

城市设计 TOD关注 多维城市 2023-12-08

Announcement|Feilong Lake Conceptual Urban Design International Solicitation

1. Background
Taizhou City's the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035 mentioned: Taizhou will speed up the second urbanization, the construction of provincial open high energy center city. To promote the central city to the development pattern of "integration of three districts and two cities", and enhance the primacy of the central city as a municipal political, economic, cultural and scientific innovation center, therefore, to speed up the central rise, the development of urban integration is a matter of Taizhou significant global strategy, is also a major proposition throughout the course of the Taizhou urbanization, the future from the "based on the new stage of development, carry out the new development concept and build a new development pattern of high quality to promote urban integration development, as well as creating better city life. Feilong Lake eco-area is the geometric center of Taizhou city, and is also the core of ecological green heart block. The planning area is about 28 square kilometers with rich in ecological resources, such as: mountain-lake-farmland-grass-forest.The feilong Lake area is not only the "green lung"of Taizhou city but also the bonding area of Jiaojiang,-Huangyan-Luqiao districts. It is also the indispensable landscape context during the urbanization process of Taizhou city with unique location advantage and strategic position.
In order to meet the requirements of the high-point positioning of the project, the urban design plan adopts the international solicitation method, which aims to solicit forward-looking, innovative and implementable design solutions from top design institutions at home and abroad.

2. Organizing units
Organizer: Taizhou natural resources and planning bureau
                  Zhejiang Luqiao Feilong Investment and Development Co., Ltd
Organizer: China Eco-City Research Institute Co., Ltd

3. Design Scope
The design scope of this project is divided into three levels: research scope, conceptual urban design scope and core area deepening design scope.
The research scope: Making comprehensive analysis and research on the ecological pattern of urban landscape, the linkage of surrounding functions and landscape features from a wider scope, including surrounding mountains, water systems, urban corridors and important urban functional plates. The scope can be determined by the applicant based on its understanding.
Conceptual urban design scope: north to the mountain, south to Nanguan River, east to Fortune Avenue, west to Huangyan, with a total area of about 28 square kilometers.
Core area detail design: 14.71 square kilometers.
Figure 1: planning and design scope

4. Design Goals


(1)Build Bonding Area of three districts

Acting as the core of Taizhou's urban green heart, Feilong Lake Ecological Zone is the "geometric center" of Taizhou's central urban area. The target of this design is to clarify the role of the Feilong Lake area in the development of the entire Taizhou city as well as the development orientation and strategy of the area based on the study of ecological background of Feilong Lake area,Function linkage with surrounding land, transportation connection, continuation of the urban context, spatial integration and image enhancement. Thus, makes Feilong Lake Ecological Zone a link for the development of the three zones, accelerates the integration of urban areas, and creates an urban living room in the era of Taizhou's ecological civilization to welcome guests from all over the world.
(2)Build Sample of Eco-Smart City
Urban design should rely on the development experience of low-carbon smart cities around the world and plan low-carbon smart new cities with high standards such as "green intelligence, water-city integration, high-quality supporting facilities, high efficiency and convenience, and system innovation". According to the construction requirements of new urbanization, this design should take full advantage of the high-quality background resources of "mountains, lakes, forests, fields and grasses" in the Feilong Lake area, improving the urban landscape layout, and use the development experience of low-carbon smart cities around the world. In order to carry out the construction of ecological civilization pilot area, widen the transformation channel of green water and green mountains into invaluable assets, establish and improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and explore and improve the gross ecosystem product (GEP) accounting with Zhejiang characteristics. The application system will comprehensively create a model for the future construction of Shanshui Ecological Smart City.


(3)Build Origin of Innovation Drive

The design has to implement the requirements of "Taizhou Bay Science and Technology Innovation Corridor" and "Development Plan for the Science and Technology Innovation Ecosphere Around Feilong Lake". Closely follow the keywords of "science and technology innovation, future-driven, people-oriented", relying on the ecological background and traffic location of Feilong Lake. Advantages, coordinate the layout of scientific and technological innovation infrastructure, and build the ecological circle of science and technology innovation around Feilong Lake into the main position of road and bridge technology innovation, an important part of Taizhou Bay science and technology innovation corridor, and an important node of the scientific and technological innovation community in the Yangtze River Delta, and strive to build a road and bridge-based scientific and technological innovation community. , Facing Taizhou, leading the highland of science and technology innovation in the Yangtze River Delta region.


(4)Build Benchmark of Common Prosperity

The design should adhere to the people-centered, build a sustainable development model with five dimensions of "ecology + culture + innovation + wisdom + good governance", and focus on the four major themes of ecological environment, urban construction, leisure tourism, and livability,creating the new name card of the city, which is “people-city-scenery” integration. Thus, build the benchmark of "High-quality and efficient economy", "rich and prosperous life", "spiritual self-confidence and self-improvement", "environmentally livable and suitable for business" national common prosperity pilot demonstration area.

5. design content

The design content is divided into three parts: conceptual urban design, core area urban design and special research.


1、Conceptual Urban Design

On the one hand, this design needs to be based on the urban development pattern of Taizhou, with a higher vision and higher standards to study and judge the role of Feilong Lake in the development of the entire Taizhou city. The functional linkage, traffic connection, context continuation, spatial integration and image enhancement of the block should be started to clarify the development orientation and target strategy of the block; To shape a distinctive city business card, to create a new burning point of urban charm. The main tasks of the work include but are not limited to the following main contents:


(1)General Target Position

Systematically analyze and evaluate the overall urban planning, development strategy planning and other upper-level plans, combined with the overall national land and space planning (2020-2035) in preparation, and propose the functional orientation and development goals of the Feilong Lake area. In the formulation of positioning and goals, it is necessary to fully consider the role of Feilong Lake area in the overall development of Taizhou city, and coordinate the functional linkage with the surrounding areas.


(2)Ecological Environment Protection

From the perspective of regional ecological pattern protection, combined with the current water network system, to focus on constructing the great ecological spatial pattern of mountains and waters in the Feilong Lake area. Combined with the sorting out of the ecological patches of the site, to construct the overall ecological security pattern of Feilong Lake area, to clarify the flood control and drainage system and vertical requirements of the site in Feilong Lake area, to anchor the ecological floor, and build a "resilient and safe" ecologically friendly urban and rural space. Using advanced ecological construction concepts and practical ecological governance technologies to come out with methods for ecological protection and quality improvement.


(3)Industrial Development Guidance

Guided by building a "future city benchmark", centering on the development concepts of "innovation +", "wisdom +" and "green +", referring to the industrial development experience of the same type of lake area in domestic and overseas, estimating the future industrial development trend, and formulating the industry of Feilong Lake area Development goals, to clarify the types of leading industries, and put forward government support policy recommendations. In addition, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between "industry" and "environment", paying attention to the coordinated development of industrial functions and landscape environment, cultivating an industrial system in which the innovation chain and industrial chain advance together, and create "landscape charm", "exquisite style" and "modern" The future industrial scene that resonates with the wind.


(4)Land Layout Optimization

On the basis of fully connecting relevant plans, according to the target positioning, combined with characteristic resources and industrial layout, the general idea of land use layout optimization in Feilong Lake area is put forward, the key points of land use layout optimization are summarized, and the areas that need to be adjusted are identified to guide the next step. ed.


(5)Comprehensive Traffic Planning

On the basis of fully analyzing the existing planning and regional positioning, the current situation of the area and the planned road traffic are sorted out, and the development goals and overall strategies of urban comprehensive traffic are proposed. Focusing on building a comprehensive transportation system that is low-carbon, green, efficient and accessible, with diverse features and smart empowerment. Improving the traffic travel structure and put forward the index control requirements for green traffic. Building a quick connection with the S1 line of the urban railroad to improve traffic accessibility. Within the Feilong Lake area, the characteristics of the site should be combined to create a characteristic slow traffic system that echoes the mountains and rivers throughout the whole area, combined with the space around the lake and the current water system to create an urban greenway, combined with water traffic to build a blue way system, combined with surrounding mountain trails to form the peak scenic road, and finally formed a slow traffic system of "three roads fusion", and proposed a plan for the section setting of the road.


(6)Open Space Organization

Making full use of the large open space pattern of the site behind the mountain and the lake, and combine the layout of main public facilities to build a complete open space system, and clarify the location, scope and function of important open spaces such as squares, streets, park green spaces, and waterfront spaces. Through the revival of waterfront space, characteristic public spaces such as waterfront neighborhoods, waterfront markets, and waterfront nodes will be created, and organically integrated into a large public open space system.


(7)Overall City Form

The overall form of the city follows the general principle of "small and medium scale, low height, and medium density", creating a soothing, open and harmonious spatial form as a whole, forming a great integration of the city and the landscape. The design should focus on controlling the building height, volume, style and interface continuity around the lake, and properly handle the relationship between development and construction, and the ecological background. Comprehensively determining the zoning guidance of the urban style, and putting forward control requirements for the volume, style, and color of the building, to form an integrated and distinctive urban style. At the same time, it is necessary to put forward control requirements for important areas, important interfaces, the height relationship of landmark buildings, and landscape viewing corridors.


(8)Underground Space

Comprehensive consideration should be given to the comprehensive utilization of underground space, emphasizing unified planning, unified development, hierarchical utilization, and interconnection between the ground and underground. The design should strengthen the comprehensive research on underground space and promote the intensive and economical use of space resources. It is necessary to coordinate comprehensive functions such as underground pipe gallery facilities, rail transit and underground roads, and optimize vertical design and three-dimensional space development. For the land around the rail transit station, the overall development should be considered in combination with the station, with clear functions and layered guidance.


(9)Future Scenario Study

Actively responding to the spirit of Zhejiang Province's high-quality development goals and creating a demonstration model for Taizhou's "future community". According to the "139" top-level design requirements, around the construction of 9 major future scenarios, rationally arrange the future community construction in the area to form a "global future community". Focus on creating "10" application scenarios such as neighborhood, education, health, culture, low carbon, production, construction, transportation, wisdom, and governance to achieve the goal of common prosperity.


(10)Implementation Strategy Recommendation

According to the principle of "unified planning and phased implementation", to implement the project implementation strategy and phase, and staged development plan, and forming a project database and schedule. To decide for the overall construction, including the overall planning of various infrastructures (such as road traffic, municipal pipelines, public facilities, emergency disaster prevention, sanitation facilities, etc.), and propose operational strategies and measures for phased implementation.


2、Core Area Further Design

Under the guidance of the conceptual urban design, carrying out the deepening design work of the core area. Based on the conclusions of the conceptual urban design, focusing on the urban space form and environmental landscape, the urban style, public space, environmental landscape, waterfront interface, building complex and etc., to carry out in-depth research to create a high-quality urban space environment that meets urban functions, has good spatial scale, meets aesthetic requirements, and reflects style and characteristics, and proposes the total development volume and related planning control indicators. The urban design part includes but is not limited to the following main contents:


(1)Design Target

According to the overall target positioning proposed by the conceptual urban design, the development goals and image positioning of the core area are researched and proposed, and the design goals and concepts of this area are put forward in combination with the natural environment, historical and cultural characteristics and current development reality.


(2)Landscape Element Guidance

Combined with the regional landscape relationship and spatial pattern, design goals and concepts, and based on the analysis of land use and road traffic, the distribution, spatial form and style features of various spatial landscape elements (such as landscape centers, landscape nodes and landscape axes) are analyzed and an optimization plan is proposed. Combined with the functional characteristics of the plate, different types of landscape areas are delineated.


(3)Land Use and facility distribution

Based on planning research, fully connecting the built land with the planned and compiled plans, optimizing and deepen the layout of land use, implementing major city-level facilities, and putting forward the basic idea of "four-line" control and layout. Public supporting facilities should reflect the relevant requirements of future communities and industrial communities.


(4)Road Transit Planning

On the basis of the conclusion of overall comprehensive traffic optimization, to forecast the development of traffic demand in the core area, to optimize the urban road network system with the design concept of dense road network in small blocks, and to propose optimization suggestions for road sections in combination with road functions;
Focusing on the research on the connection plan with the rail S1 line, putting forward suggestions on public transportation routes and stations, and carrying out the overall planning of ground and underground transportation at the same time, so as to seamlessly connect with the traffic of the surrounding functional areas.


(5)Open Space and Ped&Bike System

Fully protecting and utilizing the natural environment, focusing on parks, green spaces, squares, and characteristic streets, and building characteristic open spaces and slow-moving systems. And according to the characteristics of the water body, coastal functions and flood control requirements, the type of shoreline is divided, and the waterfront space and environmental landscape are organized and designed.

(6)Architecture Cluster Relation and Architectural Form

Combined with the important nodes of urban design, the urban texture research is carried out, focusing on the architectural group layout relationship of public buildings. Because of comprehensive research on functions, formats, construction capacity, etc., the building height and detailed zoning in the area are determined to form recognizable building morphological characteristics.

(7)Environmental Landscape Facilities and Lighting

Taking the environmental landscape facilities in the urban public environment as the design focus, the general idea of improving the artistry of the urban public environment is put forward, and the public space guide system is organized. At the same time, combined with the regional lighting system, the general idea of night scene lighting in the area is put forward.


(8)Green Space System Planning


Based on conforming to the development pattern of urban space, integrating the concept of park city construction, forming a multi-level urban blue-green network, and constructing a characteristic blue-green space covering the whole area, connecting important nodes, high-quality and high-level. Organizing and optimizing public activity passages such as the slow-moving system and slow-moving blocks, and creating a convenient, safe, comfortable and beautiful slow-moving system and pleasant places in the area.


3、Monographic Study


(1)Ecology Monographic Study

Doing the status of the placement work,investigation of the current situation, promote the analysis of environmental capacity and ecological suitability, clarify the favorable factors, restrictive factors and interrelationships of the affect in the sustainable development and progress , economy, ecology and society within the planning scope. Adhere to "ecological priority, moderate development", and in accordance with the principle of coordinating the sustainable utilization of ecological resources with economic and social development, put forward measures and plans for ecological construction, making research of ecological building, ecological landscape mining, ecological community layout, and formulate the overall goal of ecological planning , Phased construction indicators (short-term, medium-term, long-term), and establish a planning indicator system. At the same time, Combine the current ecological resource endowment, make full use of farmland, wetland, nursery and other characteristic resources to create a abundant and diversified ecological landscape integrating mountains and lakes.
(2)Industry Monographic Study
On the basis of the research the industrial development current characteristics of Taizhou, certain the potential and trend of transformation and development, the landscape ecological background resources are featured, and the construction of Taizhou Bay Science and Technology Corridor is taken as the basis. Opportunities, centering on the development concepts of "innovation +", "wisdom +" and "green +", make a study and judgment on the future industrial development direction of Feilong Lake area, formulate the industrial development goals of Feilong Lake area, clarify the type of leading industries, Making demand forecasts based on land use scale.
Comprehensively consider the coexistence and integration of multiple industries, plan the transformation of industries to ecological industries, promote the harmony between man and nature, and the coordinated development of economy and environment, from the pursuit of one-dimensional economic growth or nature protection to wealth (growth and accumulation of economic and ecological assets) ), health (human physical and mental health and the health of ecosystem service functions and metabolic processes), civilization (material, spiritual and ecological civilization) trinity of complex ecological prosperity.


6. Time Plan

Note: If the time plan be adjusted, it will be notified separately

7. Qualification Requirements of Applicants
The applicant (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant") shall be a legally registered legal entity or a project consortium consisting of legally registered legal entities (no more than 3 member institutions).
Applicants should have the relevant qualifications and abilities to undertake this project (at least accordding with one of the following conditions)
(1) Applicants within the territory of the People's Republic of China provide proof materials that can prove that they have professional and technical ability to undertake urban planning, landscape design, and architectural design, such as Grade A qualifications for urban and rural planning;
(2) Planning and design institutions outside the territory of the People's Republic of China shall have a practice license or business license for urban planning, landscape design or architectural design related majors in accordance with the administrative regulations of their own country or region. The qualification requirements of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan design institutions refer to the provisions on the qualification requirements of overseas design institutions.

8. Bonus
1. 1 first prize, 1.5 million yuan (including tax), 15 days of program integration and deepening, deepening cost of 500,000 yuan.
2. 1 second prize, 1.2 million yuan (including tax);
3. 1 third prize, 1 million yuan (including tax);

9. Ways of Registration

(Scan the QR code to the pre-registration link)

相关事宜请微信咨询:中国生态城市研究院沈磊教授总师团队 胡女士
咨询时间:(周一至周五 9:00-12:00,14:00-17:00)
Note: This link is a pre-registration link, the design team can modify according to the actual situation, repeated submission, etc., the final registration data of this open call is subject to the paper version of the registration materials.
Please send the prequalification documents to the designated place before 18:00 Beijing time on September 8, 2022, with further notice at the designated location (the pre-registration unit will be sent through the pre-registration mailbox), and send the electronic version of the prequalification documents to the e-mail address: cecainter@163.com
For related matters, please consult WeChat: Ms. Hu
Phone: 13032266490
Email: cecainter@163.com
Counseling time: (Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00)


The team of Professor Shen Lei of China Eco-City Research Institute is the first city-level team of the Planners in China. As an innovative practitioner and promoter of the chief division model in China, Professor Shen Lei's team focuses on the whole process management of urban planning and construction and the research development of green ecological city products, builds a professional planning and construction management platform of "planning management, background research, implementation of general control, and resource introduction", and continues to provide the government with the whole process, all elements and all-round technical support for the development of high-quality urban planning and construction.






