
孔院微课堂 | 西湖龙井:绿茶中的“皇后”







The poet Bai Juyi once remarked in his poem: “My longing for Jiangnan is encapsulated in my longing for Hangzhou.” The city Hangzhou, with its pleasant climate and economic prosperity, has long been the pearl of the Jiangnan area of China. The most notable scenic site in Hangzhou is the West Lake, which gives name to the city’s most famous drink: the West Lake Longjing tea. Combining mountains with wetlands, the natural landscape of the West Lake provides an advantageous backdrop for the cultivation of Longjing tea, making the West Lake Longjing the embodiment of Hangzhou culture and a hallmark of Hangzhou globally.


West Lake Longjing, the Queen of Green Tea


Being the first country in the world to cultivate tea, China is regarded as the birthplace of tea. Tea ranks among the three most popular beverages in the world, the other two being coffee and cocoa. Boasting pivotal figures like the legendary doctor Shennong who had tasted a hundred herbs and the scholar Lu Yu who penned the first book dedicated to tea, Classics of Tea, China’s tea culture has undergone a long evolution, emerging from the early stage when tea was collected from the wild for its medicinal uses to the more developed stage when it is cultivated to make a beverage. Via the Ancient Tea-Horse Road and the Silk Road, Chinese tea reached the northwestern part of Asia and the Arabic world and was later transported to Europe, the Americas and the rest of the world. It is safe to say that the tea-drinking culture in different parts of the world today can all trace their roots directly or indirectly along the Silk Road back to ancient China. Tea had played a key role in the trade between China and the Western world.


Tea can be classified into six types according to the species and appearance of the tea leaves and the process of their manufacturing: green tea, black tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea and post-fermented dark tea. The West Lake Longjing, a first-grade green tea, stands out among others due to its long cultural history and its unique processing and drinking methods, enjoying the title “Queen of Green Tea”.


A Treasure of History, Nature and Human Ingenuity


The West Lake Longjing gets its name from the region where it was first cultivated one thousand and two hundred years ago: the mountainous region surrounding the Longjing village, West Lake. The birthplace of West Lake Longjing is adjacent to Xixi wetland on the north, the West Lake on the east, and the Qiantang river on the south and itself is surrounded by mountains from three sides. The tea farm also lies on the 30th parallel north, the “golden line” for green tea cultivation in China. This enviable combination of natural environment and humid climate makes the region an ideal place for growing tea and guarantees the superb quality of the West Lake Longjing tea.


The West Lake Longjing is renowned for its fresh green color, rich aroma, delicate tea leaves and mellow taste. If its long history and ideal natural habitat assure the high quality of the West Lake Longjing, then the ingenuity of Hangzhou tea masters is what crowns it as an art. Hangzhou boasts a millennium-long tradition of growing, making and drinking tea and has developed a superb workmanship in tea-making.


The production process of Longjing tea involves four steps: plucking, drying, rolling and wok-frying. To make Longjing tea, the tender the tea leaves are and the earlier they are plucked, the better; therefore Longjing tea leaves are picked early, often before qingming or guyu (solar terms according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, happening on 4–5 April and 20–21 April respectively) each year and the quality of the tea is determined by the tenderness and smoothness of the freshly plucked leaves. The tea leaves plucked in spring have a flat and smooth surface, the blades are sharp, and the young shoots are long and tenderly green, so they are considered superior to tea leaves plucked in summer or autumn. The shape, color, size and smoothness of the tea leaves are important indicators of the grade of Longjing tea. After the fresh leaves are plucked, they are placed on meshed bamboo trays for half a day to dry. This process removes part of the bitter flavor of the fresh leaves and reduces their water content, so that they are less likely to clump when fried. The dried leaves are then hand rolled into desirable shapes. As the shape of the fresh tea leaf is a signature of the West Lake Longjing, its rolling process is therefore performed quickly and tenderly. The last step is frying the leaves by hand, involving three steps—first frying, re-moisturization off the wok, and second frying—and ten techniques: stirring, gliding, squeezing, tossing, straightening, spreading, tapping, grabbing, pressing, and rubbing. The perfect frying requires that “the leaves always touch the wok and the hands always touch the leaves”. This art of tea-frying has been included in China’s intangible cultural heritage list.


West Lake Longjing and Hangzhou, the City of Tea


In 2005, Hangzhou was bestowed the title “China’s City of Tea”; in 2011, the “West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou” was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO. The Longjing tea garden is among the six key features of the West Lake, a unique and integral part of the West Lake cultural landscape. This is the first time that a World Cultural Heritage includes tea farms as part of the cultural landscape. Part of Hangzhou’s charm as a renowned cultural and historical city in China is built around the aroma of the West Lake Longjing tea.


The West Lake Longjing also plays a key role in Hangzhou’s urban development. It is a model of urban entertainment-oriented agriculture and a pillar of Hangzhou’s green economy. As the West Lake is a mustsee for any visitor of Hangzhou, drinking the West Lake Longjing is also an indispensable part of the visitor’s Hangzhou experience. Tourists visiting the Longjing tea farm can appreciate the beautiful scenery of the West Lake while relaxing themselves in the tea houses on the farm. The West Lake Longjing has developed into a successful green industry that brings sizable revenue for Hangzhou each year. Amongst a great number of diverse tea-related cultural events taking place in Hangzhou, the annual China International Tea Expo and the Chinese Tea Olympic Games are the highlights of recent years, and the West Lake Longjing shines out in this thriving green economy.


Born upon the beautiful West Lake and rooted in China’s long traditional culture, the West Lake Longjing is a valuable component of China’s tea culture, and its unique charm has fascinated people globally. If you are not in a hurry, why not sip a cup of West Lake Longjing tea? The relaxed and eco-friendly lifestyle of Hangzhou and the harmony between nature and culture are brewed just right in your cup of West Lake Longjing. 














作者:李宁 Li Ning

翻译:符梦醒 Fu Mengxing



孔子学院 Confucius Institute

