

气候拼图 气候拼图 2024-02-25



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A FUNCOLLABORATIVE & THOUGHT-PROVOKING GAME to learn about climate issues and empower you to take action!

Happy New Year! The first event of Climate Fresk in 2024 is coming this Saturday, January 6th in Shanghai. Join us to experience this fun, collaborative and thought-provoking workshop which have been played by more than 1.38 million people around the world. Explore climate issues and empower you to take action. 

The workshop will be the Adult version, suitable for anyone aged 15 years old and above, and available to choose betwen English and Chinese versions. Limited spots available, please scan the QR code on the poster to sign-up.  

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图片Photo by MaryLou Mauricio for Climate Fresk


气候拼图是一个由Freskers(引导师)社区引导的学习工作坊,以桌游方式,包含42张基于 IPCC* 科学报告的卡片,以有趣和协作的方式,提高人们对气候变化的了解。



工作坊 如何进行?

每4到7人为一组,围在一张桌子旁,由气候拼图引导师Fresker 监督一到两组,引导团队运用集体智慧,去发现代表不同气候变化元素的卡片,共同协作努力找出卡片之间的因果关系,并连接起来。之后,引导师会促进互动讨论,探讨个人或集体行动的解决方案,并拓宽对气候问题以外议题的思考。

工作坊 三个阶段

1/ 反思  共同发现、质疑、理解和连接卡片,初步构建拼图。

2/ 创造力  基于团队精神,串联和巩固卡片的关联,并对自己组别的拼图进行说明。

3/ 讨论&行动  参与者交流感受与观点,并提出基于个人和集体的解决方案建议,以拓展对气候问题以外议题的思考。



The Climate Fresk Workshop

The Climate Fresk is a LEARNING workshop led by a community of Freskers (facilitators), based on a game with 42 cards taken from the latest scientific reports of the IPCC*. The workshop raises AWARENESS about CLIMATE CHANGE in a playful and collaborative way. 

Understand Climate Change

In the face of this emergency, everyone must be able to understand climate change, make sense of the information, form an opinion, accept the necessary changes for the preservation of life on the planet and act quickly!

How it works?

Participants gather around a table in teams of 4 to 7 people. A Fresker supervises one or two teams and guides them using a collective intelligence approach. They discover the cards representing the different components of climate change and collaborate to connect them in order to highlight the links between causes and effects. The Fresker then facilitates a debriefing session by exploring individual and collective solutions and broadening reflection beyond climate issues. 

The 3 Phases 


Discover, question,  understand and connect the cards to co-construct. 


Make connections between the cards, take ownership of the Fresk and illustrate it in a context of team spirit. 


Exchange mindfully on how participants feel, their point of view, and come up with individual and collective solutions to broaden reflection beyond climate issues.

A Workshop 

Accessible To Everyone

Climate Fresk is suitable for all audiences and all levels of understanding. It addresses both novices and the more aware who wish to deepen their knowledge on climate issues. 

We offer tailor-made workshops, adapted to all audiences: general public, students, corporates and organizations.

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图片Photo by MaryLou Mauricio for Climate Fresk

气候拼图有多受欢迎 ?

How popular?


The Climate Fresk Association has been working to bring people and organisations on board with the climate transition since the end of 2018. It began this mission in France and is widely accepted as a global tool, used in 150+ countries/regions to raise awareness on climate change in communities, companies, schools and institutions.

全球关键数字 | Global Key Figures

1,380,000 + 参与者 participants

150+ 国家/地区 countries/regions 

51+ 语言 languages

65,000+ 引导师 Freskers

1000+ 企业用作内部培训 corporates for internal training 

气候拼图在中国 | In China

400+ 引导师 Freskers


6000+ 参与者 particpants

30+ 公司 companies

1000+ 学生 students


A fast growing community waiting for you!

法国气候拼图Climate Fresk是一个宣扬以科学精神探索气候变化的全球非盈利组织。创始人Cédric Ringenbach设计出这个兼具科学性、趣味与创意的工具,以桌游方式,由引导师带领参与者分成小组一起推理、一起探索、一起互动讨论每张卡片的内容,找出它们的关联和因果关系。卡片内容基于IPCC*的报告和公开的科学资料,不管对气候问题了解多少,都能在短短3小时的工作坊后了解气候变化的成因和影响,进而启发采取相关行动。

Climate Fresk is an international NGO on a mission to raise awareness about climate change. The founder - Cédric Ringenbach designed this scientific, fun and creative tool based on the IPCC* reports. In just 3 hours, 42 cards, the facilitator leads the participants to explore and learn the science behind climate change in a collaborative way. Whether you are a novice or an expert, you can understand the causes and effects of climate change and its systemic nature, to inspire individual and collective actions. 

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联合国 - 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)始建于 1988年, 旨在提供有关气候变化的科学技术和社会经济认知状况、气候变化原因、潜在影响和应对策略的综合评估。
* The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.


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