藍晶石 ( Kynite )
藍晶石 ( Kynite )
蓝晶石有清淨心灵的作用,让心灵从束缚中解放出来,亦可以让人容易看透事情,提升洞察力,能令人勇敢地去实现理想,遇到阻碍也会无所畏惧。蓝晶石有助加强自我表达能力,加强逻辑与线性思维能力,消除恐惧、幻觉、怒气、挫折与压力。清新思维有助于脑部的思考,通灵性,有助于清晰的思维。感受月光的美 。性格刚烈、暴躁、冲动,做事如拼命三郎型的朋友,应该佩带,以调和个性。
It never needs cleaning as it does not hold negative energy. Encourages you to speak your truth, cutting through fears and blockages. Restores Qi to the physical body and it’s organs.
Healing – Treats muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, adrenals, a natural pain reliever, lowers blood pressure, releases excess weight. Balances yin-yang energy.
迅速对齐轮穴与灵体,疏通人体经络,使身体器官回复元气。蓝晶石是天然的止痛剂、可以降血压,治疗发烧与感染,对泌尿和生殖系统、甲状腺、副甲状腺、肾上腺、喉咙与大脑方面的疾病也有疗效。它还可以帮助减肥,对小脑活动与身体的肌肉也有益处。促进对梦境的回忆,从而加强梦境治疗的功效。清新思维有助于脑部的思考,通灵性,有助于清晰的思维。感受月光的美 。性格刚烈、暴躁、冲动,做事如拼命三郎型的朋友,应该佩带,以调和个性。通常可驱赶邪运、增强个人运气,并能促进智能,平稳情绪,提高直觉力、帮助思考、集中注意力、增强记忆力,给人勇气与力量,并且可以增加脑细胞的活力及脑袋的运转.传统意义上的护身符通常可驱赶邪运、增强个人运气,并能促进智能,平稳情绪,提高直觉力、帮助思考、集中注意力、增强记忆力,给人勇气与力量。
Blue Kyanite is the most widespread color of Kyanite and is the type most often seen. The most outstanding property that all colors of Kyanite are known for, is the ability to bring all of the chakras into alignment.It does this without the user needing to direct it by thought, but if it is directed it will have the extra result of being able to open the chakras.This article also covers other colors of Kyanite apart from Blue, and although they have similar properties there are some differences in their use.All are high vibration crystals and are powerful stones to align the chakras. All colors of this stone have particular chakras that it is most effective to heal, but all are powerful healing crystals and have a high vibration.
Any color of Kyanite will benefit the ongoing healing of the body and aid the development of spiritual and psychic gifts. It calms the mind and allows you to go deep into the restful and relaxing state required for a totally relaxed meditative experience.
Both Indigo Kyanite and the Blue Kyanite open you to spiritual honesty, and may help spiritual energy to flow through to your thoughts.
If you have been thinking, how can I align my chakras as well as make contact with my guardian spirit, this is the stone to use.
If you have been working on making a connection to higher guidance, Kyanite may assist you with contacting your spirit guide.