
互联网公司在earning call上如何谈监管 | 长假系列阅读(一)【建投传媒互联网】

杨艾莉 艾莉研究笔记 2022-09-29
中信建投传媒团队 杨艾莉 杨晓玮

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John LoCFO








在游戏上,我认为此时关键的问题仍然是未成年人在游戏上花费的时间和金钱,这是我们正在重点关注的问题。因此,正如你在我们最新的声明中所看到的,我们采用了James(James Mitchell,首席策略管)已经谈到的许多不同的措施。








James Mitchell,首席策略管:


在中国之外,我们最近看到了一些不错的成绩,比如在日本和韩国推出的策略类RPG是我们在该地区首次获得不错的表现。我们的Pokémon Unite主机游戏可以说同样有着不错的吸引力。










就现在对我们业务的影响而言, 12岁及以下的消费在我们营业收入中的比重只有0.3%,所以这部分收入实际上很少。







James Mitchell,首席策略管:












































































































另外,我再分享一下我们在618期间整体的POP业务的增速是高于我们自营9 pct的,也成为了我们二季度的业务增长的重要驱动力。尤其是我想包括很多分析师,包括可能消费者认为,京东是一个标品为主导的、带电品类的、自营为优势的电商平台。那么手机和笔记本这两个品类实际上增速和POP业务增速都非常非常的高,手机的POP业务在618期间的增速甚至超过了100%。那么,其实可以证明京东零售平台的生态化能力是在持续提升的,实际上在未来,京东平台上包括了我们的B to C的自营,也包括了B to C的POP,也包括了我们全渠道的到家的、到店的业务、及时零售的业务,实际上我们是一个多种模式组合的零售平台。


















































































Tony Yip,首席策略管:


我们之前接受了该决定,并致力于及时并完全遵守所有要求,而该决定将对我们的音乐业务产生影响,值得注意的是平台上所有音乐将继续提供给我们的用户。我们将根据监管要求专注于加强我们的运营,我们还将专注于通过产品创新更好地为用户服务,Ross(Ross Liang,CEO)和Cussion(Cussion Pan,副总裁)对此也进行了阐述。我们也将专注于促进音乐人和整个音乐产业的健康发展。让我在这暂停一下,看看管理层中的其他人是否还有其他要补充的内容。

Ross LiangCEO

谢谢你的提问。我只想补充一点,我认为TME的关键竞争优势之一是我们的双飞轮战略(dual flywheels strategies),意思是我们不仅拥有音乐平台,而且正如你提到的,我们还致力于继续发展我们的内容生态系统,这将使我们在更长期的健康发展中为用户创造价值。正如你所说,坦率地说,我们肯定会按照监管部门的要求及时履行。



Cussion Pan,副总裁:





Ross LiangCEO



第三,我们将继续促进独立音乐人的发展。我不会在这里详细说明,因为Cussion(Cussion Pan,副总裁)已经谈了很多。



在平台内,我们的目标是加强我们在音乐、音频和社交使用体验方面的核心竞争力,具体来说,正如Ross(Ross Liang,CEO)提到的,有四个主要领域:













我们刚才提到的客户需求,我们的特色方面。另外,我们看到广告的库存和广告产品方面。一方面,库存我刚才会议里面也提到了,今年上半年视频流量的增长给我们带来了大量新增库存,而且这些库存的ad load等都会比较高。同时我刚才也提到了,奥运会使我们在七八月份达到了历史流量的峰值。而且从八月份以来,流量的增长还在持续,这也对我们信息流的广告库存带来了更多的空间。广告产品方面来看的话,刚才我提到了,其实我们除了效果广告之外,微博的品牌和内容营销的广告组合其实也越来越受到我们客户的认可,而且正逐步成为广告收入增长的关键性驱动。




































那个我大概回答一下第一个(问题)。如果不算YY Live的话,我们绝大部分现在现有的业务都是在海外市场了,所以中国主要是研发团队。在海外市场方面,我们可以看到自去年以来,在欧洲、东太平洋、中东,还有新兴国家等多个市场全面开花。我们的营收在各个区域都是非常均衡的,在单一区域的风险大大降低了。

























Great. Thank you for your time today, management. The first question really goes to kind of -- there's been a lot of regulatory developments in the market. Are there any in particular that you want to call out as things that might have been different from the way that you were envisioning in a few months or a few quarters ago, and how that might impact our strategic initiatives or priorities and so forth? So if you can just kind of call out one or two of them, that would be great.

And that dovetails into my second question, which is around perpetual tax that I think the industry has been benefiting from over the years. And I think some of your peers in the market have indicated that perhaps some of those perpetual treatment might be slowing to ebb away. So I just wanted to get some impression from how your conversations with the regulators have been about the idea that you redeploy your capital into investing for the benefit of society, and whether you think that's still valid and that the perpetual tax treatment should remain for us on an ongoing basis. Thank you.



I think if you want to identify a regulatory action, it's probably sort of around the after-school tuition frame, which is actually impacting a pretty big advertiser group on our advertising and across the industry. And we're seeing part of the impact this quarter and we're going to be seeing the entire impact of -- full-quarter impact next quarter. And that essentially take away a big buyer of advertising today on our platforms and the inventories that's due there. So over time, we'll be able to fill up the inventory with other advertisers.

But there will be an impact initially. So I think that's the most direct impact. But I think there's going to be a lot of questions with respect to regulations, so I might as well just sort of answer the more systemic view, right? I think that the point we want to make is that number one, we felt that regulation on Internet is a global trend, and it's not just limited to China. It's actually happening in the U.S., in Europe.

But China, it's a bit ahead in terms of the execution of a more structural regulation framework. And I think this should be expected because the regulation has been actually quite loose over an industry like the Internet, considering its size and the importance. Now secondly, I would like to say in terms of the regulators, the regulators are very focused on identifying and rectifying industry misbehaviors and also establishing regulations, they emphasize compliance, social responsibility as well as fair and proper behavior. And we should expect in the future, in the near future, more regulations should be coming.

Thirdly, what I would go -- to go from -- our understanding is that the government actually wants to foster a long-term sustainable development of the Internet industry. The government does recognize the importance on the economic side and social side of the Internet industry and also the contribution of the industry to global competitiveness. So that's why it does want to foster a long-term healthy environment. Fourthly, I would say our attitude during this wave of regulation is that we want to embrace this new environment fully, and we want to establish ourselves as fully compliant.

And we felt that this is actually going to be good for us and for the entire industry over the long run. And on a relative basis, we felt we are also quite well positioned to embrace the regulatory environment because we have been fully compliant with all regulations. This has always been our operating philosophy. And our strategy has always been trying to create value for users.

And we have always been quite self-restrained in terms of monetization. We have run our platforms so that we establish open platforms to support individual enterprises and entities. And we have also, all along the way, quite emphasized social responsibility and emphasized we want to use our tech for good. So given all these factors, right, I would say there will be short-term uncertainties and there are a lot of new regulations that will be coming, but we are pretty confident that we can be compliant.

And over the long run, it would actually position the industry for healthy growth, and we'll be a beneficiary of that. John?

John LoCFO

In relation to tax, I think the tax rebate has been reducing generally over time by implementing more detailed categorization of key software enterprise. Beforehand, the group has about four to five companies, which were qualified for key software enterprise. Well, for last year, we still had but the number reduced by quite a lot. We only accrued tax at preferential rate of 10% when we are sure that we can get it normally, in the subsequent year.

We also accrued withholding tax when we generated profits as opposed to some of our peers, which accrued when they need to remit money. As you can see, the effective tax rate for 2020 was about 11% and the first half of 2021 was about 11% as well. We expect that the effective tax rate for the entire year will be at similar level. On the face of it, the tax seemingly is very low, taking into account of a lot of non-IFRS adjustments such as nontaxable book profits on deemed disposal, disposal or other value valuation gains on investment.

If we take out all this -- all the non-IFRS adjustment that is what are the noises and withholding tax as well, the effective tax rate would have been approximately low teens for 2020 and mid-teens for 2021. All in all, the total tax rate differential would be around 3%.


I thank you for the opportunity to ask question. I have one follow-up on regulation. I appreciate the fact that management has been proactive in kind of talking to the regulator and self-regulate some of the practices in the market. Based on our conversation with the regulator, do we see the risk of more kind of drastic measures that the regulator may impose on the gaming industry? So for example, we try to limit restriction on time for minors or below 12.

Is there any discussion on teenagers, about 18 years old in terms of time spent on games? So that's my question on regulation.



On games, I think that the key issue at this point in time is still the amount of time and the amount of money that the minors spend on games. And this is an area that we are very focused on. And as a result, as you can see in our latest pronouncements, we have put in a number of different measures that James had already talked about. But there is one issue, which I think we proactively think up to the regulators, which is about the total amount of time and money that minors spend on games.

Because right now, I think a lot of the regulations is actually around each game. But if you look at across the industry, and most of the people are, when they have concerns, they're concerned over minors spending too much time on games as a category. So if we can actually find a way to regulate the total amount of time that's spent across different games, that would address the problem. And it actually requires -- it's a complicated issue requiring consensus of the regulator as well as the industry, if it requires a regulation.

It also requires a system to police it. But from the practicality perspective, it's actually doable. So this is one thing that we felt we would want to take up to the industry and the regulator to discuss. And if that can be achieved, and I think most of the criticism on the gaming industry, it will be resolved.


Good evening. Thank you both for taking my question. I have a question on your online games and then another follow-up on the regulation. So on online games, I think you guys mentioned earlier that China market was about 8%. I understand last year was also a pretty high base. But as we go into the second half this year with the more tighter regulatory environment targeting the minors, how should we think about the gaming growth, particularly for the domestic market? I do understand that we do have a few games in the pipeline, but it seems like the pipeline could be a bit more softer depending on the delays.

And a quick follow-up on the regulatory front. I think, Martin, you mentioned that while you guys are compliant more with the regulations, would this have somewhat impact on how we execute our business, meaning that should we be seeing more of a slower business growth opportunity within your different businesses as you guys try to comply to the new regulatory standards? Thank you.


James Mitchell,首席策略管:

John, so on your first question around our game business outlook then. We did quantify the impact of not generating revenue from users aged 12-years old and under, which is 0.3% of our China again, revenue and therefore, a smaller percentage of aggregate game revenue. And then, on the positive side, I think you made some comments about a soft game pipeline, which is not our perception. We're actually quite positively excited about our game pipeline within China.

And then without China, outside China, we have what we think is also a fairly healthy robust game pipeline. And we've seen some success recently, really for the first time in Japan and Korea with our tactical RPG. We're seeing good traction, again, arguably for the first time with a console-first game in the form of Pokémon Unite. So I think it's an uncertain environment.

There's lots of moving pieces. But overall, we believe we have a very high-quality game pipeline, both inside China and internationally.


In terms of regulations, I would say there will definitely be short-term adjustments that are needed for the different businesses. But on the other hand, the long-term strategy, I think, for us, is actually very intact. We have always executed our strategy around creating services that has user value, that help businesses and industries, and then also create social value. And in that process, we invest in these services, we monetize in a very self-restrained way.

And I think that strategy will continue.


Thank you, management, for taking the question. First question is on long-term financial impact from increasing the more social response initiative to take social responsibilities. In this quarter, you guys announced two more initiatives to social responsibility. Number one is the suspension of minor monetization for people under 12 years old. And then number two is the -- you will charge very low to zero payment take rate for some cases. As you take on more and more of those social responsibilities, how should we think about impact on your long-term margin structure?

And then secondly, I have a follow-up on Martin's comments around more regulation coming to the market. Can you share with us your thoughts on the directions and the areas of future regulatory direction, or the areas that you expect to see more regulatory managers? Thank you.



Well, on the last question, we have already provided the framework. I think it will be coming from all different regulator entities as well as on different segments of the industries. And we think there will be quite a few coming out. So we can't provide a clinical analysis of that until they come out.

Now in terms of the impact on our business. If you look at the under 12-year old, it's only 0.3% of our total revenues. So it's actually sort of very little. In terms of our SME benefits, by and large, it would slow down the growth of revenue, but I think it will be well within that scope.

In terms of longer term impact, I would say our margin profile has always driven by our overall strategy of a combination of different components. One is monetization of profitable businesses, which usually the monetization from our side is actually a restraint. And then, we'll have free services, which could be monetized over time. And then we also have loss-making businesses, which by now are actually quite significant, but they would actually over time hopefully, narrow losses and over time, be able to generate some profit.

This overall strategic mix has been actually been quite consistent over the past many years, and we intend to keep this strategy stable, which means that our earnings profile, I would say, over time would continue to be relatively stable, although there will be some short-term fluctuations. Now in terms of the SSB investment, right, of RMB 50 billion, it will be -- again, I want to emphasize that, funded from a non-IFRS profit in which we actually sort of have a pretty big pool. IFRS profit pool, yes, so it will not impact our non-IFRS profit.


Good evening. Thank you for taking my questions. The first question is a follow-up question on advertising and regulation. We have a ramp of various -- from various media data there could be tightening in data connections and data privacy policy. So just wondering what the potential impact on the different marketing solutions under your platform could be. Should we expect certain marketing solutions to have less an impact than others?


James Mitchell,首席策略管:

Yes. Thank you. So on your first question about data collection and using data to target advertising, I think we've always been well known in the industry for being very thoughtful and judicious about the extent to which we use consumer data for our targeting purposes. And I won't go into all of the details here.

But I think at a high level, our assumption is that there could be fairly substantial changes in terms of the regulations around the use of data for advertising targeting purposes before those would have any meaningful negative impact on us simply because we have not been in nearly as aggressive as our Western peers or some of our local peers in terms of the granularity and the specificity of the ad targeting that we employ relative to the user data that we would potentially have access to. So that's on the first question.



Thank you very much for management. Good evening and thank you for taking my question…Secondly, I'd like to ask about the recent media reports that we've all been reading about, increased connectivity that is expected to be realized in the Internet industry. I'm wondering how management views these reports, these ideas of opening up more connectivity and cooperation across different platform companies in terms of traffic, in terms of collaboration with the other portals.


Second, let me address the question about connectivity. We're aware that there have been media reports in this connection, and this will be a question of interest, I'm sure, to many investors.

Our view on connectivity has been consistent and extremely clear. We believe that connectivity is a core value of the Internet, and we also believe that openness is a fundamental and should be a fundamental characteristic of the digital economy. When you can achieve circulation of users of information, of data not only within but across and among different platforms, that certainly will be conducive to realizing greater social value to a greater extent than the smaller circulation that can only be achieved within the same platform. So we do see cross-platform openness and connectivity as a positive trend that could unlock greater dividends in the Internet era.

We note that this issue of connectivity and openness is also a concern to our merchants and consumers. For merchants and in particular for SMEs, it would certainly reduce their traffic acquisition costs and help improve their operating efficiency and make it more convenient for them to do business at lower cost. Similarly for consumers, it would enable a better user experience across platforms for shopping, for payment, for accessing different services and bring a greater level of convenience to them as well. So for all of the key stakeholders on Internet platforms, we see this as a positive.

We also take note of the launch by MIIT of a regulatory review and rectification project on Internet companies with a particular focus on practices like the discriminatory blocking of links to other platforms or blocking of services offered by other companies. We will attach great importance to this review and rectification project and, of course, ensure our compliance with all regulatory requirements. And to borrow a popular thing lately, we will work to find a common ground and move forward together.


Good evening guys. Thank you for taking my question. Just two quick questions about regulation. The first one is we have seen some regulatory focus on data in general. So how might that affect our compliance and IT infrastructure costs? And then secondly, in the past few months, we have also seen media reporting regulators seems to be looking at the use of heavy subsidies in the industry, including some vertical pieces. So how might that affect our investment strategy and user acquisition tactics in some of these new initiatives? Thank you.


OK. Let me answer these two questions. First, about data. Well, I think actually, in recent months, the Chinese regulators issued the data -- or I think in June, they issued the Data Security Law.

And in recent months, they also have issued a guidance and also to -- waiting for comments about the data security review. We believe this is very, very important. And we believe these laws and legislations will safeguard the long-term development of digital economy, because as digitalization is an inevitable trend and data is becoming -- is a case of -- it's a common understanding that data is a core asset for a company, for people and even for a country. So to -- adopting these legislations relating to data security is very important.

And China is not the only country doing this. Actually, when you look at what happened in U.S. and Europe, regulation on critical information infrastructure, personal data protection, so on and so forth, has been already being implemented. So for Alibaba, digitization is our -- is core to our business.

Data security is always the core tenet of our business. And we -- as always, we pay highest attention to this topic. And right now, we are carrying out a self-compliance checks on the latest regulatory requirement. And we strongly believe that to further strengthen the data protection will enhance the long-term health, development of the digital economy.

Now for the second question, about the subsidies and the way of acquisition of new customers, I think -- generally speaking, I think we are very happy to see the recent, I mean, actions and guidance from the regulators for an orderly market. We -- as always, we believe that subsidies cannot create the long-term value of the business, cannot create the long-term value of the customers. So if you look at the Alibaba history, actually we never grow our business on subsidy -- based on subsidies. We strongly believe that the key thing is still the value creation for the long term.

And so that's why we -- in this year, when we plan our incremental investment, we always believe -- focus on the value creation. And we strongly -- we think that for other companies who continue as loss making but still try to, I mean, enlarge their scale by subsidies, I think at the end of the day, they have to let the market see the real results of how to make profit.


And then my second question, by way of follow-up on the earlier question about data, I'm wondering how these new regulatory requirements and developments will perhaps affect Alibaba's ability going forward to make use of data, to collect data, process data, utilize data, especially for monetized services like advertising. If you could speak about that in a bit more detail.


Thank you. This is Daniel. To answer the second question regarding data, Alibaba has always held itself to the highest standards and the strictest of requirements when it comes to collecting data and utilizing data. We've always done that consistently, and we'll continue to do that as new legislation and new policy requirements are developed.

We will ensure strict and full compliance with the requirements of the law as well as with the implementation guidance that is further developed. It is our commitment to deliver robustly on our commitment to data security and data protection. Your question also touched on the potential impact of new laws and policy requirements around data collection and utilization in terms of revenue growth, business growth. I would simply underscore that Alibaba has never looked at data utilization or algorithm utilization as a single stand-alone KPI or a single factor that we rely on in growing the business.

And to give a specific example to illustrate what I mean by that, in our consumer advertising business, we have never sought to leverage data or algorithms to achieve the maximization of monetization in the consumer advertising space. We think it's much less important to maximize click-through rates compared to the paramount importance of providing a top-quality user experience, a high level of user satisfaction. So we've always approached the utilization of data with the intention of growing value for the community, for the users and society. Therefore, we see the enactment of data security legislation and efforts to ensure data protection and the stricter use of data as positive in terms of being able to foster value for society in the long term and to allow good companies like Alibaba to grow and create more value for their customers and themselves.



Hi, good morning, management. Thanks for taking my questions. I wonder to follow-up on management remarks regarding the potential business operation impact that you are expecting posts the regulatory sign. Would that be more on the subscription trend that you’re expecting or is it more on the difficulty to convert more future paying user? And what kind of offsetting measured in your mind that you plan or have done to minimize the impact? Would it be possible to push more on the premium model with higher online ad revenues potential? Thank you.


Tony Yip,首席策略管:

Thank you for your question. I’ll take the first part of the answer and then perhaps others for management can add. I think as you know to at the end of July, there was a penalty position by the regulatory authorities, pursuant to which among other things, we have to implement an rectification plan to terminate exclusive music copyright licensing arrangements within 30 days from the date of that decision.

We’ve recent – earlier accept that decision and are committed to complying with all the requirements fully in a timely manner, while the decision will have an impact on our music business it is worth noting that all the music that has been available on the platform will continue to be available on the platform to our users. And we’ll focus on strengthening our operations in accordance with the regulatory requirements, we’ll also focus on better serving users through product innovation, which Ross and Cussion has elaborated on. And we’ll also focus on fostering the healthy development of musicians and the music industry as a whole. Let me pause there and see if others in management has others things to add.

Ross LiangCEO

Yes. I just would like to add is that, thank you for the questions. And I think that one of the key competitive edge of TME is we implied the dual flywheels strategies, which means that we agreed not just have the music platform, but again, as you mentioned it, we also is committed to – continue to develop our content ecosystem, which will make us to be in a more long-term healthy development and create values while users. As you mentioned that frankly speaking, we definitely, we will follow the position by the regulators and we will complied on it in a timely manner.

And also we are seeing that it to have some impact on our operation – our day-to-day operations, but I don’t think that is going to be have too much impact on our, for example, driving our online subscriptions. As you see, I think we are still in a really good momentum, because the users has been educated and they really see the value of music and they are willing to pay for music as long as we are providing high quality content with them.

So we still have the content in that, our online music services, you will be driving in a healthy manner. And also, as I mentioned, we continue to expand our footprint and working together with different industry partners, especially on the content creation side not just upstream for the content production, but we are also doing the downstream, which are organizing more and more like the online and offline music concerts. And this is not just regular concerts, but we also have some creativities and new videos for the online interaction with the users. So I think that obviously dual flywheels strategy will help us to continue to create valuable user in a long-term.

Cussion Pan,副总裁:



Hi, good morning. Thanks management for picking my questions. My question is about our long-term business trend, given that we are seeing softness in the second half, do we still expect to our long-term subscribers target? And then my second question is about the – do you expect taxation impacts coming from the preferential tax rates that we need to bring about in terms of the net margin side? And on that point I mentioned we’ll also comment about any data protection and privacy issues that we need to think about in our music apps as well as on our advertising business? Thank you.

Ross LiangCEO

I’ll address most of that question and then Shirley can talk a little bit about tax. Well, first of all, in terms of data protection we, we are committed to complying with the relevant regulatory requirements in the areas of data privacy, and data protection. So, I think that’s an important priority within the company and we continue to improve our operations to being compliant. And then in terms of long-term growth trend we’re confident that despite the short-term weakness in some of the business specifically relating to live streaming, we confident about the long-term trend of the business. And as I mentioned the subscript – the net ads for our subscription of between RMB4 million to RMB5 million per quarter continues, we expect that to continue and I think it’s worthwhile also coming back to our long-term strategy, which is the dual flywheels of content and platform, because that’s the plan that we continue to execute on.

With respect to content our goal was to build the most comprehensive content ecosystem, covering a broad spectrum of music and audio offering. And so on the one hand, we’ll continue to enhance and broaden our corporation with label partners to expand our content library. And while on the other hand, we’ll also partner with upstream content partners, we’ll partner with artists and indie musicians to co-produce differentiated content or even self produced differentiated content.

And then thirdly we’ll continue to foster the development of indie musicians. I won't elaborate there, as Cussion has talked a lot about. And fourthly, we’ll deepen our cooperation with Tencent Group in the area of content production with businesses like Tencent video, Tencent pictures, Tencent games, China literature to co-produce music content together to better capture the full value of their existing IPs.

In fact, we've already co-produced two dozens of chart-topping songs relating to games, movies, literature, comic, IPs, incorporation with prominent artists such as [indiscernible]. And as we mentioned in the prepared remarks, a theme song of the popular movie [indiscernible] is also a production from TME. So I think that's a comprehensive content ecosystem strategy that we would pursue. And then within a platform we aim to strengthen our core competence around music, audio, and social use experience, specifically, as Ross mentioned there are four main areas, number one in the form of visualization continue to enhance the video features across all of our platforms. And as an example, we launched the video feed within QQ music, an immersive full screen video feed.

And as a second example, we'll continue to deepen the cooperation with Weixin Video Accounts. And then secondly, we'll continue to emphasize on social and community building. And as an example of that QQ music launched the Putong planet, a social feature that connects users with common music taste. And we also launched new features that allow users to update their Weixin status using songs they're listening to. So that's – there's also an opportunity for us to deepen our cooperation in Weixin in the area of social community.

And thirdly, long audio is a highly complementary content and service to our music users. And as we have seen in the past from the actual results, providing audio content to music users actually help increase the stickiness of the platform and increase the overall time spend and more attractive – and provide a more attractive content across both music and audio, which is differentiated compared to other competitors in the industry.

And then I think finally, we continue to operate a multi brand and multi product strategy, each product within the portfolio have its unique positioning that covers a unique user segment that has a very – has this very strong leadership in and we will continue to sharpen the operational synergies that we'll extract across the platforms and R&D efficiencies that were extract across the platform through a middleware architecture building. So I think that's the overall strategy that we intend to pursue and we're committed to executing on that.


About the tax rate, we think and we believe that our ETR will be stable in next quarters, because we do not take into consideration of the professional tax rate case the companies are entitled to when calculating our effective tax rates and until the application is approved, so that will be no impact on our net margin. Yes.


Good morning. And thank you management for taking my question. Just a couple of a quick follow-up on the previous questions. Number one, regarding the usage weakness on the social entertainment sites, are we losing the WeSing users or these users are still on Kugou, Kuwo? We are losing their usage and times spend on the live streaming activities on the platform. And number two I think Tony, you mentioned the revenue outlook for the social entertainment for the full year is a flat which implies the second half revenue will decline on year-over-year basis. Can you guys help us understand the monetization weakness into second half because on one hand you guys mentioned the increasing monetization efforts, such as a core server PK [ph] initiative across the key live streaming platforms, but on the other hand, if I'm not mistaken Shirley mentioned, you guys are moderate – doing different strategies and moderating the monetization on these platforms. Any color on the revenue weakness into second half for social entertainment will be helpful. Thank you.

Tony Yip,首席策略管:

Sure. From our social MAU perspective the year-over-year decline is across both the WeSing as well as live streaming and the key reason for that is competition coming from other plan, pan entertainment platforms, such as a short video. And, we we've talked about the action plans and the product revamp and the areas that we'll be doing to retain to better retain users and acquire – we acquire the traffic. In terms of revenue weakness in the second half of social entertainment. The weakness as I mentioned, is primarily relates to macro – relates to live streaming revenue weakness in the second half. That's a result of a threefold first, the macroeconomic impact, on a paying user spending behavior and on secondly continued competition specifically from, in particular from short video platforms for users and also competition for performance.

And then thirdly, we also making conservative adjustments to the live streaming operations in order to comply with the stricter regulatory directions that we are facing as an industry overall. So I think the impact of these items obviously, have a bigger impact and, we're mitigating these impacts through a number of measures that we talked about, such as the cross-platform competitions, such as the new features that a new product revamp that we're doing within social entertainment, but that would take time to fully compensate.



Hi, thank you. Good evening, Robin, Herman and Juan. Thanks for taking my questions. Congratulation Herman for your new role as the CSO. To follow up your question -- your kind of like brief remarks about the regulation. I actually have questions on this data security. What could be the impact on Baidu? Anything that we need to do or changes that we need to do to ensure in compliance by September 1 for this data security law? And then very quickly, as we just finished the Summer Olympics and with the Winter Olympics coming up, can you provide some update in terms of the latest robotaxi or even the robobus commercialization service? Any expectations on these ride hailing demand in this upcoming winter game? Do you think Baidu's driverless car service could leverage this big event to draw more commercial usage and hence the branding? Thank you.



Hi, Alicia. Data security is very important to us and we have consistently improved the management of our internal data security system over the past few years. We have a data privacy committee among our management team that oversees that practices of the whole company. We are also active in assisting, let's say, setting up industry standard and we share our grievances and dialogs with others to ensure that we are on top of industry best practices. If you look at the high, Baidu's rating on data privacy and data protection is among the highest compared to our peers. So I'm quite confident we'll be able to cope with the new regulatory environment well in terms of data security and the user privacy.

On Olympics side, yes, we do plan to do something with our robotaxi during the Winter Olympics. But what's important is that we just launched this fourth city of robotaxi operation, which is Guangzhou. I think we will continue to roll out our robotaxi services in many different cities, different regions and the number of rides that we are providing have been growing very quickly as I mentioned during the prepared remark where we delivered 47,000 rides for our customers. That's 20% growth over the first quarter of this year. So we believe that the scale will grow very quickly and we will be able to learn all kinds of corner cases and and quickly improve our technology. I'm quite optimistic that robotaxi will be commercially available in more than 30 cities in two to three years.


Yeah. And I just wanted to add a point, something with what Robin just said. You asked specifically about Winter Olympics. If you look at today in Shougang Park in Beijing, we believe we're the only second autonomous driving car company in the world where you actually have a car driving without someone at the driver seat. So I think that shows the number of years of experience that we've been doing in autonomous driving and also shows the fact that we've been doing operations for autonomous driving for a while. That's why we can get the permit and actually start testing that. So it's open to the public. You guys are free to come and look at how autonomous driving is being done without someone at the driver seat.


Hi. Thank you, management, for the opportunity to ask question. I actually have two questions, both of which are follow-up of the previous questions. First is on regulation. I appreciate the management comments about data privacy. How about on data security issue? Have we heard anything from kind of regulator on government level where the officials are comfortable for a private company -- tech company like us to have kind of full control of these sensitive road data traffic on our system or if there is any discussion on your potential formation of state-owned joint venture company having full access of these data? Is that fully on the hands of private company? So that's on first question related to data security.

My second question is also related to robotaxi. So we talk about the cost opportunity. How the revenue -- after 2025 or even longer term, how should we project in terms of penetration -- mobility penetration or sheer mobility penetration that we think will be kind of certified driverless cars? The reason I'm asking this question is, since like currently driverless cars are limited to certain usage scenario with specific locations, so how should we look at kind of penetration going forward? Thank you.


Yeah, on the regulation with the data security, we maintain constant dialog with the regulator and as I mentioned, sometimes we participate in the setting of industry standard. So I would say that we have a very high standard and we haven't heard anything that's very abrupt or adverse that's going to have adverse impact on our business operation yet.

On the penetration of robotaxi, right, like I mentioned, we are taking a gradual approach. There are certain roads that is suitable for robotaxi, there are certain roads that's not suitable to robotaxi. We are carefully selecting what road to operate on. But if you look at the overall market, I think you ride hailing has like probably 50 million orders per day. As for the cost, it can become, let's say, [Indecipherable] cost, I think that the number of orders could easily double. So it's a huge market. It just to depend on how fast we can improve our technology and scale up of our services.


Hi, thanks for taking my question. Yeah, maybe let me ask a question on the advertising business. Mainly, if I look at the third quarter guidance, we've been talking about some of the COVID-19 resurgence potential impact. So I just want to ask, first of all, is this something we're already seeing or is it more pre-empted? And then secondarily, we're also seeing some potential COVID or regulatory impact across different sectors in the whole industry. So wanted to get a sense on the strengths and weaknesses of the different verticals at the moment. Are we seeing further impact, for example, online education, e-commerce or other verticals? Thank you.


Okay, thanks for the question, Jerry. You're right. We already see the impacts of COVID-19 for the Q3, especially for travel. We saw very good -- those trend in the early few weeks for Q3. But certainly the COVID-19 did disrupt that trend. Actually it dropped pretty quickly. On the other hand, we did pretty good progress on the media, excellent vocational education and those verticals. So talking about the regulation and so far we see pretty conditions or on the K12 education and some other verticals. The first and foremost is that the K12 education itself is pretty big vertical for us. The K12 has more partition in our guidance. And also for the K12 innovation we -- we're pretty optimistic about it because we can see two potential good things. Number one is that we are expecting more such colleagues along the K12 because [Technical Issues] success. The second one, as far as I know, that some of the resources for moving to a vocational education, which is a very good vertical, we are pretty strong, I think.



Good evening. I have a question on the gross margin for the second quarter. We understand that there must be different factors at work because I think Sandy also mentioned that you've got JD logistics, you've got revenue mix shift, we have some of the new business such as Jingxi Pinpin growing. So could you talk a little bit more about the different factors behind the trend of gross margin in the second quarter and perhaps in the upcoming couple of quarters? So that's my first question.

And then just a follow-up question on the accounting side. Sandy, should we expect any change in the forward tax rate given some of the other Internet companies mentioned a potential change in policy of the -- some of the preferential tax policy?



Thanks, Eddie, for your question. For gross margin, I guess let me walk you through segment by segment. I mentioned in my opening remarks that for JD retail, if you look at the fulfilled gross margin, it actually went up by 30 basis points this quarter compared to same quarter last year. So it's a positive, improving trend.

And this was driven by our technology-driven scale economy and fulfillment efficiency. Because of the category mix shift, internally we don't manage and we don't look at the gross margin movement. plus, on one side, it is the category mix shift that will affect the overall gross margin trend. And secondly, as we are adopting our omnichannel strategy, because we are leveraging warehouse and inventory resources of off-line business partners, in this case sometimes we would share some of the gross profit with them.

But at the same time, it helps us save the fulfillment cost. So the fulfilled gross margin improves while we -- while you may see a decline in gross margin under the omnichannel strategy. So gross margin is no longer very meaningful for retail business. So -- and going forward, I would also encourage the investors and analysts to look at the fulfilled gross margin for retail business.

And then secondly, on logistics, I talked about their operating margin a little bit. It's mainly due to the social security refunds that we received last year. So on the consolidated financial statements, this refund is going to -- actually affected two financial statement line items. One is our cost of sales for logistics business and second is the fulfillment cost for retail business.

So this -- and for the margin of logistics, it is also affected by the pace of investments in capacity because in the first half year last year, we didn't make investments in capacity to support their future growth as normal. So really, the -- then we'll make some forward investments in the second half of the year which will be gradually absorbed as we grow in scale. And then third, on the new business, at this stage, it is operating under a relatively lower gross margin compared to our core retail business as we are still in the process of building our supply chain capabilities. So these investments are for future growth potential, as I mentioned.

And so that's why on the consolidated level, you'll see our gross margin may affected a little bit. And on your second question regarding the effective tax rate, I would say -- so first of all, JD has been generating very thin profit margin compared to some other technology companies. We had significant accumulated losses at a consolidated level until the end of 2019. And you can see from our disclosure in the annual report as of December 31, 2020, some of our subsidiaries still had pretty significant net operating loss carryforward, which can be used in the future for tax deduction.

And then second, most of our subsidiaries in China are subject to an income tax rate of 25%, where certain subsidiaries benefit from the preferential tax treatment under the relevant tax law and regulations including the high new technology enterprises, software enterprises and encouraged industries in the Western region. Certain R&D expenses of our subsidiaries are also qualified for software deduction of 175%. These are -- were all disclosed in our annual report. As of today, we have not received any notice that the existing tax preferential treatments we applied have been being rejected and we have not received any notice.

So the recent news regarding tax rebates from other companies you have heard is focused on the key software enterprises. So none of JD's subsidiaries have ever applied for the key software enterprise in our history. So we believe going forward, JD is a new type of real economy-based enterprise with revenue mainly coming from retail and logistics business as well as supply chain-related service fees. Therefore, our tax treatment won't be affected by the change of the policy of the key software enterprises.



Thank you. Thank you, Xing, Shaohui, Scarlett and team. I would like to ask on regulations that how do management think of the current business dynamics in this regulatory environment. Are there any adjustments to your current business operations or even profit outlook for each of the segments in food delivery, in-store, community e-commerce? And how will you strike the balance between social responsibility and business efficiency? Thank you.



Okay. Thank you, Ronald. So, I would like to share some macro thinking, because recently, there has been a lot of changes and so people are concerned, but everything happens for a reason. So, I would like to say, all for comment prosperity.

Even I would like to say, common prosperity is built in the gene of Meituan. Actually, it’s even in the name of Meituan, because the name Meituan came from two Chinese characters. When I need to explain the name Meituan to people who don’t speak Mandarin, as I say, Mei, that was the character means good or better and the second character tuan means together. So Meituan means better together. So, the common prosperity has always been built into our gene.

With that, let’s turn to our businesses. So recently, we have seen regulators do a series of regulations on the Internet, focusing on matters ranging from antitrust data security, community e-commerce and so on. And the government supervision and the public concern and the voices of our partners, including merchants and delivery riders, are both warning and motivating for us as they present higher expectations for us from the directions.

We believe that these regulatory change are good for the sustainable development and orderly growth of the Internet platform economy. It promotes a fair competition, as well as the industry development. This is not just in China and we see similar regulation change globally as well.

We will continue to actively implement compliance requirements that improve internal control mechanism across all our businesses, conduct in-depth review and actively rectify any issues to ensure food business compliance and to avert risk. We have always maintained strict standards for data security and privacy protection. We will continue to strictly protect the user data in future.

In terms of our delivery services, we have prohibited any use of inclusive partnership and we will be firmly against it. We will fully respect the merchants’ choices and closed to attend to the worker situation welfare of delivery riders.

For the retail business, we have actively adjusted our pricing strategy and we will grow our business with the long-term development. Although, fine-tuning our business will inevitably bring some sequential subsequent impacts in the short-term, we believe that these adjustment are best options and will benefit us in the longer run.

Meituan is never meant to be a traditional Internet company. We are a platform that emopowers offline services potentially. Compared to some peers, we are not a company that focuses on margins. The fulfillment cost and expenses to support our delivery network retail services are actually quite substantial and we have made a considerable investment in the ecosystem.

Actually, short-term profits have never been Meituan philosophy. We focus more on generating long-term value, creating social output and striving to always fulfill mission to help the people eat better, live better.

Therefore, comprised social responsibility and fitness development are all better [Technical Difficulty] And our goal to run our business with a currently long-term development remains unchanged. Although, we had some imperfections during our [Technical Difficulty] growth, we will work hard to rectify any issues we may have, always strive to improve ourselves.

Our purpose remained unchanged and we are confident that we can create a greater social value, while achieving greater business. Through technology innovation, we will continue to generate adequate and quality employment opportunities and bring convenience to consumers’ life.

We will help accelerate the industry disposition and help small or medium size merchants operate more efficiently and relatively create a more active, open and diversified market, while also continue to bring more efficient logistic network, which will supply to rural areas, helping farmers to increase their income and contribution to rural revitalization.

Furthermore, we will continue to put carbon neutrality through bike and moped sharing businesses to the future sustainable development. We will leverage our advantages and current capacity and help people grow all works of life, enjoy the benefit of digital economy, yeah, as the mission -- our mission remained unchanged to help people eat better, live better. Thank you.


Okay. Thank you. Thank you, management. My question is also about the regulations and how do you view the recent regulatory guidelines on protecting workers on the new forms of employment as a “关于维护新就业形态劳动者劳动保障权益的指导意见” and as well as guidelines on protecting delivery riders taking shifts for delivery companies. In Chinese also “关于落实网络餐饮平台责任切实维护外卖送餐员权益的指导意见” and how will you adjust the delivery rider amendment and welfare? Thank you.



Thank you, Jiang. While the product guidelines were published, our management team conducted an in-depth study of the documents. We believe that the guidelines have taken into consideration, holistically, new of labor relations such as delivery riders. It clarifies the rise of application of all parties, introduced this a series of practical and new measures. So these are important to promoting a sustainable and healthy development of the on-demand delivery industry.

We have such a special working group to go through the guidelines, self-examining and self-improve based on our current practice. At present we have resolved some of the problems and improved some of our practices. The others are also in work and well, working progress. We will strictly follow the guidelines on the other case and actively fulfill our responsibilities and make a greater effort to protect the lives of delivery riders from labor relations.

At present, we have taken the lead in responding to the government’s call to prevent and solve occupational derisk. Adjust riders worries by actively participating in the pilot program for implementing delivery riders occupational injury insurance. Going forward, we will operate with the authorities to provide a more comprehensive welfare scheme to the delivery rider group and promote at a high quality and help the industry development.

In terms of improving delivery multi-experiences, we will continue to upgrade our intelligent of present system with authority guidelines. We will improve the flexibility of delivery time by adopting different operational strategies and take into consideration of an unfavorable or uncontrollable factors to provide the riders reasonable rest during long working hours will adjust our ordering system introduce compulsory breaks for delivery riders. We will continue to provide better equipment and services such as a smart helmet and battery change services to delivery riders’ personal safety and improve their work convenience.

We are paying very close attentions to delivery riders’ feedbacks and continue to improve delivery riders working environments. We will also continue to broaden the channel for their feedback by holding more panel sessions of our product experience workshop and field research and more.

And in order to help delivery riders with their long-term career development, we initiated Delivery Station Manager that’s [Foreign Language] in Chinese. By opening up promotional channel for high potential deliveries, this program equips them to be a special managers, all delivery product managers and so on.

Meanwhile, we cooperate with the vocational and national open institutions and to help delivery riders upgrade their occupational skills and academic degrees, improve their careers with switch mechanisms and achieve for more diversified career development goals.

The product based guidelines issued by authorities this time have provided Meituan with a more specific direction on career policy part, which is a complement and also motivation for distance delivery industry, a new form of improvement.

We will definitely work hard to improve ourselves certain example in the on-demand delivery industry with our own actions and promoted a healthy and sustainable development the company, the on-demand delivery industry and the food delivery industry? Thank you.


Good evening. About regulation just wondering if you could share some color with us on the long-term unit economics of the food delivery business, different various recollection changes? And then separately, I think, Xing you mentioned about technology early on to improve the efficiency. So, could you give us some color on the progress and any potential benefits that we can see in the coming years? And perhaps, just final, any color on the potential impact from data related regulation on our marketing solution and marketing revenue? Thank you.



Thank you, Eddie. Yeah. I will take the first question on the UE packet and technology progress. Despite the increase up right across in future with the better welfare for delivery riders we believe that improved the welfare will help us improve delivery rider retention rate on our platform and not for more the healthy development of the industry in the long run.

Therefore, we remain confident on the UE packet of the delivery and we believe we are further into our delivery efficiency across the different ways. For example, we were more widely adopted new deliver model such as the intelligent lockers, which proved to have short-term deliver time in the operating area as a well ensuring the good experience of both the delivery riders and consumers.

In the meanwhile autonomous delivery has been our key R&D focus to improve delivery efficiency. We have actively invented and designed of autonomous delivery vehicles and delivery drones over the past few years, as we believe that once widely applied, it could make significant positive impact on our businesses.

We aim to construct a comprehensive on-demand delivery network with autonomous delivery by countrymen while our delivery riders and expect to improve our efficiency in future. As of now, our autonomous delivery has been deployed in Beijing for over a year, accumulating nearly 50,000 delivery orders to-date. In April this year, we launched the latest addition of our sales developed autonomous delivery vehicle is respect to deploy more widely over the next few years.

In July, we efficiently launched autonomous delivery droned we have tested and developed our drone services for over three years now and have hire drones for actual orders end of this year. As a result, we had accumulated over 2,500 delivery orders and 220,000 test flights using drones.

During the period of pandemic recurrence in Guangzhou, we used zone to establish an air channel for transporting urban materials in Shenzhen’s Nanshan district delivering mostly important with its suppliers to residents in this area.

We also used our autonomous delivery vehicles to deliver essential supplies to Hantang [ph] Depot during the COVID recurrence in [inaudible]. We have also make investment to support the drone delivery staff and we actively contribute to the development of the field through in-house RMB and of our investment.

Overall, we believe that we have master approach to further improve delivery efficiency by increased order density of future and we are confident that we can undertake more social responsibility by achieving our long-term profit -- target profit driven business.


Yeah. Sure. Yeah. I think, first, we have carefully monitored the new policy related to that. We think this in line with the company’s philosophy and policy, but we should always implemention and protect our users privacy and order data accumulate to our platform. So I think we are -- we completely understand their the rationale behind their new policy and we are strictly follow what the -- which is later is required.

Overall, we think this is the right move for the overall industry and potentially we are -- we will have positive impact on the industry in the long-term. It’s also I think better for fair competition in the industry from hard competition. We will continue to access the impacts on us and that we are follow what the regulators required. Thank you.


Thank you management for taking my question and congratulations on strong quarter. I have a couple of questions ride sharing or share mobility business. We noticed that Meituan has recently increased its investment in self-operated ride sharing business. How do you see the opportunities in this industry going forward? Is there any business strategy updates you can share with us and how much should we expect you to further invest into this business in the near future? On the longer term view, what is your expectation on profitability for the ride sharing business? And lastly, any comment on recent regulator supply demand on commission rate cap? Thank you very much.



Okay. Thank you, Alex. So, ride sharing is, as we know high potency and mass market category. And it has been one of our dangerous experiments in ride sharing categories. We believe it has the potential. We started our ride sharing business, well, four years -- more than four years ago through the self-operating model.

And then we further extended our geographic coverage through aggregate payment model, because aggregating model is an item. And our aggregated model significantly expanded rider supply during the positive quarters. While self-operated models brings better user experience by providing stable and better control to rider supply especially during the peak hours.

Last year we only run self-operated model in two cities that is Shanghai and Beijing [ph]. And however, we now believe that both our capability and market environment and have reached the point that we can expand our curated model in some more cities where we already have operations to aggregate the model. And so since July we further developed our self-operated model in more than 30 cities.

On the operational side, we assume those cities that are strategically important to run self-operated model. While we continue to incur drivers to cooperate with us to expand our capacity and it has right quality. We will also design our marketing operations to boost our business growth.

In the short-term, marketing expenses were increased our expense a bit scale. We will maintain financial discipline to achieve a sustainable growth. And the Ministry of Transportation recently commented that ride sharing companies need to restrict their commission rate owned drivers. Once there is a further timeline on that we adhere strictly. Currently our commission rate complies with industry standard and vary from region to region and time to time and we are still at a market state for ride sharing business and we will show our cost to returnable levels. We do not expect to have a significant impact to our operation.

After analyzing other ride sharing business both in China and also in other countries, we still believe that our ride sharing business has potential to scale up and have original long-term in the prospect to the continues improvement of its operating efficiency.

We collaborate our user base to develop our ride sharing business and can also cross-sell other data services to our ride sharing users. And also we believe that in long run like by nation of ride sharing and autonomous driving can create a more social economic value for society and we are not focused on short-term performance rather than the long-term value that the ride sharing create for the broader community. That’s all. Thank you.










