Odyssey电影节可持续影像奖 Odyssey Sustainable Film Awards2024征片宣讲暨2023获奖影片展映工作坊“可持续影像奖” -全球巡展工作坊•北京站Sustainable Film Awards Global Tour Exhibition Workshop-Beijing
The Green Climate Institute (GCI) is a brand under Green Climate (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd. It focuses on the profound impact of climate change on human economy, society, environment, and sustainable development. Its business includes five major modules: Green Climate Workshop, Green Research and Study, Green Think Tank, Green Industry Research Institute, and Green Accelerator. It provides professional services such as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), climate neutrality related workshops, scientific expeditions and international study exchanges, green industry economic think tank research, industry-university collaborative industry colleges, and green entrepreneurship accelerators for enterprises, schools, communities, governments, entrepreneurs, and young people, dedicated to solving environmental and climate crises,promotes cooperation and mutual trust, and contributes to the net zero goal and sustainable future.
* 联合国 - 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)始建于 1988年, 旨在提供有关气候变化的科学技术和社会经济认知状况、气候变化原因、潜在影响和应对策略的综合评估。* The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.