
《花 · 非花》当代艺术作品联展即将开幕

穗庐文化 穗庐文化 2022-12-25

《花 · 非花》| 当代艺术作品联展


Said the philosopher Wang Yangming: "Before you gaze at these flowers, they and your mind are in the state of silent vacancy. Their colour will only emerge when you come and look at them, therefore you know that these flowers are not external to your mind.".

《花 · 非花》| 当代艺术作品联展
艺术家 | Artists李云雷、金大伟 、王赓、仝紫云、刘建轩、王熙远
展览时间 I Duration 
主办方 I  Organised  穗庐文化
展览地址 I Venue 穗庐艺术空间 杭州市滨江区伟业路660号


Discussing Chinese painting in this digital epoch is controversial and exquisitely timed.

就当下绘画而言,传统的绘画形式面临着能否切入和涵盖现实与心理两个层面的挑战。如何摆脱媒材的狭隘,摆脱绘画种类的束缚,在多元文化中建立起民族自信,彰显中国艺术的自我认同?亟待画坛展现出新的活力。如何使得新作品体现艺术差异性和多样性,使之成为文化自觉建构进程的重要组成部分?为此,六位艺术家秉承“守正创新”的宗旨,探寻中国绘画在国际视角、智能社会、多元文化背景下的新颖灵感。In contemporary art practice, traditional methodologies are challenged to penetrate and encompass both physical and spiritual spheres of the world. How to break free of limit of mediums? How to escape from categorization? And how to building up confidence and self-recognition of Chinese art in this multi-cultural environment? This requires new vitally around us. How those specialties and diversities shown in the works can be a part of the construction of cultural self - knowledge on a larger scale? Therefore, six artists with the idea of 'innovation from tradition', exploring Chinese painting's position in a globalized, informational and diverse background.

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本次展览展出李云雷、金大伟 、王赓、仝紫云、刘建轩、王熙远,六位艺术家共七十余件作品,其中既有凸显传统笔墨文化的传承,又有展现当代先锋艺术与传统绘画技法的融合,还有对中西方传统绘画材料及技艺之比较,更有对未知及当下现状的思考,此外,特别感谢中国美术学院刘正教授为此次展览题写展名,及中国艺术研究院油画院院长杨飞云教授、浙江大学文化遗产研究院院长刘斌教授、浙江省油画院院长常青教授、浙江省书法家协会副主席、秘书长何涤非先生、伦敦大学金史密斯学院高级讲师Laura White女士为本次活动给予的支持与帮助。

This exhibition showcases over seventy works from Li yunlei, Jin Dawei, Wang Geng, Tong Ziyun, Liu Jianxuan and Wang Xiyuan. There is the inherit penmanship passing down from history, the coalescence of the avant-garde and tradition. You can also find comparison of the medium between East and West, as well as contemplations of the present and the unknown. Special thanks go to Professor Liu Zheng, Vice Dean of CAA, for the calligraphy of the title of the exhibition. The appreciation further goes to the immense support from Mister Yang Feiyun, head of School of Oil Painting of China National Academy of Arts, Mister Liu Bin, head of School of Arts and Archaeology of Zhejiang University, Professor Chang Qing of CAA, Dean of Zhejiang Oil Painting Institute, as well as He Difei, Vice president and secretary of Zhejiang Calligrapher’s Association,and Ms Laura White, Reader in Goldsmiths, University of London.

六月三日,让我们一起共赏一场当代艺术的探索盛宴。On June 3, let's enjoy a feast of exploration of contemporary art.

上期回顾:立夏 | 天地始交,万物并秀

