
来自小块儿的告别信 nugget closing announcement

nugget records 小块儿唱片 2023-08-21


Everything beautiful in this city is fleeting. Transience is one of the most wonderful things about Beijing, forcing you to really appreciate what you have in front of you because it could be gone at any moment. People fly in to teach English, only to be gone a year or two later. Your favourite restaurant closes with little fanfare, that speakeasy you always took people out to when they were in town gets bricked up. 

在身处北京的日子里,从2015年的美好时光到现在,我们见证了Temple、DDC旧址、Cellar Door和El Nido旧址相继关闭,甚至还有容纳了Tiki Bar和Knight & Merchants的那条街的突然拆迁。后者是一个中意蒸汽朋克的酒吧老板经营的《权力的游戏》风格的蜜酒馆,他会让顾客穿上击剑装备,在胡同外击剑。

In our time here, since the halcyon days of 2015 till now, we’ve witnessed the closure of Temple, the old DDC, Cellar Door and El Nido’s former location, even the sudden demolition of the strip that housed the Tiki Bar as well as Knight & Merchants, a Game of Thrones style mead-hall run by a steampunk-clad bar owner who would let his patrons don fencing gear and fight with swords in the hutong outside.


As we witnessed the closure of these spaces, the old Beijing we loved slowly disappearing around us, we decided it was time to carve out a little space of our own in the city, to preserve a venue for independent culture, diverse people and points of view, a place for music of all types, art of all kinds. It was with this ethos in mind that nugget was born. (We never quite managed to resurrect the drunken sword fighting however!)


(nugget during our renovations in summer 2020!)


We’ve spent three years nestled in the hutongs that gave us so much, and now it seems our time is finally coming to an end. Over these three years, that have so often felt like a decade, we witnessed many changes taking place in our society, not all of them to our liking, and it’s time for both the business and ourselves personally to move on. 


It’s not easy running a cultural space in Beijing. You have to deal with noise complaints from the neighbours, overzealous chengguan looking to eke out some small semblance of power in their lives, all while trying to constantly stay abreast of an ever shifting line of what’s permissible and what isn’t. There have been times when nugget has crossed this line, both unwittingly and with purpose.

(在一次变装舞会上Betty D呈现的持枪造型)
(Betty D bringing out the big guns at one of our Gender Bender Balls)


Pushing the envelope, as nugget has done, has brought us occasional 麻烦, but also so much joy and pride for what we’ve been able to accomplish here in Beijing. Since our opening, we’ve been a space for all, never turning anyone away from our doorstep. Drag shows have taken place a day after a harsh noise gig, and followed just the next evening by a room full of drunken revelry as 20 people compete for the title of Mario Kart champion. In a world that’s growing ever further apart, it’s so important for us to retain spaces that bring us all together.



nugget will be closing at the end of August, but we’re going out not with a whimper, but rather with a bang! We’re having a week long music festival, NUGCHELLA, from Wednesday 23rd - Sunday 27th of August. It features some of our favourite bands that have played in our tiny venue over the last few years. Check out the poster above and scan the code to reserve your place. All shows are free and we thank the bands taking part for being so generous with their time.


There’ll be drink deals over the week, with it being your last chance to get your hands on a Sourtower, Strawberry Papa or some of our other signature cocktails that have won us Beijing Cocktail Bar of the Year twice in a row!

(Strawberry Papa, a strawberry milkshake with more than a touch of Buckfast)

放眼未来,虽然小块儿不再落脚于北锣鼓巷,但原址还会继续开放营业。我们找到了伙伴接手酒吧,尽管名称和风格会发生改变,但热情友好包容的宗旨永存,这里仍是你歇脚的温馨港湾。白天照旧是静默咖啡,而我们厨房的最新成员 FOODLE 将会很快为大家带来一些美味小食!至于小块儿自己,我们会继续作为唱片厂牌,回到最初的美好~各自居家工作来发行磁带并制作城市里最棒的独立音乐。

Going forward, although nugget is leaving our Beiluoguxiang digs, the space will continue on. We have found someone to take over the bar, with a new name and vibe but still above all a warm and welcoming space for all those looking for a community in Beijing to call their own. Silence Coffee will still be there in the daytime and our newest addition in the kitchen, FOODLE, will be introducing some yummy treats for everyone soon! We ourselves will continue as a record label, releasing tapes from our homes as we began doing all those years ago, championing the best indie music in the city.

(The pocket nugget, a tape player from nugget records)


If you want to support us, you don’t need to wait for NUGCHELLA! Come and check out our packed lineup of events over the next month, which you can find out about through our official account below.


See you there at the end. It’s been a blast, it’s been an honour, nugget loves you all ~❤️

(初创团队 - 大卫, 饶佳莹 & 包子)
(The original nugget team - Dave, Jen & Baozi)


nugget records is a cassette label from beijing


nugget 小块儿

#8 huayuan front alley 


10am - 12am open everyday


wechat 微信: nuggetrecords

