
论文快递: 第二百零一期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百零一期,将介绍 Urban Studies Curret Issue的五篇论文。主题包括城市生态现代主义,应对气候变化与去增长,住房去增长,东南亚的去增长经验,交通情境中的去增长,欢迎阅读。


Beyond urban ecomodernism: How can degrowth-aligned spatial practices enhance urban sustainability transformations              


Alejandro De Castro Mazarro(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所Ritu George Kaliaden(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)Wolfgang Wende(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)Markus Egermann(德国莱布尼茨生态城市与区域发展研究所)首次出版时间:2023/1/31|研究论文
AbstractFor spatial practices such as architecture, urban design and planning, degrowth remains an abstract concept, as there is no clear alignment of its principles into spatial strategies. To bridge this gap, this paper examines how degrowth can be operationalised into sustainable spatial practices. Through a review of more than 200 sustainable spatial projects across the world operating at the building, neighbourhood and citywide scales, the paper shows that while the majority of sustainable interventions representative of dominant architecture and urban design culture do not align to degrowth principles, a significant number of examples using sustainability strategies such as convivial technologies, building retrofitting, urban renaturation and revitalisation, eco-urbanisation and spatial infrastructure upgrading are in fact aligned to degrowth principles. We suggest that these examples form a potential stepping-stone to enable an urban design and building culture rooted in a degrowth agenda, however further research and conceptualisation are needed to enable this to happen.


对于建筑、城市设计和规划等空间实践来说,去增长仍然是一个抽象概念,因为其原则与空间策略没有明确的结合。为了弥合这一差距,本文研究了如何将去增长有效操作,使之成为可持续的空间实践。通过考查全球 200 多个在建筑、社区和城市范围内运营的可持续空间项目,本文表明,虽然大多数代表主流建筑和城市设计文化的可持续干预措施不符合去增长原则,但相当多的使用可持续性战略的例子,如共生技术、建筑改造、城市复兴和振兴、生态城市化和空间基础设施升级,实际上都符合去增长原则。我们认为,这些例子构成了一个可能会使城市设计和建筑文化植根于去增长议程的中间步骤,但是还需要进一步的研究和概念化来实现这一点。


architecture, degrowth, ecomodernism, urban design, urban sustainability transformation, urban theory



Scaling-up degrowth: Re-imagining institutional responses to climate change


William Otchere-Darko(英国纽卡斯尔大学首次出版时间:2023/2/1|研究论文

Focusing on the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda, this commentary suggests that by engaging with degrowth, these mainstream policies can potentially provide alternative ecological values as climate responses. In turn, degrowth can also benefit from engaging with the multiple scales and sectors of these institutions for climate and planning practice. However, such multi-scalar engagements demand a repoliticisation of institutional and professional routines, processes and procedures.

摘要 着眼于《联合国 2030 年议程》和《新城市议程》,本论文认为通过与去增长相结合,这些主流政策可能会提供另外的生态价值,作为其对气候变化的响应。反过来,与不同部门的制度程度不一的结合,也可以使去增长从中受益,有利于气候和规划实践。然而,这种程度不一的结合需要将制度和专业惯例、流程以及程序重新政治化。

Buen Vivir, climate change, degrowth, planning, resilience


美好生活 (Buen Vivir),气候变化,去增长,规划,韧性

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221146861


An empirical test of measures of housing degrowth: Learning from the limited experience of England and Wales, 1981–2011


Rebecca Tunstall(英国约克大学)首次出版时间:2022/10/5|研究论文
AbstractThis article builds on the concept of ‘degrowth’ to create an experimental, measurable definition of ‘housing degrowth’, which can be applied to the 99% of households in mainstream housing. Like ‘degrowth’, housing degrowth runs against housing policy which has assumed that more housing is good. The article explores whether measurement of housing degrowth is possible with existing data, and whether any housing degrowth has occurred in the existing pro-growth housing system in England and Wales. Building on Kallis et al., ‘housing degrowth’ is defined as a reduction of the total resources going into housing production and use, without an increase in inequality or a loss of wellbeing. First, using the total number of rooms as a proxy, over 1981–2011, England and Wales experienced significant increases in embodied CO2 (from housing construction, maintenance and disposal). Only a handful of areas experienced reductions, even in resources per person, and in these, inequality increased, and some had very little space per person for the worst-off, likely to harm wellbeing. Second, estimated data on direct CO2 production by homes in use 2008–18 showed a reduction, which was equitable between income and tenure groups. However, the poorest were hit hardest by rising energy costs, likely to have depressed wellbeing, again failing the degrowth definition. In conclusion, assessing broad trends in housing degrowth is possible, even with imperfect data. Future intentional degrowth appears possible, but will need more political justification, changes to incentives and regulation, and a focus on those worst-off.

本文基于“去增长””的概念,创建了一个实验性强的、操作性高的新定义—“住房去增长”,此定义适用于99%的主流住房家庭。与“去增长”一样,住房去增长与住房政策背道而驰,后者认为更多的住房是好的。本文深入探讨了利用现有数据是否可以测量住房去增长,以及英格兰和威尔士现有的促进增长的住房体系中是否出现了住房去增长。基于凯利斯 (Kallis) 等人的研究,“住房去增长”被定义为在不增加不平等或福利损失的情况下,用于住房生产和使用的总资源减少。首先,以住房总数为例,在1981年至2011年期间,英格兰和威尔士的内含CO2显著增加(来自住房建设、维护和处置)。只有少数几个地区的人均资源减少,而在这些地区,不平等加剧,有些地区的人均空间很小,可能会损害福利。第二,2008-2018年使用中家庭直接CO2产量的估计数据显示了减少,而且在收入和保有权群体之间是公平的。然而,最贫困人口受到能源成本上涨的打击最为严重,这可能会降低福利,再次未能达到去增长的定义。总而言之,即使数据不完善,也有可能评估住房去增长的总体趋势。未来的有意去增长似乎是可能的,但需要更多的政治理由、激励和监管的改变,以及关注那些最弱势的群体。

Keywords degrowth, energy efficiency, economic growth, housing development, housing space




Spatialising degrowth in Southern cities: Everyday park-making for (un)commoning


Manisha Anantharaman(美国加州圣玛丽学院

Marlyne Sahakian(瑞士日内瓦大学)

Czarina Saloma(菲律宾马尼拉雅典耀大学)



Answering the call in this special issue to spatialise degrowth studies beyond the Global North, this paper examines practices of ‘park-making’ in Chennai and Metro Manila as a potential degrowth pathway. Parks in the coastal mega cities of Metro Manila and Chennai can be seen as relics of a colonial era, and spaces coherent with capitalist, growth-oriented and consumerist logics. At the same time, however, they become spaces that prefigure alternative ways of organising social life in the city based upon values of conviviality, care and sharing. Using qualitative methods of analysis, this paper examines what practices people engage with to satisfy their everyday needs in parks, but also the dynamics of exclusion and contestation that play out in these spaces. In doing so, we evaluate when and under what conditions park-making supports practices of de-growth and commoning beyond consumerist culture. Both commoning and uncommoning practices are detailed, revealing the role of provisioning systems that lead to the satisfaction of needs for some at the expense of others. Further, writing from cities that are highly unequal, and where the basic needs of many are yet to be met, we assert that understanding how degrowth manifests in these contexts can only be revealed through a situated urban political ecology approach. Spatialising degrowth in cities of the Global South should start with a focus on everyday practices, study power relationally and explore the scope for a radical incrementalism.


KeywordsChennai, degrowth, everyday life, Metro Manila, parks, urban commons

金奈(Chennai),去增长,日常生活,马尼拉大都会(Metro Manila),公园,城市共享资源



Degrowth is coming to town: What can it learn from critical perspectives on urban transport?


Wojciech Kębłowski(比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学首次出版时间:2023/2/16|研究论文
AbstractDegrowth offers a particularly trans-disciplinary and robust critique of growth-driven configurations of space, society and economy. However, its proponents are yet to seriously engage with urban environments by clearly outlining how, where, for whom and under what conditions the principles of degrowth could be applied in urban contexts. In this article, I focus on transport as a vehicle for understanding and addressing this challenge, thus contributing to the broader agenda of spatialising and urbanising degrowth. I turn to the specific case of ‘fare-free public transport’ (FFPT), a policy that exists in full form in nearly 300 localities worldwide. By referring to empirical material collected in FFPT programmes in Aubagne (France), Tallinn (Estonia) and Chengdu (China), I show that fare abolition can act as a policy that contradicts many principles of growth-driven capitalism by advancing an agenda of inter- and intra-municipal solidarity, working towards socio-spatial justice. Consequently, I demonstrate that when analysing and planning urban transport, degrowth may well build on diverse ‘critical’ perspectives on transport to engage head-on with explicitly political–economic questions underpinning urban agendas, thus avoiding joining the glossary of de-politicised and technocratic notions, and disregarding the socio-economic, political and spatial complexity of the urban. In this way, the article contributes to ongoing reflections about the role of urbanisation in the degrowth debate.


去增长对以增长为驱动的空间、社会和经济配置提出了跨学科的、有力的批评。然而,去增长的倡导者尚未认真地参与城市环境治理,他们没有明确提出如何、在何处、为谁以及在什么条件下将去增长原则应用于城市情境。在这篇论文中,我们重点关注交通,将其作为理解和应对这一挑战的工具,从而为更广泛的空间化和城市化去增长议程做出贡献。我们将“免费公共交通”(FFPT) 作为具体案例。全球有近 300 个地区发布了完整的免费公共交通政策。我们收集了欧巴涅(法国)、塔林(爱沙尼亚)和成都(中国)的 FFPT 计划相关的实证材料,这些材料表明取消交通费可推进各地区之间和地区内团结议程,是一项与许多以增长为驱动的资本主义原则相矛盾的政策,有助于实现社会空间正义。因此,我们证明,在分析和规划城市交通时,去增长也许要基于关于交通的不同批判性观点,直面构成城市议程基础的明确的政治经济问题,从而避免成为去政治化和技术官僚主义的概念,忽视了城市的社会经济、政治和空间复杂性。通过这种方式,本文有助于持续反思城市化在去增长争论中所处的角色。


degrowth, fare-free public transport, mobility, transport, urban policy






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