
孔院微课堂 | 东郭先生、南郭先生、北郭先生,到底有几个“郭先生”?

孔子学院 孔子学院 Confucius Institute 2022-06-03


In daily life, we sometimes hear about such expressions as Mr. Dongguo, Mr. Nanguo, and Mr. Beiguo. What do they mean?


Mr. Nanguo

 典故 中国古代有个国王喜欢听很多人一起吹奏乐器,南郭先生其实不会,但是一直偷偷混在里面。而国王的儿子继位后,喜欢听每个人单独演奏,南郭先生很快就被发现,只好逃走了。

 Allusion  In ancient China, there was a king who liked to listen to musical instruments played by many musicians together. Mr. Nanguo didn’t know anything about musical instruments, but he managed to pass himself off as one of the players in an ensemble for quite a time. However, when the new king succeeded to the throne, he was reputed to like musicians playing solo. Mr. Nanguo had to flee the capital after his tricks came to light.

出处:战国 韩非《韩非子·内储说上》




Source: [Warring States (403 BC - 221 BC)] Han Fei, Han Feizi: Inner Congeries of Sayings (1)

Meaning: a person incompetent for his post

Example: To be a teacher, one must continue to learn and make progress, and prevent half and sham knowledge.

Related expression: fill a post without real qualifications


Mr. Dongguo

 典故 有一天,东郭先生遇到一只狼,看它可怜,让它藏在自己的袋子里躲过了猎人的追捕。结果猎人刚走,狼就要吃掉东郭先生。

 Allusion  One day, Mr. Dongguo saw a wolf chased by a hunter and saved it by hiding it away in his bag. However, as soon as the hunter left, the wolf bared its fangs on Mr. Dongguo and intended to eat him alive.

出处:明 马中锡《东田文集》




Source: [Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)] Ma Zhongxi, Collected Works of Dongtian

Meaning: a person showing unprincipled mercy to bad people

Example: Many people are keen to act as Mr. Dongguo, to satisfy their own moral needs.

Related expression: You’re an ungrateful wolf, always ready to bite the hand that feeds you.


Mr. Beiguo

 典故 北郭先生的父亲做官时,因受到牵连而被处死,因此北郭先生虽然很有才华,但终身都没有做官。

 Allusion  Mr. Beiguo's father was implicated in a case and executed during an official tenure. Therefore, Mr. Beiguo never took any official post all his life, although he was very talented.

出处:汉 韩婴 《韩诗外传》;南朝 宋 范晔《后汉书》




Source: [Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD)] Han Ying, The Outer Commentary to the Book of Songs by Master Han; [Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279)] Fan Ye, Book of Later Han

Meaning: recluse; those living in seclusion in the mountains and refusing official posts

Example: He has always regarded himself a recluse, and won’t respond to your solicitation.

Related expression: While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence, my gaze upon the southern mountain rests. (translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie)


Mr. Xiguo

 典故 西郭先生为官刚正不阿,直言劝诫皇帝不要沉迷礼佛,皇帝采纳后,西郭先生名动天下。

 Allusion  Mr. Xiguo was an upright official, who straightly advised the emperor to not indulge in Buddhist worshipping. His advice was adopted by the emperor, and became an instant name all over the country.

出处:明 冯从吾 《西郭先生传》


Source: [Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)] Feng Congwu, The Biography of Mr. Xiguo

(The term remains an allusion only, and has not been admitted to the Chinese vocabulary system.)

小知识 TIPS


Ancient Chinese cities were divided into “cheng” (城) and “guo” (郭), which referred to the inner section and outer section respectively. The former was intended for the ruling class and the latter for common people. “Guo” could either be beside “cheng” or around it. Therefore, it could be, or composed of Dongguo (the eastern quarter), Xiguo (the western quarter), Nanguo (the southern quarter), and Beiguo (the northern quarter), which came to refer to people living in those quarters accordingly.


Traditional Chinese art has emphasized moral influence since ancient times, in particular, the social function of “enhancing moral character, facilitating edification, and promoting change of customs.” The four stories mentioned above have all been intended to serve educational purposes at varying degrees. 

内容编辑:吴晓静 刘希 



