
【AIGC 学习】Auto-GPT 使用 - ChatGPT API 使用2

renee创业狗 Renee 创业随笔
Auto-GPT 最近很火,据说是史上 github star 增长最快的项目,今天用 Colab 玩一下这个。



我们用 Google Colab 搭建一个 Auto-GPT 的运行环境:

from google.colab import drivedrive.mount('/content/drive')! ls%cd /content/drive/MyDrive! git clone https://github.com/Torantulino/Auto-GPT.git%cd 'Auto-GPT'! pip install -r requirements.txt

首先 授权 Colab 访问 Google Drive,并下载 git 到 Google Drive。

就可以在Drive 里面看到了  Auto-GPT 文件夹

把 .env.template 命名为 .env 并添加自己的 OpenAI、Pinecone、Elevenlabs 的 API Key

! python scripts/main.py

输入n 退出,但是下次可以接着允许这个脚本,就接着之前的训练结果来继续任务了。

因为我给他的任务之一是每天帮我整理一下 GenerativeAI 的最新文章,这个就是他自动帮我看了看 。当然这个过程需要提供一个 Google 的API Key ,方便去google 进行搜索。

Google_API_KEY 的获取地址如下,需要的是 Custom Search API :

- https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials 


- https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/controlpanel/all

! export GOOGLE_API_KEY=*****! export CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID=*****


RENEE'S ASSISTANT THOUGHTS: The information found in the Forbes' article highlights the Top 10 tools for applying Generative AI in different areas including art, music, product design, engineering, medicine, finance, marketing, and software development. We can start by reviewing each tool individually and selecting the three that are most relevant to our company. We can also create a document that summarizes the key benefits of each tool, along with its potential applications for our company, and share this document with the rest of the team.

REASONING:  As we look into the tools discussed in Forbes' article, we can identify which ones are most relevant to our company's functions and goals. From there, we can develop a documented list of the top 3 that are relevant and useful to us. This approach will allow us to not only stay up to date on the latest tools but we can also integrate the new technology and techniques into our workflows.

PLAN: -  Review Forbes' article regarding the Top 10 tools for applying Generative AI in different areas including art, music, product design, engineering, medicine, finance, marketing, and software development \\n- Create a document that summarizes the key benefits of each tool, along with its potential applications for our company \\n- Share the document with the rest of the team.

CRITICISM:  It's important to focus on tools that are directly related to our company's day-to-day operations and goals, rather than getting too caught up in potentially interesting but unrelated technologies. Additionally, the document summarizing these tools should be easily readable, interesting and impactful to ensure that it well received across the company. 

也可以保存成文档给我输出到 auto_gpt_workspace 文件下

Renee 创业随笔

