
HK Arbitration Week 10 Facts | Fact No.1

HK Arbitration Week 10 Facts

Fact No.1 – The first Arbitration Week was held in Hong Kong in 2012

The aim in 2012 was to bring the community together to host a series of events relating to global issues with a focus on Asia. The collaborative effort of different organisations provided for a diverse range of topics, perspectives and formats. Importantly with a variety of events there was something for everyone, including events without charge to ensure all members of the community can participate. This goal remains the same today.

HKIAC established and ran the inaugural 2012 HK Arbitration Week, and has continued to do so annually.

We are grateful for the collaborative effort of multiple organisations who supported the first HK Arbitration Week in 2012. 


2020香港仲裁周 - 内地仲裁突破


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