
【HKIAC 香港活动】Obtaining Discovery in US Courts to Use in ...

Obtaining Discovery in US Courts 

to Use in Asia-Based Arbitration

  • Venue: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, 38/F Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong

  • Date: 5 December 2019 

  • Time: 12:30pm - 14:00pm

  • 12:30 / Registration and lunch

  • 13:00-14:00 / Discussion

As parties have increasingly petitioned U.S. courts to grant discovery for use in overseas arbitration, Section 1782 has become a favorite tool for counsel in accomplishing this goal. Several of the most recent high-profile Section 1782 cases have been brought by parties to arbitrations seated in China or other parts of Asia.

Please join Skadden international litigation and arbitration partner Timothy G. Nelson, a veteran of several Section 1782 cases, to discuss the current state of case law, tactics often used by Section 1782 applicants and defenses available to discovery targets.

Please respond by Wednesday, November 28 and register your interest by clicking "阅读原文".




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