流光 | 蒲英玮 现代建筑:思想栖居
400 x 600 cm,由15个部分组成
Pu Yingwei
Modern Architecture: Dwelling of Ideas, 2021
Oil on canvas, acrylic, collage on paper, spray paint, paintbrush, marker, watercolor, stamps, woodcut prints, graphite, gold leaf
400 x 600 cm, consists of 15 sections
Collection of Sifang Art Museum
运用波普视觉语言和独创字体,几何形画框与画面中的图像文献共同构成了一部“现代居住机器”。多样化的绘画技巧则对“建筑”与“现代性”命题开展了多元阐释。主体中部的建筑群像之外,五角星内为苏联现实主义雕塑、人种志群像,中间为A(Architecture,建筑)与M(Modern,现代)的柱头式结构。组画最下方,致敬了影响深远且与中国高度相关的建筑师:勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)、雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)、扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)及王澍(其作品“三合宅”也位于四方建筑公园内)。底部最右侧则粘贴了来自世界各地的建筑邮票,成为此命题的重要佐证。
Chinese artist Pu Yingwei’s large-scale painting installation Modern Architecture: Dwelling of Ideas was commissioned by Sifang Art Museum. It continues with the creative lineage of “collectivist modern architecture” that the artist began during his studies in France, as a retrospective of his overseas experience and a fragmented summary of utopian architectural practices since the twentieth century. It also resonates with the experimental architectures done by international practitioners in Sifang Collective.
Utilizing the visual language of Pop Art and an original typeface, the geometrical frames and the pictorial documents inside collectively form a “modern living machine.” Diverse painting techniques provide multidimensional interpretations of the themes of “architecture” and “modernity.” Besides the architectural ensemble formed by the central pieces, the stars contain Soviet realist sculpture and an ensemble of human races; in the middle, there are capital-like structures with the letters “A” (Architecture) and “M” (Modern). The bottom pieces pay homage to influential architects with strong ties to China: Le Corbusier, Rem Koolhaas, Zaha Hadid, and Wang Shu (whose work Sanhe Residence is also located within Sifang Collective). The bottom right corner is embellished with architectural stamps from all over the world, serving as important evidence for the thematic exploration.
About Artist
Pu Yingwei
近期个展/个人项目包括:“血字的研究:革命现实主义的再次起源”,MAMOTH,伦敦,2021;“晦涩历险:思辨波普与泛中主义”,SSSSTART星美术馆研究中心,上海,2021;“写真伦理:中非影集”,集美·阿尔勒发现奖,厦门,2020;“时间,历史,我们(为何而战)”,蜂巢当代艺术中心,北京,2020;“蒲英玮与中国资本”,没顶画廊,上海,2020;“蒲英玮,或1989年之后的虚构”,器空间,重庆,2019;“双重帝国”,新中法学院,里昂,2018;“宛若真实”,Galerie Sator画廊,巴黎,2018;“蒲英玮与吉姆·汤普森建筑事务所”,J:GALLERY,上海,2017等。
Born in 1989. Currently lives and works in Beijing.
His work has been defined as an exercise in conceptual art with a strong utopian zeal. He is the artist who interprets the multiple media and identity narratives that he practices in the public sphere as a comprehensive mobilization. Taking personal history as an absolute starting point, with the exhibition, writing, design, lecturing, teaching, and other forms of work, he attempts to produce a kind of "me-ta-politics" that transcends grand topics such as race, nation, and ethics. Such politics is as complex and full of paradoxes as the reality we experience.
Recent solo exhibitions/projects: “A Study in Scarlet:The Re-origin of Revolutionary Realism”, MA-MOTH, London, 2021; “Obscure Adventure - Speculative Pop & Pan-Chinesism”, SSSSTART, Shanghai, 2021; “Photoethic: CHINAFRICA”, Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen (2020); “Time, History, Why We Fight”, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2020); “Pu Yingwei 1989”, Organhaus, Chongqing (2019); “Double Empire”, Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois, Lyon (2018); “If only it were true”, Galerie Sator, Paris (2018); “Pu Yingwei and Jim Thompson Architects”, J: Gallery, Shanghai (2017), etc.
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