
论文快递: 第二百十五期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百十五期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的一篇论文和Current Issue的四篇论文。主题包括城市经济变革的替代性进步政策,平民政府机构与地方自治实践,城市权利与地方自治主义,国家机器与地方自治倡议,以及前喻合法性与制定地方自治策略。欢迎阅读。


‘Beyond GDP’ in cities: Assessing alternative approaches to urban economic development


Richard Crisp(英国谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学区域经济与社会研究中心)David Waite(英国格拉斯哥大学)Anne Green(英国伯明翰大学)Ceri Hughes(英国曼彻斯特大学)Ruth Lupton(英国曼彻斯特大学)Danny MacKinnon(英国纽卡斯尔大学)Andy Pike(英国纽卡斯尔大学)
AbstractCrises spur reflection and re-evaluation of what matters and what is valued. The impacts of the 2008 global financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic and climate emergency are reigniting debates about the nature of economic development approaches and what they aim to achieve in urban settings. Addressing a substantive gap in contemporary debates by helping to navigate a burgeoning and diverse field, this paper provides a critical and comparative assessment of five leading agendas that have been positioned as alternative and progressive policy responses to urban economic change: inclusive growth; the wellbeing economy; community wealth building; doughnut economics; and the foundational economy. Taking an international perspective, the paper provides a comparative review of their stated visions, mechanisms for change, and the spatial scales through which they are led and implemented. Our argument is that these alternative approaches to urban economic development are shaping creative, innovative and progressive responses to longstanding urban problems within policy and practice communities but require on-going scrutiny and evaluation to realise their potential to meaningfully achieve transformative change.


危机促使人们反思和重新评估事物的重要性和价值。2008 年全球金融危机、新冠疫情和气候紧急情况的影响再次引发关于经济发展方法的性质及其在城市环境中的经济发展目标的讨论。本文通过分析一个新兴的多样化领域,填补了当代讨论中的一个实质性空白,对五个被定位为应对城市经济变革的替代性进步政策的主要议程进行了批判性的比较评估:包容性增长、福祉经济、社区财富建设、甜甜圈经济学和基础经济。立足于国际视角,本文对它们提出的愿景、变革机制以及领导和实施它们的空间尺度进行了比较审查。我们认为,这些城市经济发展的替代方法正在政策和实践社区内影响对长期存在的城市问题的创造性、创新性和进步性回应,但需要持续的审查和评估,以实现其潜力,有意义地实现变革。


community wealth building, inclusive growth, governance, local government, policy



The commonification of the public under new municipalism: Commons–state institutions in Naples and Barcelona


Iolanda Bianchi(西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学)

The transformation of local state institutions by way of the paradigm of the common – the creation of commons–state institutions – has become one of the strategies of new municipalist practices. It is an attempt to overcome two crises: the crises of both the privatised and the bureaucratic state forms. It aims to take back the production and distribution of the ‘public’ by the state and to democratise this process. The article analyses the discursive use and material implementation of the paradigm of the common in the transformation of local state institutions, and how contested meanings attributed to it by different actors may influence the definition of commons–state institutions. It analyses two new municipalist contexts, Naples and Barcelona, and examines the common-inspired transformation of their local public services: water services and sociocultural facilities, respectively. It argues that commons–state institutions are negotiated institutional configurations that emerge from the synthesis of the situated and experimental interpretation of the paradigm of the common shared by (different segments of) state and civil society actors, and whose governance needs to be adequately and openly codified to make them robust and enduring.


通过公共范式的方式转变地方政府机构(创建平民政府机构)已经成为新的地方自治实践的策略之一。它试图克服两种危机:私有化和官僚政府的危机。它旨在收回政府对 “公众”的生产和分配,并使这一过程民主化。本文分析了公共范式在地方政府机构转型中的话语使用和物质实施,以及不同行为者赋予公共范式的有争议的意义如何影响平民-政府机构的定义。我们分析了那不勒斯和巴塞罗那这两个新的地方自治案例,并分别考察了当地公共服务 (供水服务和社会文化设施)的公共启发转型。我们认为,平民政府机构是协商出来的制度配置,它来自对(不同部分的)政府和公民社会参与者共享的公共范式的情境和实验性解释的综合,其治理需要充分和公开的条文化以使其稳固持久。


Local state, public-common, public services, radical democracy, remunicipalisation, Patrimoni Ciutadá



原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221101460


From the streets to the town halls: Municipalist platforms in the post-Yugoslav space


Chiara Milan(意大利比萨高等师范学校
AbstractIn the last decade, urban social movements that emerged in the Yugoslav successor states decided to form political platforms to enter the institutional arena, often after years of mobilisation for the right to the city. Their aim was to seize power at the local level, trying to provide an answer to the crisis of representative democracy and to oppose the process of centralisation of power. These platforms ran for elections in Zagreb (Croatia) and Belgrade (Serbia), to reclaim local autonomy on societal, environmental, economic and political matters. Based on ethnographic work, document analysis and a series of in-depth interviews with activists, this article explores the trajectories of two platforms, ‘Zagreb Is Ours’ (Zagreb je naš) in Zagreb, Croatia, and ‘We Won’t Let Belgrade D(r)own’ (Ne davimo Beograd) in Belgrade, Serbia. It analyses the factors accounting for the choice of urban activists to embrace new municipalist ideas as strategic ideological and political positioning of their electoral platforms, arguing that the reasons are twofold: the embeddedness into regional and transnational activist networks, which facilitated the process of diffusion of new municipalist ideas across Europe and locally, and the resonance of new municipalism with socialist Yugoslavia’s decentralised system of self-management and direct democracy, an historical experience that the platforms’ initiators partially reappraised.

在过去的十年里,各南斯拉夫继承国出现的城市社会运动决定形成政治平台,进入制度领域,这通常发生在为争取城市权利进行多年的动员之后。他们的目的是在地方层面夺取权力,试图为代议制民主危机提供答案,并反对权力集中的进程。这些平台在克罗地亚萨格勒布和塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德竞选,以恢复地方在社会、环境、经济和政治事务上的自主权。本文基于人类学研究、文件分析和对活动人士的一系列深入访谈,探讨了克罗地亚萨格勒布的“萨格勒布是我们的(Zagreb je naš)”和塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的“我们不会让贝尔格莱德失望(Ne davimo Beograd)”这两个平台的发展轨迹。我们分析了哪些因素促使城市活动家选择接受新的地方自治主义思想作为其选举平台的战略意识形态和政治定位,我们认为有两个因素:一是融入区域和跨国活动家网络,这促进了新地方自治主义思想在欧洲和当地的传播过程;二是新地方自治主义与社会主义南斯拉夫的分散的自我管理和直接民主制度的共鸣(这些平台的发起者部分重新评估了这一历史经验)。

Keywords local governance, municipalism, post-Yugoslav space, right to the city, urban activism




Interrupting the neoliberal masculine state machinery? Strategic selectivities and municipalist practice in Barcelona and Zagreb


Martin Sarnow(德国基尔大学)

Norma Tiedemann(德国卡塞尔大学)



All municipalist initiatives are confronted with what Marx called the ‘state machinery’: an ensemble of apparatuses protecting the status quo of capitalist accumulation. It is difficult for municipalist movements to sustain their momentum of storming the city halls in the face of this reality. Looking at Barcelona En Comu ́ (Barcelona in Common) and Zagreb Je NAŠ! (Zagreb Is Ours!), the article discusses what experiences municipalist actors gain when inspecting the state machinery close up. We identify the traces they leave on the materiality of the (local) state: organising participation as conflict, scandalising the serving of particularistic interests, and confronting sexist behaviour within the masculine apparatuses. Nevertheless, the examples illustrate the systemic inertia of the hegemonically programmed state apparatuses and the difficulties of breaking with neoliberal and masculinist policies.


所有地方自治倡议都必须面对马克思所说的“国家机器”一组保护资本主义积累现状的机器。面对这样的现实,地方自治运动很难维持冲击市政厅的势头。通过研究 Barcelona En Comu(我们共同的巴塞罗那)和lagreb Je NAŠ!(萨格勒布是我们的!)这两个运动,本文探讨地方自治行为者在近距离检视国家机器时获得的体验。我们识别了他们在(地方)政府的物质性上留下的痕迹:将参与组织为冲突,丑化为特定利益服务的做法,并在男性机器中直面性别歧视行为。然而,这些例子说明了霸权程序化的国家机器的系统惯性以及与新自由主义和大男子主义政策决裂的困难。

Keywordslocal government, municipalism, state theory, strategic selectivity, urban struggles




Prefigurative legality: Transforming municipal jurisdiction


Amelia Thorpe(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)Bronwen Morgan(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)
AbstractThis paper argues that prefigurative legality plays an important role in crafting municipalist strategy. We explore the experience of the City of Sydney in relation to new municipalism, focusing on its trajectory as a ‘boundary case’ that generates incrementally accrued transformative potential under conditions of muted political partisanship. The paper argues that at least in a boundary case such as this, legality can be a key and underappreciated component of transformative strategy, particularly if its prefigurative potential is appreciated. Prefigurative legality as a component of strategy is less about reconfiguring forms of state practice and more a means of institutionalising substantive policies and state practices in ways that extend the connection between community and state. As such, prefigurative legality has a deeply ambivalent relationship with the state and is both more incremental and more inclined to be ‘merely progressive’ than the prefigurative politics of radical municipalism. Nonetheless, we argue that legality still acts as an important and underappreciated pivot between power and resistance, especially where legal pluralism and multi-scalar indeterminacy are salient. The paper makes this argument while tracking the City of Sydney’s engagement with three dimensions of legality – delegated jurisdiction, legal pluralism and multi-scalar indeterminacy – and the ways in which these trajectories intersect with state and national government responses. While the Sydney case may fall just outside the boundaries of ‘classic’ instances, the role of legality in this setting generates valuable insights for the longer-term trajectories of more radical versions of new municipalism.


本文认为,前喻合法性在制定地方自治策略中起着重要作用。我们探讨了悉尼市与新地方自治主义相关的经验,重点关注其作为 “边界案例”的轨迹。在温和的政治党派关系的环境下,它产生了逐步积累的变革潜力。本文认为,至少在这样的边界案例中,合法性可以是变革策略的一个关键且被低估的组成部分,特别是当它的前喻潜力得到认可的时候。作为策略组成部分的前喻合法性重点不是重置政府行为形式,而是一种以扩展社区与政府之间联系的方式将实质性政策和政府行为制度化的手段。因此,前喻合法性与政府有着深刻的矛盾关系,并且比激进地方自治主义的前喻政治更有渐进性,更倾向于 “纯粹进步”。尽管如此,我们认为,合法性仍然是权力和抵抗之间重要且未被充分认识的枢纽,尤其是在法律多元化和多尺度不确定性突出的情况下。为提出这一论点,本文跟踪悉尼市如何处理合法性的三个维度(授权管辖权、法律多元化和多尺度不确定性)以及这些轨迹如何与州和联邦政府的反应相交。虽然悉尼的案例可能刚好超出“经典”实例的范围,但合法性在这种情况下的作用为更激进的新地方自治主义的长期轨迹提供了宝贵的见解。

Keywordsjurisdiction, legality, municipalism, prefigurative practices





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