02详细介绍飞刀 阿里巴巴集团副总裁、阿里云数据库产品事业部负责人、ACM、CCF和IEEE会士(Fellow)个人介绍:阿里巴巴集团副总裁、阿里云数据库产品事业部负责人,ACM、CCF和IEEE会士(Fellow)。曾获ACM与IEEE多项大奖,世界互联网大会2019全球领先科技成果奖,浙江省科技进步一等奖,中国电子学会科技进步一等奖等。带领团队研发了阿里云企业级云原生数据库系统PolarDB, 云原生数据仓库AnalyticDB, 云原生多模数据库Lindorm, 以及云数据库RDS,连续进入Gartner全球云数据库市场Cloud DBMS领导者象限。中国计算机学会CCF大数据专家委员会副主任,数据库专业委员会常委。演讲题目:ClickHouse企业版正式商业化 Aaron,CEO of ClickHouse Inc.个人介绍:Aaron Katz is currently Co-Founder and CEO of ClickHouse, Inc., the company behind ClickHouse, the industry-leading online analytical processing database management system. With more than 20 years of experience building and leading global teams, Aaron brings a unique perspective with a focus on international business, scale, and distribution. Most recently, Aaron led the GTM efforts at Elastic (NYSE: ESTC) between 2014 and 2020 where he helped grow the company from ~$5M in revenue when he joined to >$500M in revenue as a Section 16 officer when he left. Prior to Elastic, Aaron spent 12 years (2002 - 2014) at salesforce.com (NYSE: CRM) where he held a variety of international sales leadership roles and helped grow the company from a private, ~200 employee startup to a >$200B market leader. Aaron holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Managerial Economics from the University of California, Davis and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two children.演讲题目:ClickHouse Inc.和阿里云的全球战略合作 凤豪,阿里云数据库产品经理演讲题目:阿里云 ClickHouse 企业版: 新一代云原生 Serverless 实时数仓演讲提纲:1. ClickHouse 技术介绍&自建集群常见问题2. ClickHouse 企业版云原生及核心特性解析3. ClickHouse 企业版体验速览听众收益:通过对 ClickHouse 企业版云原生存算分离,实时弹性,轻量update&delelte 等核心能力的解析,让听众了解企业版在成本,扩展效率,易用性,性能方面的优势,进一步能够通过企业版解决自建ClickHouse 运维,资源成本,和性能瓶颈问题。 Auxten, director of software development, ClickHouse Inc.个人介绍:ClickHouse Core team 的 Technical Director,目前负责ClickHouse 中国区的技术团队。 演讲题目:使用 ClickHouse 企业版加速你的业务演讲提纲:1. ClickHouse 企业版的整体架构和技术剖析2. ClickHouse 企业版包括SharedMergeTree、Distributed Cache在内的关键特性和技术实现听众收益:1. 了解ClickHouse 企业版的技术优势2. ClickHouse 企业版如何在云上实现高性能、高可用和高可扩展性3. ClickHouse 企业版令人期待的新功能点 林东煜 携程云原生研发工程师演讲题目:携程在阿里云上ClickHouse 企业版测试结果分享演讲提纲:1. 携程日志系统的建设历程和现状2. ClickHouse 企业版测试结果3. 总结听众收益:通过携程的日志场景建设和测试总结,让更多的客户了解Clickhouse企业版带来的价值收益 李武 点告广告平台大数据负责人演讲题目:易点天下基于ClickHouse企业版的广告投放平台建设实践演讲提纲:1.业务及平台介绍2.企业版ClickHouse架构和优势3企业版ClickHouse性能测试听众收益:通过点告的广告投放平台建设和实践经验总结,让更多的客户了解Clickhouse企业版带来的成本优势和性能提升。