上中国顶尖的party品牌“焱”的舞台,也更加确立了他在中国舞曲的位置。同时参加过2012年KIEHL'S在北京的品牌活动,2013,2014参加了DJ MAG做得DAVID GUETTA长城音乐节。2012,2013连续两年在西安瓮城国祭电子音乐节—MUSHROOM! Ou Yang并不满足单一的音乐生涯,在担任北京极为hot的演出俱乐部“愚公移山” 经理同时,参与策划多次不同类型演出,邀请过国际、国内众多艺术家和DJ强手,令愚公移山成为一个容纳乐队现场与舞曲活动的独特场地。如今,Ou Yang正带着他富有浓烈感情与冷静关怀的舞曲律动,逐步成为中国DJ中最为闪耀的DJ。

As a rock musician from the earliest glory days of rock in China, Ou Yang has influenced countless numbers of young people through the power of rock music. Today he is an up and coming DJ talent in the world of electronic dance music. He brings to every performance his unique musical inspiration and passion. Ou Yang played bass for many of the brash and very successful bands of the 80s, including Face, Overload and China's original bad boy of rock, He Yong. Today he is still on the cutting edge of rock in China, now as the bass player and driving force for the new band Chasing Stars. This experience both in the creative side of music as well as the performance side is the well spring on which he draws to bring new sounds to the DJ experience in China. He blends the passion and melodic sense of rock music with the driving force of electronic rhythms. Straight-up electronic beats in his hands become sensual and unrestrained expression.The year 2003 was a milestone year for Ou Yang, during which he travelled to the UK to  study electronic music, and set out on a new path to become a professional DJ. With a broadened vision, he was able to begin to use a more structured way of thinking about art to take the dance music that had always been in him and turn that into his own style as a DJ. Through DJing at many a wide variety of clubs and events in Beijing, such as Tango and White Rabbit, Ou Yang was able to hone his skills and style, creating a  signature “Ou Yang” dance sound.  Since 2006, Ou Yang has been featured each year on the Midi Festival’s Yen Electronic Music Stage. In 2009 Ou Yang was also asked to perform for the CoEmo Dance Stage.  DJing for the diverse crowds that attend large music events has provided an even better  way for Ou Yang to establish his own style and performance skills. Ou Yang’s skilled or chestration of the relationship between musical control of the dance space and the flow of the performance, coupled with the production of an exquisite sound experience ensure audiences at outdoor music events not only an incredible night of dance, that  leaves a lasting impression long after the event is over.  Ou Yang infuses the essence of rock music deeply into dance music of many kinds, and  the beats he creates reflect outward this unique musical sense. He brings a cushioning sense of revelation to the cold hardness of techno, a sense of fresh movement to minimal and gives full and free rein to the explosive power of break beat. At the Yen New Year Countdown Party 2008 and again at the Yen Fifth Anniversary Party 2009, Ou Yang was asked to perform for China's top party label, “Yen”, once again demonstrating his position in China's electronic and dance community.  Ou Yang, not satisfied with a single career in music, is also manager of one of Beijing's best clubs for live music, Yugong Yishan. As manager he has been involved in the planning and detailed management of musical events of many kinds, involving artists and DJs from around China as well as many other countries, making Yugong Yishan the only  venue in China as well known for its live music shows as it is for its dance events.  His experience in the music industry, his unique role in the worlds of rock and electronic music, his skills and experience in being a DJ put Ou Yang well on his way to becoming  the most brilliant new star in the DJ galaxy.


LIMAN来自北京的电子音乐人,18岁开始接触电子音乐,早期使用老式鼓机与合成器进行现场演出。2007年开始真正的DJ生涯。2008年 LIMAN推出个人唱片《Dirty Party》,同名主打歌Dirty Party的成功,把他从地下跳舞世界带到了更大的舞台。Dirty Party随之也演变成了一个派对品牌,上演与北京上海的俱乐部。2009年-2010年 LIMAN已经被来华的众多国际殿堂级DJ指定为中国区的暖场嘉宾,这包括:A-Trak、Boys Noize、Steve Aoki、Busy P、Diplo、Peaches等。2010年 LIMAN推出个人混音唱片《Originalism》,唱片来自LIMAN 与中外9位艺人及乐队的合作作品。主打歌E OCEAN获得2011年阿比鹿音乐奖最佳电子单曲。2010-2012年 LIMAN开始了自己的多次全国巡演,步及北京;天津;青岛;上海;广州;深圳;西安;武汉;长沙;南京;成都; 重庆;昆明等城市,并创下多个CLUB的年度票房冠军。2012年 LIMAN受到世界DMC冠军A-Trak的邀请参加了位于德国科隆的著名俱乐部BOOTSHAUS的演出。2013年的众多音乐节上,LIMAN都担任起了电音舞台的压轴表演。他用他独有的低音节奏,成功的让更多的年轻人参与到电子派对中来。近10年的舞台经验,让他可以在万人面前放松自如的用电子音效控制着舞者的情绪。2020年年签约摩登天空,发行录音室全长个人唱片《Time Vulnerability》。2022年发行舞曲EP《The Seven Year Itch》,并重新回归到地下Club的舞台上。

guyan 古言






2016年小虫作品李谷一《山水》MV 副导演;


2022年娄烨导演作品 特约嘉宾 演员;


