闲下来交换屋每周二至周日早10点至晚8点固定开放。请遵循“给予别人你想要得到的”这一黄金法则,等质、等量交换干净、完好的时装。请大家一起协力保持空间的整洁有序。欢迎在吊牌上分享你带来的衣物的故事,并将吊牌系在衣服(而不是衣架)上。请记住:闲下来交换屋没有工作人员,我们每个人作为这个社区的一份子共同维护和管理这个空间。📍地址:上海市仙霞路700弄25号 闲下来合作社 A09
FREE-DOWN EXCHANGE is open Tuesday through Sunday 10am -8pm. Please exchange clean and undamaged fashionable clothing in equal amounts following the golden rule of FREE-DOWN EXCHANGE: “Give to others what you would want to receive.” THIS IS NOT A DUMPING GROUND. Be sure to keep the space clean and organized and feel free to leave a message on your item for its future recipient using the available hangtags. Remember: there are no FREE-DOWN EXCHANGE employees, and it is up to all of us as a community to maintain the space and its items.
📍Address: A09, Free-Down Space, Below ground No.25, Lane 700, Xianxia Rd, Shanghai