


加拿大摇滚天后艾薇儿·拉维尼(Avril Lavigne)就给出了答案。就在近日,她出人意料地在个人推特账号上大方公开了自己的电话号码,引起粉丝热议。

没错,艾薇儿电话号码就是+1 (310) 740-8577了。另外,实力宠粉的她还附上了一段视频,向粉丝表示,如果想聊聊关于演出、最喜欢的歌或者新专辑的事情,就可以打给她。


I got a crazy idea. I wanna connect you guys on a personal level. So here is my cell phone number. I wanna know what you guys think of the shows, what your favorite songs are, what you think of the new album and new songs.

就在此前,艾薇儿官方发布了2020年Head Above Water全球巡演欧洲场次海报,其中还写着中国、日本等亚洲国家日期即将宣布,很大几率会是明年的5月份。喜欢艾薇儿的同学们别错过哦!



从推特上网友们的反馈来看,有的网友在接通电话后听到艾薇儿连说两声hello,但当下太过紧张不知道该回什么就草草挂断;也有网友收到了偶像“I love you”的回复。不过后来有网友再拨电话时,会跳到艾薇儿录好的语音讯息(voicemail)中,可能因为是太忙的缘故吧,所以艾薇儿在语音信箱中说想与她交流的话可以发短信。



这位粉丝说:“对于不久后将开始的欧洲巡演,你一定很激动吧?那将会非常有趣。《I Fell In Love With The Devil》和《Birdie》这两首歌曲是我的最爱。”

艾薇儿回复称:“这太有趣了!! 我喜欢直接给你们发短信。”


艾薇儿接着回复称:“我喜欢在纽约Pier 17的那场演出,很开心你当时也在现场。关于在欧洲的巡演呢,敬请期待。我会给你们一个大大的惊喜。”


A man from Central China and Canadian singer Avril Lavigne has something very much in common: They have the exact same phone number and the man is not amused. 

Dialing her number +1 (310) 740-8577 from China without the international call prefix connects callers with 131 0740 8577, which belongs to a man from Changde, Central China's Hunan Province, Knews reported on Monday.

The man has since received so many errant calls he had to switch off his phone and post a plea on China's Twitter-like social platform Sina Weibo on Saturday, saying "Please stop calling me… I have to thank Avril for this."





说说艾薇儿的音乐吧,2018年9月19日艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)在自己的官网上公布了新的新单《Head Above Water》宣传图。在此之前,她已经沉寂了有5年之久。


Hi guys,
嗨 大家好,

I’m so excited to finally be able to announce the first single off my new album along with its release date. Five years have gone by since I released my last album. I spent the last few years at home sick fighting Lyme Disease. Those were the worst years of my life as I went through both physical and emotional battles. I was able to turn that fight into music I’m really proud of. I wrote songs in my bed and on the couch and recorded there mostly as well. Words and lyrics that were so true to my experience came pouring out of me effortlessly. Truly... by keeping my spirits up, having goals to reach and a purpose to live for, my music helped to heal me and keep me alive.

Lyme Disease 莱姆病 (蜱虫叮咬传播的疾病,会损伤神经系统)
effortlessly  adv 轻松地,毫不费力的

Thank you for waiting so patiently as I fought through and still continue to fight, the battle of my lifetime. The first song I am choosing to release is called “Head Above Water.” It is also the first song I wrote from my bed during one of the scariest moments of my life. I had accepted death and could feel my body shutting down. I felt like I was drowning. Like I was going under water and I just needed to come up for air. Like I was in a river being pulled in a current. Unable to breathe. Praying to God for Him to help me just keep my head above the water. To help me see through the stormy weather. I grew closer to Him. My mother held me. In her arms, I wrote the first song that I am releasing to tell my story. I later met a beautiful soul, Travis Clark, and we sat down at the piano and sculpted the rest of the song. Then I took it to the genius, Stephan Moccio and love what he did to the music.
谢谢你们在我与疾病抗争期间的耐心等待,而我还将继续与疾病抗争,这是我一生的战斗。我选择发布的第一首歌名为《Head Above Water》(中译:深水还生)。这也是那些我生命中最可怕的日子里,我在床上写的第一首歌。我已经接受了死亡,我能感觉到我的身体在停止运作。我感觉自己好像快要淹死了。就像我在水下而我仅仅是需要空气透透气。就像我在河里被拽入潮流中一样。我无法呼吸,祈求上帝帮助我浮出水面。帮助我度过狂风暴雨的天气。我离他越来越近了。我的妈妈抱住了我,在她的臂弯里,我写出了第一首即将发布的讲述自己故事的歌。然后我遇到了一个美丽的灵魂Travis Clark,我们一起坐在钢琴前,打磨歌曲剩下的部分。后来我把它带给了天才Stephan Moccio,我很喜欢他对这首歌的制作。

I have decided to be truthful about my struggle, open and more vulnerable than ever before. And to be honest, part of me doesn’t want to talk about being sick because I want it to all be behind me, but I know I have to. Because not only is it a part of my life, I need to bring awareness to the severity of Lyme Disease. A single bug bite can fuck you up hard. People aren’t aware that Lyme must be treated almost immediately. Often if they are aware, they go untreated simply because they can’t get a Lyme diagnosis! And even when they do get a diagnosis, a lot of times they simply can’t afford the treatment.

My Foundation wants to be sure that doesn’t happen as often as it does, so on our website, we’re now providing Lyme prevention resources, and links so you can connect with Lyme Literate doctors (that have learned how to correctly diagnose this disease and provide treatment as quickly as possible). Soon we’ll be announcing an alliance with top scientific teams that will accelerate Lyme research. And we’re about to launch an initiative that YOU can help us with - so that together, we can help more individuals affected by Lyme Disease get the treatment they desperately need to come out the other side of this insidious disease. Please, join us in the fight while I tell the world my story and bring awareness to Lyme Disease. I’m taking my life back into my own hands and doing what it is I know I am meant to be doing in this life time. Making music. And sharing my healing and hope, through my music. I wish for this all to touch you, to bring you strength, to lift you up, to inspire and to encourage you. I want more than ANYTHING to be back up on stage. To be holding my guitars and running around. To sing my heart out and travel around the world to see all of my fans. I will do EVERYTHING I can to get back up on stage, to travel, to sing to you, to work again. But I have to always listen to my body and keep a healthy balance, so please be patient as we go. I wrote and recorded this album and to me this is a victorious moment. A huge accomplishment. I am very proud and thankful to everyone who waited so patiently and lovingly with me to support this process for me.

literate   adj. 受过教育的;精通文学的 n. 学者
insidious  adj. 阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的

Here. I now have a very strong, triumphant, powerful and true record to me and my experiences over the last few years. My first single is called “Head Above Water”, and it will be here on September 19th. I’m so excited to be returning with new music and to have you on this journey with me. Let’s do this! New era!
对于过去几年的我和我的经历,我现在有了强大、成功、有力和真实的记录。我的首发单曲名为《Head Above Water》,将于9月19号公开。我很高兴能带着新的音乐回归,也很高兴有你们和我一起踏上这段旅程。让我们开始吧!新的时代!

triumphant  adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的

All My Love,
Avril Lavigne











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