

QED教育 2022-10-07


作者:Karen 女士






Personal Statements





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第2部分:这将是您对所选课程的兴趣和参与程度。招生会关注那些阅读并在课堂外表现出更多兴趣的人, 通过书籍和活动等可以看到这一点。









谈论未来也是可取的。以目标为导向来谈论, 思考申请的课程如何匹配您未来的计划。







还有两种具体情况,选择一门与其他四门课程不同的课程可能是不可避免的。这些是 :




Philosophy and Maths

(University college - London)

‘The precision of maths suits my nature. I like detail, understanding complex information and the pleasurable challenge of problem- solving. I have particulary enjoyed studying pure maths at A level, most notably geometry, algebra and logic. I have been trying out the NRICH ‘prepare for university’ pure maths problems to refine my skills and ensure that I am fully ready for the next stage in my learning. I haven’t had the opportunity to formally study philosophy before. Novels such as Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder and L’Etranger by Albert Camus whetted my appetite to learn more on the subject, My interest was confirmed when I started reading about the philosophy questions, questioning assumptions and utilizing my skills of analysis and reflective thinking. I feel that philosophy is a natural choice for me. I look forward to an intellectually challenging course offering two complementary subjects which should help me to develop skills in quantitative and logical problem-solving, along with the ability to articulate my ideas. I might even manage to find answers to the big questions about life and the universe along the way’.

Including hobbies in personal statements

(Kings College, London)

‘Away from my studies, I am an enthusiastic (if not particularly skilled) footballer. Week in, week out, you’ll find me playing for the team I joined eight years ago. We show grit, commitment , and great teamwork in the face of stronger opposition and miserable weather. Our effective communication and team spirit help to make up for our lack of pace. These qualities served me well on my recent Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition where I also demonstrated my self – reliance by planning and completing a testing journey in the North York Moors. I enjoy being physically and mentally challenged and take pleasure in the contrast with  my academic life at sixth form. I hope that these skills and qualities will come in useful at university and in my future career. I know that my academic studies will be demanding, so I intend to join a football team while I am at university to keep me physically fit and mentally well, as well as extending my friendship group’.

Mathematics and Computer Science

(Oxford University)

‘When asked why I like Mathematics , I realized that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers. My character’s orderly side draws me enthusiastically towards neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed’. 

Electrical and Electronic  Engineering Personal Statement

‘I have always had a creative ability and a fascination with how things work. The challenge of solving practical problems inherent in the field of engineering directly appeals to these traits. I am particulary interested in electrical and electronic engineering because it is such a rapidly evolving discipline’.


(Oxford University)

‘When moving from GCSE to A level I approached the two ‘new’ subjects I had chosen with excitement and some trepidation. I now realise taking Politics and Economics was the right choice. My experiences of A level Economics have shown me the fundamental part it plays in our lives and I am keen to study it in more depth and be able to use my knowledge to complete individual economic based studies , I am especially interested in the political nature of economics and feel that the two disciplines are complementary. I also enjoy looking at the Economics of Work & Leisure as it emphasizes the importance economics has on consumer choices in everyday life. I enjoy this as it looks at the subject in a practical sense rather than simply theory. I keep up to date with current economic affairs by reading ‘The Economist” and ‘The Times’. I have been on Work Experience in a Minister’s Parliamentary Office where I was fascinated by the diversity of issues dealt with. I work with Politics on a local level and attended the Sutton Borough Youth Parliament Election Workshops to learn how young people can be active in politics’.

Computer Science 

(Cambridge University)

‘I find it amazing to watch as the digital revolution sculpts society at a rate that has never before been see; there is so much more to be discovered. Quantum computing is a topic that particularly interests me, stemming from my studies and keen interest in physics. I find it incredible to think that technology has reached the point that we are solving problems using the quantum mechanical nature of single electrons. I am looking forward to becoming part of the next generation of computer scientists, to bring new ideas to the table and build on the work of today’s greatest minds.

I have developed a love for problem solving. From as early age I enjoyed writing bits of code to move a pen around the screen to draw. “Pen Down”, “UP 4” and so on. However, I did not start my passion until I had started my GCSEs . My school was offering a new course called programs and manipulating computers in new ways using the programs experience of my teacher to guide me. I would write a program to do my maths homework for me and, during my work experience at Big Talk Productions, I wrote a program to sort through a list of film recommendations, picking out the top suggestions from a set of comments on a blog . I have also explored networking through the CISCO course at my school and experimentation at home. Building physical networks and trying to troubleshoot them is engaging and the satisfaction of finding the missing piece to the puzzle after hours of trial and refinement is unbeatable. “


(Oxford University)

‘Mathematics has been one of my favourite subjects throughout my academic career, mainly because of my love of problem solving, however, I also enjoy the notion of mathematical proof. I enjoy constructing proofs because the absolute nature of them makes finding one via logical conclusion all the more gratifying. I appreciate applying mathematical techniques to problem solving through the use of algorithms as well. I found a website called projecteuler.net dedicated to the late mathematician, which has a series of logical problems that can only be solved by writing a program to calculate the answer. The problems become very challenging very quickly and the scale of the data becomes huge. This makes the importance of application efficiency very clear and trying to achieve this becomes intensely mathematical which makes finding the solution more and more rewarding. “















