Dear students,
Congratulations for being admitted as international students of NingboTech University in 2023 and starting a new stage of life and study with us. The registration for first-year students are hereby notified as follows:
- PART 01 -
New Student Registration Schedule
The registration for first-year international students includes online pre-registration and official registration.
Online pre-registration
Online Pre-registration: Students can book on-campus accommodation, Ningbo Lishe Airport or Ningbo Train Station pick-up service through online pre-registration.
2) 开放时间Date:
August 30th-September 11th
On-Site Official Registration
1) 报到时间:
9月15日 上午9点至下午5点
Date and Time:
September 15th, 9 am -5 pm
2) 报到形式:
Registration Method:
On-site registration
3) 报到地点:
Registration Location:
NingboTech University
Address: 1# Qianhu South Road, Yinzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang
4) 入校:
Campus Entry:
First-Year Students can enter the campus with the admission notice and passport.
The classes will start on September 18th. Please arrange your travel plan and make sure that you can be registered on September 15th. Those who cannot complete on-site registration on time due to illness or urgent circumstances need to give a prior written notice and apply for leave. Those who fail to apply and register more than two weeks after the deadline (September 25 th) will be disqualified for admission.
- PART 02 -
Registration Process and
Required Documents
Step 1
[入学资格复查 ]
[Enrollment Qualification Review]
1. 请携带以下材料原件和复印件完成报到及入学资格复查
Please take the original and copies of the following documents for the qualification review.
1) 录取通知书原件Original Admission Notice
2) JW202表原件 Original JW202 Form
3) 护照 Passport
4) 外国人体格检查记录 Physical Examination Record for Foreigner
5) 最高学历证书、成绩单、语言能力证书 (与网申系统一致) Highest degree certificate, transcripts and language proficiency certificate (same with the online application system)
6) 未满18周岁国际学生需提交监护人委托书认证件Authenticated Guardian Notarization Documents for the International Student under the Age of 18
7) 二寸免冠白底照片8张 8 two-inch ID photos (bareheaded with a white background)
8) 保险凭证 Receipt for Health Insurance
9) 学生声明 Signed Student Statement (please see the last page of this notice)
其余应缴费用(押金将自动扣除)Fees need to be paid (deposit will be deducted automatically)
项目Description | 费用Costs |
居住证/ 签证延期费用 Residence Permit/ Visa Extension | 800RMB/year |
书本费 Textbooks | 500 RMB/year |
宿舍押金 Dorm Deposit | 500 RMB |
合计 Total | 1800 RMB |
Please Note: We only accept RMB cash for payment. We suggest that you exchange enough RMB cash before arrival for on-site registration.
2. 国际合作处复核材料:确认学生材料是否齐全、是否与网申系统中的一致;如存在提供虚假材料等违规行为,一经查实,取消其入学资格。
The staff of International Affairs Office will review documents: check whether the materials uploaded by students are complete and consistent with online application system. If there are improper behaviors such as providing fake materials, admission will be disqualified;
3. 财务处确认新生缴费情况。
Finance Office confirms the payment status.
4. 辅导员查验保险情况,确认新生报到状态。
Counselors check the health insurance and confirm the registration status of first-year students.
Step 2
[领取材料 ]
[Collecting materials]
1) JW 202表第三联(黄联)The Original third slip of Visa Application for Study in China (Form JW202, Yellow Page)
2) 学生卡 Student ID Card
3) 宿舍钥匙 Key to Dormitory
4) 国际学生手册 International Students Handbook
5) 学校出具的办理居留许可证明A certification issued by NingboTech University for processing residence permit
6) 宿舍管理部门出具的住宿登记单 Residence registration certification issued by dormitory management department of university, which is required for students dwelling on campus;
- PART 03 -
Other Important Issues
Paper Admission Documents
The university has been issuing official admission documents from the beginning of July. After receiving the paper admission documents, please apply for X visa for entry to China.
Accommodation Reservation
Officially admitted students who have confirm their roommates could book the on-campus dormitory online (http://nbt.istudyedu.com/accommodationList) before September 14. Students who have not completed their campus accommodation reservation will be arranged by the school upon registration day. Males and females are NOT allowed to mix up in one dormitory.
The dormitory includes desk and chair, single bed (0.9*2.0m), wardrobe and other basic furniture. Students need to prepare pillows, quilts, sheets and other bedding and personal daily necessities. Bedding kits are available for purchase at the campus convenience store as shown below.
1) 由于宿舍装修,学校宿舍无法提前入住。如果早于15日抵达宁波,请自行查找学校周边酒店入住。
2) 学校为所有学生安排校内,国际学生不允许校外住宿。
3) 学生在校住宿期间,水电费及网费自理,合计约50-100元/月/每人。
4) 其余管理规定请参照《浙大宁波理工学院国际学生住宿管理规定》
Please Note:
1) Due to renovation schedule, the dormitories will NOT be ready before September 15th. If you arrive in Ningbo before September 15th, you need to book the off-campus hotel by yourself.
2) The university has arranged on campus accommodation for all the international students. Living off campus is NOT allowed.
3) International students shall pay the fees of water, electricity and Wi-Fi/Internet during their stay. The estimate total cost is 50-100RMB/per month/person subject to personal use.
4) For more details, you could refer to NingboTech University International Student Dormitory Regulations.
Pick-up Reservation
1) 学校向新生提供宁波栎社机场及宁波火车站的免费接机/接站服务。如有需要,请在9月11日前登录预报到系统(http://nbt.istudyedu.com/pickUpList)预订接机服务,逾期预订将不被安排。
First-year students can book Ningbo Lishe International Airport or Ningbo Train Station pick-up service online(http://nbt.istudyedu.com/pickUpList) arranged by the university before September 11th. Late reservations will NOT be accepted.
2) 接机/接站时间段(以下时间为北京时间):
9月15日 上午9:00 至下午 5:00
Free pick-up Service is ONLY available on specified days as below (Beijing Time):
September 15th, 9 am to 5 pm
The university has been issuing official admission documents from the beginning of July. After receiving the paper admission documents, please apply for X visa for entry to China.
Tuition Fees
All self-funded First-Year Students should complete the tuition payment before 24:00 (Beijing time) of August 21st, 2022. When registration, you should bring all payment receipts (including the tuition deposit and the remaining tuition).
Health Insurance
All students (including scholarship students) MUST purchase insurance by yourselves. Please make sure to purchase the health insurance before registration day and keep the receipt for review at the registration procedure. Please refer to the attachment for details. The insurance fee is RMB 800 per year.
Visa Change after Arrival
持 X1 签证入境的国际学生应在入境之日起24小时内在辖区派出所登记。学校将为完成线下报到注册的新生提供签证咨询和协助服务。
Foreigners who enter China with an X1 visa shall report to the District Police Station within 24 hours. NingboTech University will provide assistance for visa change after students’ registration.
Ningbo Wenhua Police Station,Address:
1# Qianhu South Road, Yinzhou, Ningbo (inside Yuanshi Park which is in front of the university)
Physical Check-up
1) 国际学生来华前,须按照《外国人体格检查纪录》的内容在中国境外检查身体。
Before departure for China, students should do physical check-up as required in Physical Examination Record for Foreigners.
2) 学习时间在6个月以上的国际学生到校注册后,需前往宁波国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检,体检费自理,约640人民币/次。新生在获得《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》后才能办理居留许可。
International students who will study for more than 6 months should take a physical check-up in principle at Ningbo International Travel Healthcare Center (ITHC) . The estimated cost is 640 RMB/Year.
International students ONLY CAN APPLY FOR OR RENEW RESIDENCE PERMITS after they obtain a Certificate of Verification of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners issued by ITHC.
3) 经检查确认患有我国法律规定不准入境的疾病者,应当立即离境回国。
Those who are ascertained upon examination as patients of any disease due to which no entry is allowed as specified in China’s laws, shall return immediately to their home country.
4) 宁波国际旅行卫生保健中心,宁波市海曙区柳汀街336号
The Address of Ningbo International Travel Healthcare Center: No.366, Liuting Rd, Haishu District, Ningbo. Tel: 0574-87163322
Residence Permit
1) 持 X1 签证入境的国际学生应在入境之日起30 日内办理学习类居留许可。请携带以下材料至鄞州公安分局出入境管理大队办理:
International students who enter China with an X1 visa shall apply for residence permit to Yinzhou Immigration Office within 30 days from the date of entry in China. Please bring all the documents listed below. NingboTech University will provide assistance for residence permit after students’ registration.
2) 材料清单:
To apply for a residence permit, new students need to prepare the following documents and materials.
a) 学校出具的办理居留许可证明;
A certification issued by NingboTech University
b) 护照 Passport
c) 《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201 或JW202 表)第三联原件;
The Original third slip of Visa Application for Study in China (Form JW202, Yellow Page)
d) 入学通知书复印件一份;
One duplicate copy of the Admission Notice
e) 近期2寸正面白底免冠照片一张;
One recent 2-inch photo of the applicant (front, bareheaded, with a white background);
f) 学习六个月以上的学生需要《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》;
The Certificate of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners & Overseas Chinese, which is required for students who will study for more than 6 months;
g) 宿舍管理部门出具的住宿登记单;
Residence registration certification issued by dormitory management department of university, which is required for students dwelling on campus;
h) 持有宁波市以外其他城市居留许可的学生需提供原就读学校学习结束的证明、成绩证明和出勤证明。
A certification of completion of study, a transcript and a certificate of class attendance issued by the student’s former school in China, which is required for those with residence permits issued by the city where the student’s former school is located.
3) 国际学生从中国国内其他城市转入浙大宁波理工学院学习,应当先在原居留地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁出手续,抵甬后在最新签证有效期内到宁波市公安局出入境管理局办理迁入手续。
International students who are transferring from another city in China shall go through the move-out formalities with the Department of Entry & Exit Administration of that city and then go through the move-in formalities with the Department of Entry & Exit Administration, Ningbo Public Security Bureau, within the validity period of the latest visa.
4) 在学期间,如居留许可上填写的项目内容有变更,必须在10日内到市公安局出入境管理局办理变更手续。
If any items on the residence permit change during his/her study at the university, student shall have the relevant information changed with the Department of Entry & Exit Administration,Ningbo Public Security Bureau within 10 days after the change takes place.
5) 在校生应在居留许可有效期限届满30日前凭本人护照、派出所出具的临时住宿登记单和浙大宁波理工学院出具的证明到宁波市公安局出入境管理局申请延长居留期限。超过有效期仍未办理延长手续者,将因非法居留受到中国有关法律的惩罚。如遇学期结束,必须在学校放假以前办理,假期一般不予办理。毕业或结业离校的学生原则上不予办理延长手续,可酌情办理规定期限内的停留签证申请手续。
Current students shall, within 30 days prior to the expiry of the validity period on their residence permits or visa, file applications for extension of the duration of residence or stay with the Department of Entry & Exit Administration,Ningbo Public Security Bureau. Documents for duration extension application include the applicants passport, residence registration certification issued by dormitory office (or issued by the local police station) and a certification issued by NingboTech University. Failure to secure the extension before the expiration will be deemed as illegal residence and thus leads to penalty in accordance with relevant Chinese laws. Students are advised to solve their visa problem during regular semester time as it is not handled during vacations. A residence permit may be extended up to one year at a time. No extension will be possible for students who are to leave the university for graduation or completion of their course of study, but stay permits with specified duration may be applied for according to the circumstances.
6) 国际学生可在“外国人居留许可”的有效期内多次出入境。
International students may enter and exit China for multiple times as indicated on their Residence Permits.
7) 宁波市公安局出入境管理局地址: 宁波市鄞州区宁穿路1901号,电话:0574-87758210
The Address of the Department of Entry & Exit Administration, Ningbo:1901 Ningchuan Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo city,telephone number:0574-87758210
8) 宁波市公安局鄞州公安分局出入境大队地址:宁波市鄞州区惠江路567号,电话:0574-88221182
The Address of YinZhou Immigration:567 Huijiang Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo city,telephone number:0574-88221182
9) 其余有关规定请参照《浙大宁波理工学院留学生出入境及居留须知》
For more details, you could refer to the NingboTech University Entry and Exit and Residence Instructions for International Students.
Living Expenses
Living expenses depend on one person’s daily habits. Under normal circumstances, the living expenses of undergraduate students in Ningbo is 2,000-2,500 RMB/month. The stipend offered by school MAY NOT COVER ALL YOUR LIVING EXPENSES. Please make sure your financial status is sufficient to cover your living costs during your whole study in China.
Please Note:
When studying at NingboTech, international students are allowed to participate in work-study programs on campus, but taking up paid employment or participate in any business activities is NOT ALLOWED according to the regulations on student visa.
All enrolled international students are automatically granted NingboTech University Freshman Scholarship in their first year. From the second year onwards, the univeristy will review the eligibility of scholarship candidates based on overall performance of the previous academic year. If the attendance is less than 80% or more than two courses are failed, scholarship candidacy will be disqualified for the next academic year. Once an international student violates Chinese laws and regulations or school disciplines as stipulated, the scholarship will be cancelled immediately and the student will receive punishment in accordance with the relevant provisions of NingboTech University International Students Disciplinary Regulations.
Each country has a different list of contraband goods. In order to ensure your entry of Chinese boarder, please visit the website of Chinese Embassy for details and check your baggage carefully before departure.