银~白发晶 (Platinum Rutilated Quartz )
银~白发晶 (Platinum Rutilated Quartz)
Platinum Rutilated Quartz
Platinum Rutilated Quartz has meaning and properties of broadening your consciousness. It will be useful when you want to broaden your horizons or try something new. Also, Platinum Rutilated Quartz can enhance its owner's creativity. It has been told as a gemstone that can provide new value to the world. This gemstone is good for people who are involved in development or research.
Platinum Rutilated Quartz is a gemstone that can enhance its owner's skills. It has meaning and properties of vitalizing potential. It would give you appropriate energy when you need your skills. Platinum Rutilated Quartz is used as a gemstone with great supporting power.