
新展预告 | BLANKgallery 张炜个展 : 离魂 Departed Soul

BLANKgallery BLANKgallery

张炜:离魂Zhang Wei: Departed Soul
展期 | Date2023/05/13-06/15‍
策展人 | Curator邹一智 Zou Yizhi, 钱秦运 Blanca Qian
开幕时间 | Private View
2023/05/13 16:00-18:30
地点 | Venue上海普陀区莫干山路50号M50艺术园17号楼102室 102, Building 17, M50 Art Park, No.50 Moganshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

BLANKgallery 荣幸宣布将于 2023 年 5 月 13 日呈现代理艺术家张炜个展:“离魂 Departed Soul”。本次展览将集合张炜从2019年至2023年间的创作,以布面丙烯的广⻆场景作品为主线,穿插呈现运用复合媒介凸显片段叙事的作品,将张炜作品中由色彩所构成的精神力量逐步引出。展览将于5月13日(周六)下午4点开幕, 展览将持续到2023年6月15日。



BLANKgallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition "Departed Soul" by Zhang Wei, one of our representing artists, on May 13, 2023. The exhibition will bring together Zhang Wei's works from 2019 to 2023, featuring wide-angle scenes on acrylic on canvas, interspersed with works that use composite media to highlight fragmented narratives and to draw out the spiritual power of color in Zhang Wei's works. The exhibition will open on Saturday, May 13 at 4 pm and will run until June 15, 2023. 

The exhibition takes Zhang Wei's memoirs of his life from the year of 2008 to 2014 as the main narrative line, faithfully reproducing not only the factual details but also the lingering emotional trails. Measurable details of history are meaningless, or at least meaningless to live. The most real are the emotions that inspire intuition at this moment. A wise man who sees the nature of shadows must pay the price of sobriety, but perhaps this is the happiness he seeks. 

The people and objects in Zhang Wei's work are featureless, thin, and ghostly, just small blobs of color layered on top of each other. The colors he uses to create abstract sensations reproduce the uncertain visual perception of the impending intersection with reality in a half-waking dream world. The color scheme resembles an alchemical experiment that seems to be episodic but follows strict scientific logic. Purifying the emotions contained in colors requires thousands of experiments to refine them.



张炜(b.1983)生于浙江温岭; 2003 年完成德国柏林艺术大学巴度尔教授的夏季学院绘画课程; 2004 年 4 月完成德国艺术家克里斯蒂安(Abraham David Christian)教授的绘画课程; 2005 年毕业于中国美术学院综合艺术系; 现工作及生活于上海。

近年主要展览经历包括:个展:“离魂”,BLANKgallery,上海,中国(2023年); “春潮”,BLANKgallery,上海,中国(2022年); “半开的⻔”,工作室画廊, 上海,中国(2022年); “迎春画展”,站台中国,北京,中国(2021年); “约翰摩尔绘画奖 10 周年巡回展”,四川美术学院美术馆,重庆,中国(2021 年); “约翰莫尔绘画奖作品展”,上海⺠生美术馆,上海,中国(2020年); “⻘年之光”,泰达文化艺术中心,天津,中国(2019年); “新星势力— —全国新⻘年藝術家作品展”,关山漾美术馆,武汉,中国(2019年)。

Zhang Wei (b.1983) was born in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, China; he completed the Summer Academy Painting Course taught by Professor Badol at the University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany in 2003; he completed the Painting Course taught by German artist Abraham David Christian in April 2004; he graduated from the Department of Integrated Arts of the China Academy of Art in 2005; he now lives and works in Shanghai. 

 "Departed Soul", BLANKgallery, Shanghai, China (2023); "Spring Blooming", BLANKgallery, Shanghai, China (2022); "Half Open Door", Studio Gallery, Shanghai, China (2022); "Welcome Spring Painting Exhibition", Platform China, Beijing, China (2021); "John Moore Painting Award 10th Anniversary Touring Exhibition ", Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Art Museum, Chongqing, China (2021); "John Moore Painting Prize Exhibition", Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China (2020); "Light of Youth", TEDA Culture Center, Tianjin, China (2019); "New Star Power - National New Young Artists Exhibition", Guanshanyang Art Museum, Wuhan, China (2019).

正在展出 Current Exhibition

访问时间 Openning Hours
周二至周日 Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00

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联系方式 Contact


