宏藝空間荣幸举办《移动景观—鲍菡 薛扬 张利华》群展,此次展览贯穿宏艺空间一、二号展厅,带来空间上的移动感受。一号展厅《移动景观:诗与远方》通过大海,山川,湖泊,街景及人物,憧憬理想与美好;二号展厅《移动景观:日常小景》,则通过人物,花卉,生活化和剧场式场景,展现生活日常的感动与温馨。此次展览的作品来自三位深圳的艺术家:鲍菡、薛扬、张利华,创作于2015年至2020年间的布面油画,纸本油彩,纸本丙烯,以及雕塑作品。透过作品景观式的视角,场景化地展现了三位艺术家对个体,对周遭,对社会的体察与感受,使大众通过艺术家的个人视角,发现生活中共情却不共景的一面。Moving Scenes
by Bao Han, Xue Yang, Zhang Lihua
Opening | 3 - 5 pm, 12th September, 2020
Dates | 12th September - 1st November, 2020
Address | Great Art Space No.1&2
No.1003 Shennan Avenue, Futian, Shenzhen
GREAT ART SPACE is pleased to present Moving Scenes by Bao Han, Xue Yang, Zhang Lihua Group Exhibition. The exhibtion will be located at Great Art Space No.1&No.2, In Great Art Space No.1 "Moving Scene: Poems and Dreams" shows the longing for dreams and beauty through the works of seas, mountains, lakes, street scenes and people. In Great Art Space No.2 "Moving Scene: Small Daily Views" shows touching moments and warmth of daily life through characters, flowers, living and theatrical scenes.The works in this exhibition are oil paintings on canvas, oil on paper, acrylic on paper, and sculptures created by three Shenzhen-based artists, Bao Han, Xue Yang, and Zhang Lihua, works are created between 2015 and 2020. The three artists’ perceptions and feelings of the individuals, the surroundings, and the society are displayed through the scenes in the works. The viewers can discover the empathic side of life through the the artists’ personal perspectives.鲍菡,女,江苏扬州人,俄罗斯列宾美术学院油画系硕士毕业,深圳大学艺术学部美术设计学院讲师。2019年是鲍菡绘画风格开始转变的时期,她从早期的学院派写实主义,逐渐变得洒脱,此次展出的作品来自她最新的静物,玫瑰,大海以及山的系列。她的作品将古典与现代、具体形象与深刻寓意相结合,赋予了作品丰富的内涵与深厚的哲学意味。
鲍菡, 无题,2019,布面油画
Bao Han, Untitled, 2019, Oil on canvas, 60X60 cm
鲍菡, 唐璜的童年,2019,布面油画
Bao Han, The Childhood of Don Juan, 2019
Oil on canvas, 50X40 cm
Xue Yang, Reality Is More Beautiful than Poems
Oil on canvas, 120X100 cm
薛扬,向着夜的秩序,2020,布面油画Xue Yang, Orders toward the NightOil on canvas, 100x120 cm利华,生于湖南,2011年毕业于中央美院壁画系研究生课程班,现工作和生活于深圳。张利华的艺术创作贯穿于生活之中,灵感来自生活中的风景、事物和人,笔下描绘了家人与亲情,日常的生活片段点滴,周围的环境,以及自己对人生的感悟,更描绘了自己安静祥和的内心。
Zhang Lihua, Thoughts Are Flying
Oil on canvas, 120x100 cm
张利华 , 粉色的雨露, 2019,布面油画
Zhang Lihua, Pink Rain, 2019, Oil on canvas, 30X50 cm
No.1003 Shennan Ave., Futian, Shenzhen
138 2333 5003, 免费参观 Free entry
开放时间 Opening Time
周一 Mon 13:00-19:00
周二至周日 Tue-Sun 10:00-19:00