
和某人说话用talk to还是with?原来我一直都没分清!

A lot of students ask me about the difference between talk to and talk with.
很多学生问我“talk to”和“talk with”的区别

The answer is that there’s essentially NO difference when two people are having a conversation, and both of them are speaking. You can say “Sue is talking to John” or “Sue is talking with John” – they’re the same!
答案是,当两个人都在说话时,它们两个本质上没有区别。你可以说“Sue is talking to John”或者“Sue is talking with John”,它们都是一样的!
Some people claim that talk to should be used when it’s only one person speaking, and talk with should be used when it’s more of a two-sided discussion.
有些人认为当只有一个人在说话的时候应该用talk to,当双方都在讨论的时候应该用talk with。

However, in practice, many native speakers use both interchangeably. 

Here are some examples.

Can I talk to you for a minute?= Can I talk with you for a minute?我能和你说会儿话么?

Brian’s over there, talking to Matt.= Brian’s over there, talking with Matt.布莱恩在那边和马特说话。

I talked to my boss and she said I could take a day off.= I talked with my boss and she said I could take a day off.我和老板谈过,她说我可以请一天假。

Here are some other combinations of talk + preposition:

Talk About + (Topic/Person)

This is the most common way to express speaking about a topic. The topic can be serious or not so serious.

We talked about our favorite movies.我们谈论了我们最喜欢的电影。

Everyone’s talking about the World Cup.每个人都在讨论世界杯。

They always talk about me behind my back.他们总在我背后谈论我。(behind my back = when I’m not present/listening)在我背后=当我不在场或者听不见时

discuss= talk about
✘ We discussed about the problem.
✔ We discussed the problem.
=We talked about the problem.

Talk Over / Talk Through + (Problem/Issue)

We use talk over and talk through to describe a more detailed, in-depth discussion, often when there’s a decision to be made, or a problem or conflict that needs to be resolved. Talk through can also be used for explanation of a process step by step.
我们用talk over和talk through来描述更详细、更深入的讨论,通常是需要做出决定、需要解决问题或冲突。Talk through也可以用于一步一步地解释一个过程。

I’m not about to buy a car on a whim. I need to talk it over with my wife first.我不会心血来潮就买一辆车。我得先和我妻子商量一下。(on a whim = on impulse, spontaneously)心血来潮=突发奇想,冲动,自发地

My business partner and I talked things over and came up with a plan.我和我的商业伙伴讨论了一下,并提出了一个计划。(came up with = created/invented)提出=创建/发明

If you’re not happy in the relationship, you should talk it through with your boyfriend.如果你对这段关系不满意,你应该和你的男朋友好好谈谈。(= discuss a problem in depth)深度讨论这个问题

The IT guy talked us through the installation of the new computer program.IT人员向我们介绍了新电脑程序的安装情况。(= explain a process)解释一个过程

Talk Someone Into / Talk Someone Out Of

+ Doing Something

To talk someone into doing something means to convince that person to do it. He/she didn’t want to do it, but you managed to change their mind.
To talk someone into doing something意思是说服某人做某事。他或者她不想做,但你设法改变了他们的主意。

I was hesitant to try ice skating, but Helen talked me into going.我不太想去滑冰,但海伦说服我去了。

Let’s see if we can talk Pete into giving us free food.我们来看看能不能说服皮特给我们免费的食物。

I can’t believe the salesman talked you into buying a $7,000 sound system.我真不敢相信那个售货员说服你买了一个七千美元的音响系统。

The opposite is to talk someone out of doing something – meaning to convince the person NOT to do it:
它的反义形式是talk someone out of doing something——意思是说服某人不要做某事:

I was going to buy an iPhone, but Fred talked me out of it by telling me all the ways that Samsung phones are better.我本来想买一部iPhone,但是弗雷德告诉我三星手机有很多优点,让我打消了买iPhowne的念头。

He wants to get a giant tattoo, and his wife is trying to talk him out of it.他想要一个巨大的纹身,他的妻子正试图说服他不要纹身。

I’m glad my friend talked me out of quitting school when I was about to give up.我很高兴我的朋友在我快要放弃的时候劝我不要退学。


南半球被烧了21天! 西方媒体集体沉默! 这是全世界最残忍的一幕



地道表达Give me the tea不是“给我茶”的意思!错了就很尴尬!




