
论文快递: 第二百期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百期,将介绍 Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括产业集群与品牌建设,父母馈赠与住房不平等,新制度主义下共同财产的产生和划分,古巴的住房商品化,自动驾驶汽车对城市空间规模的影响,欢迎阅读。


Bottom-up cluster branding through boundary spanners: The case of the Jingdezhen ceramics cluster in China              


Di Wu(中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所流域地理学重点实验室Neil M. Coe(澳大利亚悉尼大学地球科学学院)首次出版时间:2023/4/24|研究论文
AbstractIt is increasingly recognised that for clusters to evolve and initiate new developmental paths, they need to bring in various external resources, especially external human capital. However, external talent often has imperfect knowledge regarding distant places; hence, a key challenge for clusters is to overcome this lack of knowledge and unfamiliarity to ensure that external talent becomes aware of the cluster’s local assets and the possibilities for (re)locating there. It is thus important for clusters to engage in cluster branding: that is, to promote its assets ‘outwards’ and to build-up a positive, renowned brand-name. While place branding is already an established theme in urban geography, cluster branding has hitherto been under-examined in the extant cluster literature in economic geography. Moreover, both the well-researched place-branding literature and the limited cluster-branding literature tend to be primarily concerned with official, top-down branding, initiated by government agencies. This article, instead, shows that branding can also involve organic, bottom-up processes driven by the agency of diverse individual actors, working in tandem with governmental actors. Through a case study of an arts and creative cluster, the Jingdezhen ceramics cluster in China, it unpacks how resourceful individual actors – conceptualised as boundary spanners – have become powerful agents in increasing the cluster’s legitimacy and visibility in the relevant industries through their personal networks and mobility, thereby contributing to attracting external talent into the cluster. More specifically, the study identifies three bottom-up cluster branding mechanisms, namely: convening temporary clusters locally; participating in external temporary clusters; and representing through digital media.




cluster, place branding, ceramics, creative industries, China



Gentrifying with family wealth: Parental gifts and neighbourhood sorting among young adult owner-occupants


Wouter van Gent(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学Rik Damhuis(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)Sako Musterd(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)首次出版时间:2023/4/24|研究论文

This paper assesses the role of parental gifts in neighbourhood sorting among young adult homebuyers. We make use of high-quality individual-level registry data for two large urban metropolitan areas in the Netherlands. While previous studies have shown that young adults receiving gifts purchase more expensive housing, little is known about the role of gifts in where young adults buy. Our study finds that parental gifts flow into the housing market in a spatially-uneven way. Movers supported by substantial parental gifts are more likely to enter owner-occupied housing in high-status and gentrifying urban neighbourhoods compared to movers without gifts. This study shows that this can only partially be explained by household and parental characteristics and by the uneven distribution of housing values. The remaining effect suggests that parental gifts also play a role in trade-offs regarding spatial residential decision-making. The conclusion discusses the ramifications of our findings for debates on (re)production of class and intra-generational inequalities through housing, and provides avenues for further research.

摘要 本文评估父母馈赠对年轻成年购房者的街区隔离的影响。我们利用荷兰两个大都市的高质量个人层面登记数据。虽然以前的研究表明,接受馈赠的年轻人会购买更昂贵的住房,但我们对馈赠在年轻人在何处购买住房方面的影响知之甚少。我们的研究发现,父母的馈赠以一种空间上不平衡的方式流入住房市场。与没有馈赠的搬迁者相比,得到父母大量馈赠支持的搬迁者更有可能购买高端、绅士化城市街区的自用住房。这项研究证明,这只能部分归因于家庭和父母的特征以及住房价值的不均衡分布。其余的影响表明,父母馈赠也在有关空间居住决策的权衡方面产生了影响。在结论部分,我们探讨我们的发现对住房(再)产生阶级和代内不平等的辩论的影响,并提供了进一步研究的途径。

class, displacement, gentrification, housing, inequality, neighbourhood sorting, parental gifts


阶级、驱逐, 绅士化、住房、不平等、街区分类、父母馈赠

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231164904


Delivering common property in Chinese contractual communities: Law, power and practice


Yiru Jia(北京林业大学)Nicky Morrison(澳大利亚西悉尼大学)Franziska Sielker(英国剑桥大学,奥地利维也纳大学)首次出版时间:2023/4/24|研究论文
AbstractThis paper examines how common property is produced and delineated in contractual communities in China. Shanghai, one of the most developed Chinese cities with a burgeoning housing market, is used as a case study. The research analyses the power relations between land, construction and housing departments within Shanghai district governments and with developers, specifically, during the development phases of land leasing, construction permission and ownership registration. Drawing on the theoretical framework of new institutionalism, and its conception of path dependency in urban space, the article sheds light on what has led to the infringement on homeowners’ common property by developers. In a weak legal and regulatory system for property development, the departments within district governments shirk responsibility to each other, whereas developers hold considerable power. The article concludes that common property bears the imprint of power dynamics set in motion in the development phase and thus requires greater recognition.


Keywords common property, contractual communities, new institutionalism, power relations, urban China




Commodifying Havana? Private accumulation, assetisation and marketisation in the Cuban metropolis


Gertjan Wijburg(比利时鲁汶大学



In the Global South, cities are increasingly restructuring themselves around the financial pressures of international capital markets. Therefore, it is sometimes hypothesised that financial innovations created in the Global North are moving ‘South’. However, even though transnational capital is finding its way into Southern regions and other areas of reform, the road towards urban commodification is bumpy and uneven. In Havana, Cuba, the government recently legalised free market home sales, contributing to an unprecedented transnational property boom where many homes were acquired by Cuban émigrés and nationals and converted into restaurants, hotels or short-term rentals. Nevertheless, due to endogenous and exogenous market restraints, the pandemic and complex interactions between state authorities and property-owning private entrepreneurs, Cuban-style commodification remains an incomplete and contested process. Even so, non-debt bearing assetisation pressures are clearly redefining Havana’s socialist property market. While the state encourages foreign direct investment into state-owned hotels and joint ventures, transnational remittances contribute to the commodification of Havana’s private housing stock.


在全球南方,城市正日益围绕国际资本市场的金融压力进行自我重组。因此,人们有时会推断,全球北方创造的金融创新正在 "南移"。然而,尽管跨国资本正在进入南方地区和其他改革区域,但城市商品化的道路却是崎岖不平的。在古巴哈瓦那,政府最近将房屋买卖自由市场合法化,这带来了前所未有的跨国房地产投资热潮,许多房屋被古巴移民和国民收购,并被改造成餐馆、酒店或短租房。然而,由于内生和外生市场限制、疫情、政府部门和拥有物业的私营企业家之间的复杂互动,古巴式的商品化仍然是一个未完成和有争议的过程。即便如此,非债务资产化的压力显然正在重新定义哈瓦那的社会主义房地产市场。在国家鼓励外商直接投资于国有酒店和合资企业的同时,跨国汇款促进了哈瓦那私人住房的商品化。
Keywordscommodification, financialisation, Global South, post-socialism, private homeownership, tourism property




What if autonomous vehicles had been introduced into cities? A counterfactual analysis


Haotian Zhong(中国人民大学Wei Li(美国德州农工大学首次出版时间:2023/4/24|研究论文
AbstractThe impact of autonomous vehicles on the spatial size of cities remains ambiguous, as the future is highly uncertain. This paper uses counterfactual analysis techniques to examine the effects of autonomous vehicles on urban expansion for metropolitan areas in the United States if autonomous vehicles had been introduced before. We argue that distance cost and congestion cost, which are the two components of transportation cost with different effects on urban expansion, should be addressed in autonomous vehicle research. By coupling historical data with hypothetical scenarios of introducing autonomous vehicles to cities, we find that urban expansion, rather than urban densification, would have been the dominant effect if autonomous vehicles had been introduced into cities. The finding indicates that if autonomous vehicles are widely adopted in the future, they are likely to have similar, or even larger, effects on future urban expansion than in the counterfactual past.




autonomous vehicles, counterfactual analysis, density, transportation costs, urban expansion






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