
论文快递: 第一百九十六期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百九十六期,将介绍 Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括空间争夺和分裂,公共空间的隔离,城市去增长,绅士化,公交与失业/贫困,欢迎阅读。


Making sense of segregation: Transitional thinking and contested space               


Joanne Murphy(英国伯明翰大学Sara McDowell(英国莱斯特大学)首次出版时间:2023/3/29|研究论文
AbstractIn segregated societies space is typically a source of conflict and confusion. Everyday geographies are often navigated through complex patterns of movement that are sensitive to the ‘other’ and their spatial practices. Individuals adjust and tailor their movements, in part, because of the fear of the unknown. This paper, using three embedded cases of interface communities in Northern Ireland, considers how processes of spatial ‘sensemaking’ can reduce anxiety about contested spaces in deeply divided communities. The paper makes three important contributions. First it extends conceptualisations of sensemaking to a focused reading of geographical space in a divided society. This marks an important extension for a theory that until now has been largely confined to the organisational studies literature and provides a theoretical scaffolding with which to better understand individual and group responses to spatial contestation and division. Second, it identifies how processes of sensemaking, married with what we term a ‘connecting methodology’, can instigate individuals to make, break and give sense to themselves and others around issues of past contestation and current disputes. Finally, it argues that these interventions can occasion transitional thinking and new movement through contested space, an important contribution for those working and living in divided societies. The paper draws on data from a wider project on community commemoration in Northern Ireland which explore how individuals and communities collectively move through contested spaces. The process of sensemaking, we argue, can redefine the parameters for participatory methodologies and provide unique opportunities to break deadlocks in deeply divided societies.




built environment, community, conflict, diversity/cohesion/segregation, history/heritage/memory, public space

关键词建筑环境, 社区, 冲突, 多样性/凝聚力/隔离, 历史/遗产/记忆, 公共空间


Beyond the pale: Fencing off parks for festivals


Andrew Smith(英国威斯敏斯特大学首次出版时间:2023/3/29|研究论文

Pale is the Old English word for fence, and the phrase ‘to go beyond the pale’ means to stray beyond the limits of acceptable action. In this critical commentary I discuss whether the installation of temporary fencing in public parks to secure ticketed festivals is now beyond the pale. Fences restrict access but they also affect how park spaces are perceived, used and managed. I use photographs taken in three different London parks to illustrate the materiality of these temporary structures, but also their aesthetic impact, symbolic significance and lasting legacies. I argue that temporary fences have enduring effects on parks and public spaces by discouraging everyday use, by preparing the ground for future incursions, and by normalising and festivalising barriers that restrict access. My commentary highlights the often overlooked importance of fences and illustrates the splintered and sequestered nature of contemporary cities – where citizens are increasingly fenced off.

摘要 “Pale” 在古英语中是“栅栏”的意思,“to go beyond the pale”这个短语的意思是偏离可接受的行动范围。这篇评论文章讨论了节日期间在公园安装临时围栏凭票入场的做法是否合适。围栏限制出入,也会影响公园空间的感知、使用和管理。本文利用在伦敦三个不同的公园拍摄的照片,来说明这些临时结构的重要性,以及它们的美学影响、象征意义以及持久的遗留问题。本文认为,临时围栏通过阻止日常使用、为未来的侵占做好准备、以及使限制进入的障碍物正常化和节日化,对公园和公共空间产生持久的影响。本文强调了围栏经常被忽视的重要性,并说明了当代城市分裂和隔离的本质—公民越来越多地拦在栅栏外面。

architecture, arts, cohesion, culture, diversity, events, parks, public space, segregation, social justice


建筑, 艺术, 凝聚力, 文化, 多样性, 活动, 公园, 公共空间, 隔离, 社会正义

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231160943


Urbanizing degrowth: Five steps towards a Radical Spatial Degrowth Agenda for planning in the face of climate emergency


Maria Kaika(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)Angelos Varvarousis(西班牙巴塞罗那大学)Federico Demaria(西班牙贝拉泰拉巴塞罗那自治大学环境科学与技术学院)Hug March(西班牙加泰罗尼亚大学)首次出版时间:2023/3/21|研究论文
AbstractWe call for coupling degrowth with urban studies and planning agendas as an academically salient and politically urgent endeavour. Our aim is threefold: to explore ways for ‘operationalising’ degrowth concepts into urban and regional everyday spatial practices; to sketch pathways for taking degrowth conceptually and methodologically beyond localised experiments and inform larger scale planning practices and international agendas; and to critically assess the multiple ways in which such a radical urban degrowth agenda will have to differ in the Global North and in the Global South. We outline five steps for such a programmatic, yet paradigmatic, urban degrowth agenda. These are: (1) grounding current degrowth debates within their historical–geographical context; (2) engaging (planning) institutions in linking degrowth practices to urbanisation policies; (3) examining how urban insurgent degrowth alliances can be scaled up without co-optation; (4) focusing on the role of experts and professionals in bringing degrowth principles into everyday urban practice; and (5) prefiguring how degrowth agendas can confront the diverse and unequal urban social relations and uneven outcomes in the Global North and South.

我们呼吁将去增长与城市研究和规划议程结合起来,这是一项学术上十分重要,政治上十分紧迫的工作。我们的目标有三个:探索将去增长概念应用到城市和区域日常空间实践中的方法;勾勒出在概念上和方法上超越本地化实验的去增长路径,并为更大规模的规划实践和国际议程提供参考;以及批判性地评估这种激进的城市去增长议程在发达国家和发展中国家所需的多个方面的差异。对于这样一个有计划、却又典型化的城市去增长议程,我们概述了其五个步骤。这五个步骤是:(1) 将当前的去增长辩论置于其历史地理背景下;(2) 让(规划)机构参与将去增长实践与城市化政策联系起来的过程;(3) 考查如何在不妥协的前提下扩大城市去增长反抗联盟;(4) 关注在将去增长原则应用于日常城市实践的过程中专家和专业人士的作用;(5) 预想在全球北方和全球南方,去增长议程如何面对各种不平等的城市社会关系以及不平等的结果。

Keywords degrowth, imaginaries, planning, postgrowth, urban political ecology

去增长, 想象, 规划, 后增长, 城市政治生态学



Examining the long-term influence of New Deal era redlining on contemporary gentrification


Joseph Gibbons(美国圣地亚哥州立大学



The New Deal era’s Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) programme has garnered notoriety for denying Black communities financial investment based on their race through the practice known as redlining. It is possible that redlining influenced future investment in these neighbourhoods by making them more appealing to gentrifiers through creating a rent gap or increasing the percentage of non-White populations. To explore the link between HOLC redlining and gentrification, we drew upon a sample of 58 cities across the United States from the Mapping Decline project. We also leveraged historical Census data collected by IPUMS and the Longitudinal Tract Database, as well as data on urban renewal from Renewing Inequality to control for intervening factors. Findings indicate that HOLC redlining can either directly or indirectly relate to gentrification depending on when gentrification begins. These findings encourage more consideration of the role of racist government policies in determining when gentrification will occur.


在罗斯福新政时代,房主贷款公司 (HOLC) 计划通过所谓的红线做法,基于种族原因拒绝对黑人社区进行金融投资, 该计划也因此而声名狼藉。红线做法可能影响了未来对这些街区的投资,因为通过制造租金差距或增加非白人人口的比例,会使这些街区对绅士化人群更具吸引力。为了探索 HOLC 红线做法与绅士化之间的联系,我们从“衰落地图”(Mapping Decline)项目中抽取了美国 58 个城市的样本。我们还利用国际微观共享整合数据库 (IPUMS) 和纵向人口普查区数据库 (Longitudinal Tract Database) 收集的历史人口普查数据,以及来自 Renewing Inequality 的城市更新数据来剔除干扰因素。我们的研究结果表明,取决于绅士化开始的时间,HOLC 红线做法可能会直接或间接地影响绅士化。这些研究结果呼吁,未来的研究要更多地考虑种族主义政府政策在决定绅士化何时发生方面所起的作用。
Keywordsgentrification, Home Owner’s Loan Corporation, race/ethnicity, redlining

绅士化, 房主贷款公司 (Home Owner’s Loan Corporation), 种族/民族, 红线做法



How buses alleviate unemployment and poverty: Lessons from a natural experiment in Clayton County, GA


Fei Li(美国佐治亚州立大学Christopher Kajetan Wyczalkowski(美国佐治亚州立大学首次出版时间:2023/3/21|研究论文
AbstractMany studies have documented the linkage between public transportation and economic outcomes, though there is relatively little empirical evidence on the consequences of losing existing transit services, especially bus services, which disproportionately serve low-income populations. We investigate the impacts of bus access on poverty and employment using a natural experiment in Clayton County, GA, where the local bus transit was terminated between 2010 and 2015. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we find substantial increases in poverty and unemployment rates in affected neighbourhoods during the five-year period. Our findings suggest both the spatial mismatch hypothesis, which predicts the reduction in transit access can lead to reductions in job accessibility and employment, and the residential sorting hypothesis, which states that poor households gravitate towards neighbourhoods with better transit access, could be at play. Overall, we find strong evidence that disruptions in bus transit could have significant adverse impacts on neighbourhood economic outcomes. Our findings underscore the need for federal and local public transportation funding to help improve job access, alleviate poverty, and maintain neighbourhood stability.


许多研究记录了公共交通与经济成果之间的联系,但是关于失去现有交通服务(尤其是不成比例地为低收入人群服务的公交服务)的后果,实证证据相对较少。我们在佐治亚州克莱顿县进行了一项自然实验,调查了公共汽车通行对贫困和就业的影响,当地的公共汽车交通在 2010 年至 2015 年期间被终止了。通过使用双重差分法,我们发现受影响街区的贫困率和失业率在那五年内大幅增加。我们的研究结果表明,空间错配假说和住宅分类假说都可能在起作用,空间错位假说预测交通便利性的减少会导致工作可及性和就业减少,而住宅分类假说指出贫困家庭倾向于交通便利的街区。总的说来,我们发现强有力的证据表明公交交通中断可能会对街区经济成果产生重大不利影响。我们的研究结果强调那些街区需要联邦和地方公共交通资金来帮助改善就业机会、减轻贫困和维持街区稳定。


bus transit, neighbourhood change, poverty, public transportation, unemployment


公交, 街区变化, 贫困, 公共交通, 失业




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