
原创 新人教版核心词汇全方位拓展 X4U4

林燕娜 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17














X4U4 重点词汇

1. mail    

2. uniform  

3. shade      

4. ripe      

5. drag   

6. resign    

7. deserve     

8. contract    

9. pray  

1. mail  /meɪl/

n.  &  vt.


 n. the bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service  邮件;信件;邮政   


vt. send via the postal service;cause to be directed or transmitted to another place   邮寄;发电邮给


复数:mails  三单: mails 现在分词: mailing   

过去式: mailed  过去分词:mailed

同根词:  mailing      adj. 邮递的   n. 邮寄;邮件 


例 1: I’ ve been dying to have some of my favourite sweets, and it’s always nice to get mail! 

 ---教材原句 P41

例2: Mail your entry to us by October 31 this year.                    

 ---2020山东 阅读A

例3:You've got mail and it's a postcard. 

--- 2021 年7月浙江 七选五                                                        例4:A lady who was starting with her maid in the next mail for Boulogne, and who told me not to take it until the coach was out of the courtyard.                       

 --- Camille 《茶花女》

例5:Tell the captain we've got some of his mails here.                 

--- Lord Jim 《吉姆老爷》

例6:The mails are taken to the field marshal's room, for he likes to do everything himself. 

     --- War and Peace 《战争与和平》


1. by mail  ____________________________________

2. daily mail  ____________________________________

3. voice mail  ____________________________________

4. express mail  ____________________________________

5. send mail   ____________________________________

6. mail order  ____________________________________


1. 我们通过邮递做生意。


2. 我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。








1. by mail  邮寄;通过写信,通过邮递;按信件

2. daily mail  每日邮报(英国伦敦的报刊)

3. voice mail  语音邮件

4. express mail  快信

5. send mail   发送邮件

6. mail order  邮购,函购;邮购订单


1. 我们通过邮递做生意。

We do our business by mail.

2. 我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。

  I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.

3. 下午还另有一批邮件吗?

  Is there another mail in the afternoon?

4. 我去邮局寄信。

  I went to the post office to mail the letters.

2. uniform

/ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/   n.  &  adj.


 the special set of clothes worn by all members of an organization or a group at work, or by children at school    n.  制服;校服  


 not varying; the same in all parts and at all times  adj.  一致的;统一的;一律的


复数:uniforms 三单: uniforms 现在分词: uniforming   

过去分词: uniformed 比较级:more uniform      最高级:most uniform

同根词:uniformed  adj.  穿着制服的  uniformly  adv. 一致地


例 1: Unlike students in our country, these boys do not wear cotton uniforms, and many of them also have to walk a long way, sometimes for up to two hours, just to get to school.

---教材原句 P38

     例2: As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform, I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him, just as our lizard had.  

  --- 2021天津 阅读B

例 3: There are several reasons why school uniforms are good idea.  

--- 2019浙江卷 语法填空

例4:Uniforms can be useful in unexpected ways. 

 --- 2019浙江 语法填空

例5:A school in Ireland has introduced an interesting new uniform.     

-- 2019浙江 语法填空

例6:Some very good schools don't have a uniform policy. However, uniforms are still popular.

--- 2019浙江 语法填空


1. ___________________________________ 穿上制服

2. ___________________________________ 脱下制服

3. in uniform   ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________   校服

5. military uniform   ___________________________________

6. uniform distribution   ___________________________________


1. 士兵、警察和护士们都穿制服。  ________________________________________________________

2. 在学年结束时,教练把足球球衣收回并登记。


3. 夜晚来临时,大街上仍然到处是军人。


4. 房子里的窗户都是一样的。  




1. put on a uniform 穿上制服

2. take off a uniform 脱下制服

3. in uniform  穿制服

4. school uniform  校服

5. military uniform  军装

6. uniform distribution  均匀分布;一致分布


1. 士兵、警察和护士们都穿制服。

  Soldiers, policemen, and nurses wear uniforms.

2. 在学年结束时,教练把足球球衣收回并登记。

  The coach checked in the football uniforms at end of the school year.

3. 夜晚来临时,大街上仍然到处是军人。

  When evening came, the streets still remained full of military uniforms.

4. 房子里的窗户都是一样的。

The windows in the house are all uniform.

3. shade

/ʃeɪd/  vt. & n.


~ sb/sth (from/against sth) to prevent direct light from reaching sth.  v. 给…遮(光线)


~ (of sth) an area that is dark and cool under or behind sth, for example a tree or building, because the sun's light does not get to it    n.  阴凉处;背阴;(树)荫


复数:shades 三单: shades 现在分词: shading

过去式: shaded 过去分词: shaded  

同根词:adj.  shady 成荫的;阴暗的;名声不好的;  shaded 荫蔽的;色彩较暗的


例 1: Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there- first, up a mountain from where we had fantastic views, and then down a shaded path to the valley below.

---教材原句 P38

例2: There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.       

 --- 2017全国I卷 七选五                   

例 3: He passed milky white waterfalls and mountains in many shades of blue.   

-- 2020年全国III卷 语法填空                                                       例4:Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice. 

 --- 2020天津 阅读B

例5:I was looking at him from the shade.                        --- Lord Jim 《吉姆老爷》    

例6 :To watch his face was like watching a darkening sky before a clap of thunder, shade upon shade imperceptibly

 coming on, the doom growing mysteriously intense in the calm of maturing violence.                    

 --- Lord Jim 《吉姆老爷》  


1. get shade from the sun    _______________________________

2. throw a shade on    _______________________________

3. ____________________________给某人提供阴凉处

4. in the shade    _______________________________

5. _______________________________  遮住脸/眼睛


1. 庭院荫庇在大树下。  


2. 她遮住眼睛避免阳光直射。  ___________________

3. 他想让这些大树把房子遮住。


4. 我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。




1. get shade from the sun    不让太阳照射

2. throw a shade on    投阴影于…

3. offer sb shade    给某人提供阴凉处

4. in the shade    在阴凉处

5. shade the face/eyes   遮住脸/眼睛



  The courtyard was shaded by high trees.


  She shaded her eyes against the sun.

3. 他想让这些大树把房子遮住。

He tried to shade his house with thick trees.

4. 我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。

  We sat down in the shade of the wall.

4. ripe

/raɪp/  adj.


 fully grown and ready to be eaten  成熟的;  ~ (for sth) ready or suitable for sth to happen 时机成熟的;适宜的


比较级 riper 或 more ripe 最高级 ripest 或 most ripe

 同根词:adv.  ripely  圆通地;成熟地   vt.  ripen  使成熟


例 1: He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau (sweetpotato), ripe corn, and greens.  

---教材原句 P39

例2: I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon. 

 --- 2021全国卷I 七选五                                                 

例 3: You can be the one who directs the conversation to fun topics that are ripe for others to add humor. 

 --- 2020江苏 任务型阅读

  例4:But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener.    

 --- 2019北京

例5:For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter.  

 --- 2018全国卷II 阅读B


1. ripe for  ________________________________

2. ripe for settlement   ________________________________

3. ripe field  ________________________________

4. ripe scholar  ________________________________

5. ripe time  ________________________________


1. 庄稼熟的时候已是仲夏。  ____________________

2. 大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。


3. 不久前,他试图把成熟的芒果从树上敲下来,弄伤了肩膀。


4. 秋天庄稼成熟时,田野变成一片金黄。




1. ripe for  时机成熟;为……做好准备

2. ripe for settlement   解决的时机已成熟

3. ripe field  成熟庄稼的田地

4. ripe scholar  老练的学者

5. ripe time  成熟的时机


1. 庄稼熟的时候已是仲夏。

It was mid-summer when the crops were ripe.

2. 大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow.

3. 不久前,他试图把成熟的芒果从树上敲下来,弄伤了肩膀。

He hurt his shoulder not long ago, trying to knock ripe mangoes from a tree.

4. 秋天庄稼成熟时,田野变成一片金黄。

   When crops ripe in autumn, fields turn entirely golden. 

5. drag

/dræɡ/  vt. & vi


to pull sb/sth along with effort and difficulty (使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,拽,扯


 同根词: political  adj.  政治的;党派的

 politically  adv.  政治上    politician n. 政治家,政客


例 1: My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. 

 ---教材原句 P39

例2: This meant, of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, dragging his heavy instrument case across the campus to the pitying looks of the non-musicians he had left behind.       

--- 2017江苏 完型

例 3: Crowds of men of various arms, wounded and unwounded, with frightened faces, dragged themselves back to Mozhaysk from the one army and back to Valuevo from the other. 

 --- War and Peace 《战争与和平》

  例4:The wounded dragged themselves out of their rooms and stood with pale but happy faces round the carts.                                  

 --- War and Peace 《战争与和平》

例5:They seized Makar Alexeevich by the arms and dragged him to the door.                              

--- War and Peace 《战争与和平》

例6:He did not at first recognize the place from which he had set out to look for the child, so crowded was it now with people and goods that had been dragged out of the houses.                                                           

 --- War and Peace 《战争与和平》


1. drag one's feet   _________________________________

2. drag one's heel   _________________________________

3. drag away   _________________________________

4. drag down …   _________________________________

5. drag in  _________________________________

6. drag up   _________________________________


1. 我把椅子拖到了窗口那。


2. 他们把她从床上拽了起来。         ________________________________________________________

3. 他在地板上拖着那个沉重的箱子。


4. 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪。   ________________________________________________________



1. drag one's feet   拖步而行

2. drag one's heel   故意延迟行动

3. drag away   拉开, 拖走

4. drag down …   使身体垮掉

5. drag in   把…拉进去, 硬把…拉扯进来

6. drag up   重提 (旧事、旧话)


1. 我把椅子拖到了窗口那边。

I dragged the chair over to the window.

2. 他们把她从床上拽了起来。   

They dragged her from her bed.

3. 他在地板上拖着那个沉重的箱子。

   He dragged the heavy case across the floor.

4. 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪。

   She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me.

6. resign

/rɪˈzaɪn/   vi. & vt.


 ~ (from sth)~ (as sth) to officially tell sb. that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc. 辞职;辞去(某职务)


三单: resigns 现在分词:resigning   过去式:resigned

过去分词:resigned 词根: resign  

同根词: resigned  adj.  顺从的;已辞职的;己放弃的

        resignation  n. 辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从


例 1: One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign from my job.         

---教材原句 P40

例2: Dr. Rowan, whose secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.                                              --- 2020天津

例 3: I can see that you are tired of the arrangement, and of me, and I had better, therefore, resign.    

--- The Man of Property《有产业的人》                                   例4:But Baba sensed my lack of genuine interest and resigned himself to the bleak fact that his son was never going to either play or watch soccer.      --- The Kite Runner 《追风筝的孩子》

例5:As for Scarlett, she had long ago become resigned to Melanie’s habit of seeing good in everyone.                        --- Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》    

例6 :That October Governor Bullock resigned his office and fled from Georgia.    

--- Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》


1. resign one's office    _________________________________

2. resign one's position    _________________________________

3. resign a task to sb    _________________________________

4. resign oneself to   _________________________________

5. resign to fate    _________________________________


1. 他承受着要辞职的巨大压力。   ______________________________________________________

2. 他宣布即将辞职。      


3. 留给他的除了辞职别无选择。   ______________________________________________________

4. 他辞去了那家公司的职务。  ______________________________________________________



   1. resign one's office   辞职

2. resign one's position   辞职

3. resign a task to sb   把任务交给某人

4. resign oneself to  使听从于;听任;听凭于;甘受

   5. resign to fate   认命


1. 他承受着要辞职的巨大压力。

  He was under strong pressure to resign.

2. 他宣布即将辞职。

  He announced that he's going to resign.

3. 留给他的除了辞职别无选择。

  He was left with no option but to resign.

4. 他辞去了那家公司的职务。

He resigned his position in the company.

7. deserve

/dɪˈzɜːv/  vt.


( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) [ V -ing ] if sb/sth deserves sth,  is right that they should have it, because of the way they have behaved or because of what they are  值得;应得;应受


三单: deserves 现在分词:deserving   过去式:deserved


同根词: deserved  adj.   应得的;理所当然的   deservedly   adv.  理所当然地;应得报酬地


例 1:“I think everyone deserves the right to be happy,” she said.            

 ---教材原句 P40

例2: But your father has the distinction of belonging to the minority who truly deserves the label. 

  --- The Kite Runner 《追风筝的孩子》

例 3: I wondered whether I deserved any of it.

 --- The Kite Runner 《追风筝的子》                                        例4:“Let’s just say we both got what we deserved,” I said.  --- The Kite Runner 《追风筝的孩子》                            例5:You gave him what he deserved, and he deserved even more.   --- The Kite Runner 《追风筝的孩子》

例6 :If ever anyone deserved a watch, you do, and I know Pa would approve.             

 --- Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》


1. deserve to do sth   ____________________________________

2. you deserve it   ____________________________________

3. deserve to win   ____________________________________

4. deserve to be mentioned   ____________________________________

5. deserve one's reputation   ____________________________________


1. 辛苦劳累那么久,你该休息一下了。______________________________________________________________________________ ______

2. 这报告应该给予认真考虑。


3. 有一名运动员特别值得表扬。


4. 你帮了这么大的忙,理应受到奖励。




1. deserve to do sth   值得干某事 ; 应该做

2. you deserve it   你应得的 ;  你活该 ; 你值得

3. deserve to win   赢在情理之中

4. deserve to be mentioned   值得一提 ; 翻译

5. deserve one's reputation   名不虚传


1. 辛苦劳累那么久,你该休息一下了。

You deserve a rest after all that hard work.

2. 这报告应该给予认真考虑。

The report deserves careful consideration.

3. 有一名运动员特别值得表扬。

One player in particular deserves a mention.

4. 你帮了这么大的忙,理应受到奖励。

You deserve a reward for being so helpful.

8. contract

vt.  &  n.


vt.  ~ sb (to sth) to make a legal agreement with sb for them to work for you or provide you with a service  与…订立合同(或契约)


n.  ~ (with sb)~ (between A and B)~ (for sth/to do sth) an official written agreement  合同;合约;契约


复数: contracts  三单: contracts       现在分词:contracting

 过去式:contracted       过去分词:contracted

 同根词: contractual   adj. 契约的,合同的    contractor  n.  承包人;立契约者


例 1: Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania. 

、---教材原句 P44

例2: The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously — so seriously that some labor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call.  

 ---2021全国I 七选五                                  

例 3: According to the Dallas Area Cultural Advocacy Coalition, arts agencies employ more than 10,000 people as full- or part-time employees or independent contractors.     

 ---2018江苏 任务型阅读                                                    

例4:And just as soon as Johnnie Gallegher’s contract with Tommy is up, I’m going to hire him to run Hugh’s mill. 

--- Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》                                         例5:They all made their money speculating in food like your loving husband or out of dubious government contracts or in shady ways that won’t bear investigation.                       

--- Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》

例6:Her heart contracted(收缩)a little with shame at the sight of that closed door, remembering the many nights of this last summer when Rhett had sat there alone, drinking until he was sodden and Pork came to urge him to bed.      

--- Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》      


1. contract for   _____________________________________

2. break a contract   _____________________________________

3. simple contract   _____________________________________

4. law of contract  _____________________________________


1. 他们终于争取到了那份合同。

______________________________________________________________________________ ______

2. 为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。


3. 他们坚持要就这项工作立一份合同。


4. 你们可以和我们签订合同,由我们负责运输你们的货物。




1. contract for   订契约, 承包, 承建

2. break a contract   撕毁契约

3. simple contract    口头契约

4. law of contract  合同法


1. 他们终于争取到了那份合同。

They were successful in winning the contract.

2. 为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。

Several companies are competing for the contract.

3. 他们坚持要就这项工作立一份合同。

 They were insistent on having a contract for the work

4. 你们可以和我们签订合同,由我们负责运输你们的货物。

 You can contract with us to deliver your cargo.

9. pray

/preɪ/  vi.  &  vt.


  ~ (to sb) (for sb/sth) to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help 祈祷;祷告


三单: prays 现在分词: praying 过去式: prayed     过去分词: prayed 同根词: prayerful  adj.  虔诚的;常常祷告的  prayer  n. 祈祷,祷告;恳求;祈祷文


例 1: Now that I understand how important my mother's work is, I've decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands. In the future, I pray that you will do the same.                           

---教材原句 P45

例2: I pray they will not stay.  

---Cities in Flight 《飞行都市》                                 

例 3: One thing which you will not believe, perhaps, Armand, is that I prayed God to give me strength; and what proves that he accepted my sacrifice is that he gave me the strength for which I prayed.                               

---Camille 《茶花女》  

例4:I went to find a priest at Saint Roch, I burned two candles for her, and I prayed in the church for an hour. 

---Camille 《茶花女》                                                                例5:In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I would pretend to close my eyes , then peek around the room.  

--- Dreams From My Father 《我父亲的梦想》   

例6:With our eyes closed, we uttered the same words, but in our hearts we each prayed to our own masters. 

--- Dreams From My Father 《我父亲的梦想》  


1. pray for sb/sth    _________________________________________

2. pray for the success of    _________________________________________

3. pray to sb for sth    _________________________________________

4. pray at one's knee     _________________________________________

5. pray against    _________________________________________


1. 她祈求上帝结束她的苦难。

______________________________________________________________________________ ______

2. 我们为她的康复祈祷。


3. 我们十分企盼星期六是个晴天。  


4. 我但愿没人注意到我的错误。




1. pray for sb/sth    祈求; 祈祷

2. pray for the success of    为…的成功而祈祷

3. pray to sb for sth    为某事祈求某人  

4. pray at one's knee     跪在某人的膝下恳求

5. pray against    祈祷不要发生…


1. 她祈求上帝结束她的苦难。

She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings.

2. 我们为她的康复祈祷。

We prayed (that) she would recover from her illness.

3. 我们十分企盼星期六是个晴天。    

   We're praying for good weather on Saturday.

4. 我但愿没人注意到我的错误。

   I prayed that nobody would notice my mistake.



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