
讲座分享 | 基于概率论的应用数学世界观

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Berggruen Seminars 17     

讲座 | Lecture


A Probabilistic World View via Applied Mathematics

对话背景 | Event Background


Since the emergence of Newtonian mechanics as a classical natural philosophy, mechanics has become the paradigm for a scientific understanding of the objective world, with calculus as its language and forces as the "exogenous" cause of change by motion. The temporal continuum in mathematics plays a very important role here. In this context, what counts as randomness has always been a puzzling question. The rise of probability theory less than a century ago and its applications once again challenged the relationship between mathematics and physical reality, reviving some of the major questions in the philosophy of science from ancient Greece through the Renaissance. 

内容主题 | Key Discussion Topics

  • “真理”是怎么来的?

  • 什么是随机性?

  • 基础数学概念和教育对现代人有哪些束缚?

  • 如何通过应用数学理解生命现象,理解世界?

  • Where does "truth" come from?

  • What is randomness?

  • How have the foundational mathematical concepts and their teaching constrained modern humanity?

  • How can we understand the phenomenon of life and the world through applied mathematics?

主讲嘉宾 | Speaker


  • 美国华盛顿大学西雅图分校应用数学讲座教授

钱纮,美国华盛顿大学西雅图分校应用数学讲座教授。钱教授于北京大学获得天体物理学学士学位,于圣路易斯华盛顿大学获得生物化学博士学位,并曾在俄勒冈大学和加州理工学院从事生物物理化学和数学生物学的博士后研究。他在2010年被选为美国物理学会会士。钱教授的主要研究兴趣是生物系统的数学表示与模型,特别是在概率论和统计物理学方面。他与葛颢合著的《生物学中的随机化学反应系统》(Stochastic Chemical Reaction Systems in Biology)一书,近期由斯普林格出版社出版。


  • Olga Jung Wan Endowed Professor of Applied Mathematics at University of Washington, Seattle

Professor Hong Qian is the Olga Jung Wan Endowed Professor of Applied Mathematics at University of Washington, Seattle.  He received his B.A. in Astrophysics from Peking University and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Washington University in St. Louis. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Oregon and Caltech on biophysical chemistry and mathematical biology. He was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2010. Professor Qian's main research interest is the mathematical representation and modeling of biological systems, especially in terms of probability theory and statistical physics.  A book he coauthored with H. Ge, Stochastic Chemical Reaction Systems in Biology, has just been published by Springer.

主持嘉宾 | Moderator


  • 北京大学生命科学学院教授

  • 2020-2021博古睿学者


BAI Shunong

  • Professor, School of Life Sciences at Peking University

  • 2020-2021 Berggruen Fellow

Bai Shunong is a professor at the School of Life Sciences, Peking University. Since beginning his postgraduate training in 1983, his research activities have led him to form a nonconventional perspective on the phenomenon of plant development. Bai Shunong believes that it is necessary to revive the views proposed by the founders of modern botany — that a plant is not an individual, like most animals are; rather, it is comprised of a colony of many developmental units, each of which would be the equivalent to the animalistic "individuals." The "Plant Morphology 123" theory he proposed regarding plant development integrates previously proposed concepts such as the "plant development unit," "sexual reproduction cycle," and "plant development program" into one system. Seeking to understand the internal driving force of plant morphogenesis, Bai Shunong realized that instead of asking “what is life”, people should first ask “what is being alive”. In cooperation with two mathematicians, he proposed that the "structure of the energy cycle" is what can be called “alive”, and the origin point of the entire system of life we experienced on earth.

时间 | Time

2021.12.04 12:00-13:30 | 北京时间 Beijing Time

观众日程 | Agenda

12:00 – 12:05 开场简介|Opening Remarks

12:05 – 12:50 主旨演讲|Keynote Speech

12:50 – 13:30 观众问答|Q & A

直播平台 Streaming Platform

哔哩哔哩 Bilibili 


扫码观看 Scan to Watch

语言 | Language

中文 Chinese

主办单位 | Language

北京大学博古睿研究中心 | 思想改变世界


Berggruen Research Center, Peking University | Ideas for a changing world

The Berggruen Research Center is a hub for East-West research and dialogue dedicated to the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary study of the transformations affecting humanity. Intellectual themes focus on frontier technologies and society—specifically in artificial intelligence, the microbiome and gene editing as well as issues involving global governance and globalization.


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