

上财期刊社 外国经济与管理 2022-06-09

《外国经济与管理》 2022年44卷第3期 页码:53 - 68  online:2022年3月15日


Star Endorsements or Streamer “Outside-the-Session Endorsements”? Research on the Influence Mechanism of Two Endorsement Types on Purchase Intentions

作者(中):韩召1, 杜刚1, 熊爱华2, 张涵3

作者(英):Han Zhao1, Du Gang1, Xiong Aihua2, Zhang Han3

作者单位:1.华东师范大学 经济与管理学部, 上海 200062 2.山东财经大学 工商管理学院, 山东 济南 250014 3.山东社会科学院 经济研究所, 山东 济南 250002


关键词:代言; 主播; 产品类别; 感知质量; 购买意愿; 品牌知名度

Summary: The development of live streaming has given streamers more marketing value, which is not limited in the live streaming session, and brands tend to use the spillover effect of streamers to promote product sales. After the live streaming, some brands use the co-presence of the streamer and the product to publicize, and label the product as “recommended by the streamer”. In this case, the streamer is the alternative endorsement for the product, which is called “streamer ‘outside-the-session endorsements’” in this study. However, the current literature rarely analyzes the effectiveness of this approach. Compared with traditional star endorsements, it is not known whether streamer “outside-the-session endorsements” has a better endorsement effect. Based on the meaning transfer model and the trust theory, this research explores the impact of star endorsements and streamer “outside-the-session endorsements” on consumer purchase intentions through experimental research methods, and explores the internal motivation and boundary conditions. It includes two research questions: First, for different types of products, do the two endorsement types have significant differences in consumer perceived quality and consumer purchase intentions? Second, for products of the same category with different reputations, do the two endorsement types have significant differences in consumer purchase intentions?This study explores the above two questions through experimental research methods. Research 1 aims to test the first research question, using a design of 2 (search-based products / experience-based products) × 2 (star endorsements / streamer “outside-the-session endorsements”). Research 2 aims to examine the second research question, using a design of 2 (search-based products / experience-based products) × 2 (star endorsements / steamer “outside-the-session endorsements”) × 2 (well-known brands / unknown brands).The research results show that product categories and endorsement types have an interactive impact on consumers purchase intentions. Under the search-based product category, brands’ choice of star endorsements can more arouse consumer purchase intentions; while in the experience-based product category, it is better to choose the streamer “outside-the-session endorsements”. Under the experience-based product category, perceived quality is the internal motivation that affects consumer purchase intentions; while under the search-based product category, there is no significant difference in the impact of endorsement types on consumer perceived quality. Brand awareness will affect the relationship between product categories and endorsement types on consumer purchase intentions. For search-based products with high brand awareness, the difference between the two endorsement types on consumer purchase intentions will disappear; while search-based products with low brand awareness are still better to choose star endorsements. And regardless of the brand awareness of experience-based products, it is better to choose the streamer “outside-the-session endorsements”.This study expands the research in the field of network streamers, extends the research of streamers from the live streaming session to outside the live streaming session, and puts forward the concept of streamer “outside-the-session endorsements” for the first time, providing a new perspective for the research of network streamers. On this basis, the research scope of endorsement types has been enriched and broadened. The digital economy has promoted the development of network streamers, and also endowed the network streamers with celebrity effects. Previous studies on endorsement types mostly focus on celebrities, CEOs, and virtual character endorsements, and lack attention and research on the new types of endorsements in the new era. This research has made a useful supplement, and compared new endorsements with traditional endorsements based on the two-tier classification of different product categories and different product popularity, providing specific references for brands to select product endorsement methods in a targeted manner.

Key words: endorsement; streamer; product category; perceived quality; purchase intention; brand awareness





