
新泊乐JUTAI 2020为梦起航联欢晚会

JUTAI JUTAI 2020-01-20


Song farewell to the old year, dance to celebrate Chinese New Year.

刚刚过去的2019年,是新泊乐JUTAI公司承前启后、继往开来的一年,也是大家收获颇丰的一年, 成功伴随着艰辛,喜悦伴随着汗水。在忙忙碌碌的每一天中,我们不知不觉就迎来了崭新的2020年! 今日我们欢聚一堂,共同庆贺新泊乐JUTAI 2020为梦起航联欢晚会!

The year 2019 that has just passed is a year of success and success for NPT&JUTAI Company. It is also a year of great harvest for everyone. Success is accompanied by hardships and joy with sweat. In every busy day, we unknowingly usher in a new 2020! Today we are gathered together to celebrate the NPT&JUTAI 2020 for the Dreaming Airline Gala Party!

(新泊乐严总致辞)NPT present Mr.YAN speech 


At the opening of the annual meeting, Presents Mr.Yan and Mr.Alan gave warm speeches. Summarizing the past, we are walking at the forefront of the market economy, leading the trend of the smart parking industry, winning many domestic and foreign projects, and witnessing the scientific and technological strength of NPT&JUTAI together with overseas friends; Looking forward to the future, we will continue to be full of enthusiasm in 2020 , Firm confidence, sincere service, continuous reform and innovation to welcome and give back to every customer of the company! 

(JUTAI廖总致辞) JUTAI present Mr. Alan speech 


With the enthusiastic song "My Country and I" by President Yan kicked off the party! Shock the audience! Working together is our tacit understanding, tenacious struggle is our eternal belief, and striving for the highest is our constant pursuit.

劲爆的舞蹈,展现了青春的魅力,新泊乐JUTAI 研发部带来舞蹈串烧《舞动青春》,尽显着年轻的活力与张扬,目前评委评分排名第一!

The explosive dance shows the charm of youth. The R&D department of NPT&JUTAI brought dance skewers "Dancing Youth", showing its youthful vitality and publicity. Currently, the judges rank first!

紧张的现金抽奖环节后,迎来的是一群年轻有为的帅哥给大家带来一段小品《一碗面》, 台下观众投入其中,早已料到《一碗面》的结局。

After the intense cash draw, a group of young and handsome guys ushered in a short piece of "Bowl of Noodles". The audience took part in it and had already expected the ending of "Bowl of Noodles".

动听的歌声《风吹麦浪》,男女合唱,由我们新泊乐JUTAI 研发部经理和海外市场部经理共同演绎,全场沸腾!

The beautiful song "Wind Blows the Wheat Waves" was performed by our R & D Manager and Overseas Marketing Manager.

男女合唱, 当然也有男男合唱经典歌曲《失恋阵线联盟》,唱出了轻松欢快的氛围。

Congratulations to the 2 lucky ones!

There is also a male and female chorus classic song "Lost Love Front Alliance", singing a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere!
有小品节目,当然还有相声节目《木目声》, 获得评委高分啊!

There are skit shows, and of course there is a cross talk show "Mu Mu Sheng", which got high marks from the judges!

最后由新泊乐JUTAI 四位女孩子献上舞蹈《你笑起来真好看》,目前评委评分排名第二!

Finally, four girls presented the dance "You look so nice when you laugh", and the judges are currently ranked second!


The intense audience voting session began, and the audience voted for their favorite programs. In the end, "You look so nice when you laugh l" got in first place!

游戏《传球》 《占据阵地》,这两个游戏体现了团队协作的整体性,胜出的团队每人获得奖券;游戏《动作接龙》可谓是各显神通,秀出各自的独家绝活;游戏《猜诗词》,抢答模式,现场人人参与,玩得尽兴!

The game "Passing" and "Possession", these two games reflect the integrity of teamwork, each of the winning team receives a lottery ticket; the game "Action Solitaire" can be described as a magical show, showing their own unique skills; "Guess the Poems", answer mode, everyone participating on the scene, have fun!


Lottery draws, incredible prizes!


The annual meeting slowly drew down the curtains of cheers and smiles.

Yesterday's results have become history, tomorrow's journey is a long way to go.
2020, the new year, standing on the new starting line.
Keep up with company leaders with a new look.
All NPT&JUTAI staff will go hand in hand
Will get a better result for the company's next annual meeting。
2020 will be furious!
新泊乐JUTAI 2020年将共同携手发展,有着雄厚的研发实力技术团队,专业且真诚的市场团队,精益求精的生产团队,为客户服务,提供更完整的产品系列、更健全的软件体系,更专业的方案。

NPT&JUTAI will develop together in 2020. It has a strong R&D strength technical team, a professional and sincere marketing team, and an rigorous production team to serve customers, provide a more complete product series, a more sound software system, and more professional solutions.

产品系列 Product serials

方案 Solutions
软件体系 Software
新泊乐JUTAI 与客户同在,再战2020, 只争朝夕,不负韶华!

NPT&JUTAI is together with our customer, Let’s seize the day and live it to the fullest, and greet the arrival of the year 2020 together!


