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Rule 1: Spend Like You Want to Grow Rich
What does it really means to be ‘rich’ or ‘wealthy’, looking beyond houses and cars. This section also looks at how to buy a car as an appreciating asset (hint: buy second hand) and how to spend money to be able to contribute as much as you can to his retirement investments.
Rule 2: Use the Greatest Investment Ally You Have
Rule 2 talks extensively about the benefits of compound interest, and the power of combining compound interest with long term investing. When asking when to get into investing, this chapter brings the point home of ‘the earlier the better’.
Rule 3: Small Fees Pack Big Punches
Find out why actively managed mutual funds are bad for you! This chapter looks at how mutual fund managers aren’t any more likely than index funds to succeed, and that the fee you pay to invest in an actively managed fund immediately puts you behind when looking at growing your investment.
Rule 4: Conquer the Enemy in the Mirror
How do our natural own behaviors work against us as investors. This chapter highlights how to not get caught up in emotions and hype, and how to be calm and patient when investing in index funds. Take the emotion out of investigating s to succeed.
Rule 5: Build Mountains of Money with a Responsible Portfolio
This chapter clearly explains the difference between stocks and bonds. Learn about level of safety or risk that comes along with investing in either, and the importance of diversifying your index portfolio between different markets. It’s quite simple. Just use a ratio based on your age.
Rule 6: Sample a “Round-the-World” Ticket to Indexing
Learn about specific examples of index portfolios from different countries and the variety of ways to build an index portfolio. This section provides helpful information by providing examples of specific index funds and how to start investing in them.
Rule 7: No, you don’t have to invest on your own
While it seems every financial advisor is trying to take you for a ride –or worse — there are financial advisors who are ethical and are able to assist for a reasonable fee. Yes, really. This chapter shows you how to find them.
Rule 8: Peek Inside A Pilferer’s Playbook
Banks and financial advisors will likely try to guide you away from investing in index funds. They are often wrong and looking at their own self-interest. This chapter provides some good tips on how you can respond to a financial advisor who isn’t actively helping you in you quest into index funds.
Rule 9: Avoid Seduction
Everyone makes mistakes when investing, and that’s nothing to be ashamed about. Andrew details mistakes he’s made, and describes how easy it is to be seduced into seemingly ‘easy-money’ investments.
哈喽,我是熊子峰,38岁程序员,正在结合AI写作进行自我成长,穿越程序员的中年危机,这是第 120 篇日更文章。
在守住了3%的投资利率的基础上,增加一些有风险,但是风险又不大,适合我做长期投资的渠道; 这些投资,它们长期利率最好高于4%,这样我的退休年龄可以从50再提前一些日子。 这个阶段,我相信一句话:如果你不想承担任何风险,那你也失去了机会。