

CREST期刊编辑部 环境科技评论CREST 2023-01-06



综述论文应包括以下10 个组成部分
  1. 标题页;
  2. 包含页码#的目录;
  3. 摘要(<250字);
  4. 关键词(最多6个);
  5. 图形摘要;
  6. 正文加表格和插图(<10,000字);
  7. 致谢;
  8. 参考文献(<150);
  9. 带标题的表格和插图(总共 <8 个)。
  10. 如有必要,可增加补充材料部分



  1. 作者撰写本综述的资格;
  2. 本综述的新颖性;
  3. 本综述的正当性;
  4. 5篇领衔或通讯作者关于本综述主题的相关文章清单;
  5. 5篇过去5年有关本综述主题的已发表综述清单;
  6. 正文、表格和插图的字数统计。

  1. 正文加上表格和插图(不包括参考文献)应<10,000字;

  2. 每个表格或插图(<1页)字数计为300字;

  3. 长表每页计为600字;

  4. 每个大图(>1 页)计为 600 字。

标题页应列出论文标题(<20 字)、作者及其单位,以及通讯作者(<2 个)的联系方式。

总共建议 5~6 个:
  1. 带标题的插图和表格应放在正文文档末尾;

  2. 插图和表格总数不得超过8个;

  3. 好综述应包含2~3个整合正文内容的插图;

  4. 该期刊不鼓励复制已发表插图或展示长表格。

建议数量 <150
  1. 使用“作者-年份”样式,包括出版年份、作者列表、文章标题和期刊名称;

  2. 如果作者 >2 个,请以“第一作者的姓氏+等”的格式引用参考文献;

  3. 不鼓励参考文献占幅过长,至少应比正文短很多。

  1. 正文文档应标记连续行号和连续页码;

  2. 稿件应为电子文稿、双倍行距、四边各留有 2.5 厘米的边距。

请将额外的文字、表格和插图转至SI 中,SI中的内容不计入字数统计。


Please Follow the Guidelines to Prepare Your Review Article for CREST 
Please note that papers failing to follow the guidelines will be returned without review 
1. Review Article — The article should include the following 10 components:

1) Title page; 
2) Table of content showing page #; 
3) Abstract (<250 words); 
4) Keywords (up to 6); 
5) Graphical abstract; 
6) Main text plus tables and figures (<10,000 words); 
7) Acknowledgments; 
8) References (<150); 
9) Tables and figures with captions (<8 total). 
10) Supporting Information if necessary

2. Cover Letter — The letter should contain the following 6 components:

1) Author’s qualifications to write the review; 
2) The novelty of this review; 
3) Justifications for this review; 
4) List of 5 relevant articles on the subject from the senior and/or corresponding authors; 
5) List of 5 relevant published reviews on the subject during the past 5 years; 
6) Word count for main text, tables and figures.

3. Word Limit —suggesting 7000-8000 words for the main text:

1) The main text plus tables and figures without references should be <10,000 words; 
2) Tables and figures (<1 page) count as 300 words each; 
3) Long tables count as 600 words a page; 
4) Large figures (>1 page) count as 600 words each. 

4. Title Page

The title page should list the paper title (<20 words), authors and their affiliations, and contact details for the corresponding authors (<2).

5. Tables and Figures — suggesting 5-6 total:

1) Figures and tables with captions should be appended to the end of the text file; 
2) The total number of figures and tables should not exceed 8; 
3) Good review should contain 2-3 figures synthesized based on the content; 
4) The journal discourages copying published figures and showing long tables.

6. References — suggesting <150:

1) Use author-year style, with publication year, author list, article title, and journal name; 
2) Please cite references as “first author’s last name et al.” with >2 authors; 
3) A long list of references is discouraged, at least much shorter than the main text.

7. Line#, page#, Space and margin

1) Text file should be continuously line-numbered and consecutively page-numbered; 
2) Manuscript should be type-written, double-spaced, with 2.5-cm margins on all sides.

8. Supporting information (SI)

Please transfer extra text, tables and figures to SI, which is excluded from word limit.

- End -



投稿网址: https://www.editorialmanager.com/CREST




