
论文快递: 第一百九十七期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百九十七期,将介绍 Urban Studies Current Issue的五篇论文。主题包括政府的倒退性收入,社区主导的住房,流动儿童偏见,城市系统的不连续结构,环境贫困与教育机会,欢迎阅读。


Regressive revenue sourcing by local governments


Thai V Le(美国南加州大学Matthew M Young(荷兰莱顿大学)首次出版时间:2022/10/27|研究论文
AbstractEmerging work in fiscal sociology examines the intersection of race/ethnicity, inequality and taxation, and suggests that localities are increasingly turning to nontax alternatives such as fines, fees and forfeitures to fill revenue gaps and service demands. These revenue sources are regressive and discriminatory as they disproportionately affect low-income racially/ethnically minoritised groups. We assess the extent to which local municipalities in California are more dependent on regressive nontax revenue sources, and if increases are correlated with a city’s racial/ethnic composition. We use fixed-effects estimators on panel fiscal data from the California State Controller Office’s Cities Annual Reports between 2002 and 2016 for our analysis. We further exploit our time period to determine how fiscal crises like the Great Recession compound race/ethnicity-driven finance disparities. Our results suggest the proportion of Latinx/Hispanic in a city’s population is positively and statistically associated with an increase in a city’s reliance on fines, fees and forfeitures. These results suggest concerns of discriminatory and regressive revenue sourcing by local governments that further perpetuate racial inequality and poverty. In aggregate, relative to other years in our analysis, the growth rate of fines, fees and forfeitures as a portion of total own-source revenue saw higher increases during the Great Recession, a time of heightened financial insecurity among low-income, Latinx/Hispanic and Black households.




Fines,fees and forfeitures,fiscal crises,fiscal sociology,local government,public finance,race/ethnicity



Community-led housing: Between ‘right to the city’, ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ and post-pandemic cities


María Carla(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学María Cecilia Zapata(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)首次出版时间:2022/11/23|研究论文

This paper examines the Self-Managed Housing Program (Law 341), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This programme created 45 cooperative housing units between 2001 and 2020 in consolidated urban areas currently undergoing renewal processes. It investigates the conditions that the programme has generated for the realisation of the ‘right to the city’ in the context of ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper analyses the origins of the process and mode of cooperative housing production, including tangible and intangible aspects and capacities acquired by the inhabitants. This study used a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology. The analytical strategy focused on defining a set of dimensions that characterised the self-managed mode of production, conditions of social and urban insertion in the case studied and participants’ perceptions of the influence of material characteristics and organisational arrangements during the pandemic. This paper contributes to our understanding of the socio-economic dynamics in the production of urban space by elucidating the role of the state and specific tensions arising due to bottom-up policies, specific forms adopted by urban experiences of resistance and their contribution in the promotion of concrete conditions of urban life. Finally, this paper characterises an emergent self-managed urbanism and reflects on its possibilities of dialogue with the construction of alternative local policies that challenge growing territorial inequality caused by the subordination of policies to real estate financialisation and its deepening tendencies in the pandemic context.

摘要 本文研究了阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的“自我管理的住房项目”(第341号法律)。该项目在2001年至2020年期间,在目前正在进行城市更新的综合城区创建了45个合作住宅单元。本文调查了在“实际存在的新自由主义”和新冠疫情带来挑战的背景下,该计划为“城市权利”的实现创造的条件。本文分析了合作住宅生产的由来、过程和模式,包括有形和无形的方面以及居民所获得的能力。本研究采用了定量和定性相结合的方法。分析策略侧重于定义一系列维度,这些维度表征了自我管理的生产模式、所研究案例中的社会和城市融入条件,以及参与者对疫情期间物质特征和组织安排影响的看法。本文通过阐明国家的作用以及自下而上政策所产生的具体紧张关系,城市抵制活动所采取的具体形式,及其对改善城市生活具体条件的贡献,有助于我们理解城市空间生产中的社会经济动态。最后,本文描述了一种新兴的自我管理型城市化,并反思了其与能够挑战日益加剧的区域不平等的替代性地方政策的构建开展对话的可能性。这种区域不平等的加剧是因为政策从属于房地产金融化,并且在疫情背景下,还有不断加深的趋势。

cooperativism,self-management,neoliberalism,right to the city,COVID-19 pandemic



原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221129527


The effect of meeting opportunities on local urban residents’ prejudice against migrant children in China


Jaap Nieuwenhuis(荷兰格罗宁根大学)Xinyi Shen(中国浙江大学)首次出版时间:2022/10/5|研究论文
AbstractThis article explores the effect of meeting opportunities between local urban and nonlocal residents on locals’ prejudice against migrant children in China by focusing on three contexts: friendships, schools and neighbourhoods. China’s hukou policy creates a boundary between urban and rural residents, which also takes the form of locals and nonlocals in rural-to-urban migration. Urban public schools with a mix of local and migrant students offer a chance to observe the intergroup relationships between local and nonlocal students as well as their parents. Using two waves of data from the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS), this study examines how changes in migrant friend groups, schoolmates and neighbours of local children affect changes in their parents’ prejudice, as seen among a sample of 1630 student-parent pairs. With longitudinal data, this study mitigates the effect of reverse causality between intergroup contact and prejudice. The findings show that parents whose children have more migrant friends have less prejudice, under certain conditions. Additionally, more nonlocal students in a school relates to less prejudice, especially among parents who are more embedded in the school life. Furthermore, local families with low socio-economic status experience an increase in prejudice, potentially due to an increased feeling of threat. Additionally, this article finds that prejudiced attitudes spread through the social networks of children and parents at the school level. This study emphasises the importance of different contexts of meeting opportunities and sheds new light on the generalisability of the (extended) contact hypothesis to the understudied context of Chinese internal migration.

本文通过关注三个背景:友谊、学校和社区,探讨了当地城市居民和非当地居民之间的会面机会对中国当地人对流动儿童的偏见的影响。中国的户口政策在城市和农村居民之间建立了一条边界,在农村到城市的迁移中,也存在本地人和非本地人的区分。城市公立学校混合了本地和外来学生,提供了观察本地和非本地学生及其父母之间群体间关系的机会。本研究使用来自中国教育小组调查 (CEPS) 的两波数据,考察了移民朋友群体、当地孩子的同学和邻居的变化如何影响他们父母偏见的变化,这是在1,630对学生家长对样本中观察到的。通过纵向数据,本研究缓解了群体间接触和偏见之间的反向因果关系的影响。研究结果表明,在一定条件下,如果孩子有更多移民朋友,父母的偏见会较少。此外,学校中的非本地学生越多,偏见就越少,尤其是那些更融入学校生活的家长。此外,社会经济地位较低的当地家庭的偏见更高,这可能是由于被威胁感增加。此外,本文还发现,在学校一级,偏见态度通过儿童和家长的社会网络传播。本研究强调了不同背景下会面机会的重要性,并为(扩展)接触假设在中国国内移民研究背景下的普遍性提供了新的线索。

Keywords China,contact hypothesis,internal migration,prejudice,social learning




Discontinuous structure of regional and subregional urban systems: Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France (1800–2015)

区域和次区域城市系统的不连续结构:法国新阿基坦 (1800–2015)

Aurélie Lalanne(法国波尔多大学

Shana Sundstrom(美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校)

Ahjond Garmestani(美国埃默里大学)



In the prevailing literature in urban economics, conducting research on urban systems at the national scale tends to provide an elegant but reductive approach to the functioning of these systems, assuming, in particular, that city size distributions are continuous. Based on an alternative framework drawing from research in ecology and complex adaptive systems, this article questions this approach by testing the discontinuity hypothesis within regional urban systems in France using two methods and long-term census data (1800–2015). We found that the distribution of city sizes over the 200+ years of population data from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region was discontinuous for every year of data. The distributions consist of groups of similarly sized cities, separated by gaps (discontinuities) where there are no cities at all. The location and number of discontinuities were conservative over time, suggesting that the processes shaping size classes are conservative and largely independent of societal disturbances such as wars. The two methods used to identify discontinuities were highly congruent. Finally, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region is comprised of three former regions, Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes, each of which also had discontinuous city size distributions with conservative structures over time. The study results question the traditional expectations about the growth and development of urban systems.


Keywordsagglomeration,city size distribution,demographics,method,urbanisation,urban systems




Contextual poverty and obtained educational level and income in Sweden and the Netherlands: A multi-scale and longitudinal study


Eva Andersson(瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学Heleen Janssen(德国马克斯普朗克研究所Maarten van Ham(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Bo Malmberg(瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学首次出版时间:2022/10/1|研究论文
AbstractStudies of neighbourhood effects typically measure the neighbourhood context at one specific spatial scale. It is increasingly acknowledged, however, that the mechanisms through which the residential context affects individual outcomes may operate at different spatial scales, ranging from the very immediate environment to the metropolitan region. We take a multi-scale approach to investigate the extent to which concentrated poverty in adolescence is related to obtained education level and income later in life, by measuring the residential context as bespoke neighbourhoods at five geographical scales that range from areas encompassing the 200 nearest neighbours to areas that include the 200k+ nearest neighbours. We use individual-level geocoded longitudinal register data from Sweden and the Netherlands to follow 15/16-year-olds until they are 30 years old. The findings show that the contextual effects on education are very similar in both countries. Living in a poor area as a teenager is related to a lower obtained educational level when people are in their late 20s. This relationship, however, is stronger for lower spatial scales. We also find effects of contextual poverty on income in both countries. Overall, this effect is stronger in the Netherlands than in Sweden. Partly, this is related to differences in spatial structure. If only individuals in densely populated areas in Sweden are considered, effects on income are similar across the two countries and income effects are more stable across spatial scales. Overall, we find important evidence that the scalar properties of neighbourhood effects differ across life-course outcomes.




bespoke neighbourhoods,contextual poverty,education,income,multi-scale,neighbourhood effects






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