汉斯·贝尔廷 | 宗教和艺术:现代萌芽之初的图像危机(下)
The following article is from 图像之书 Author 汉斯·贝尔廷
d. 拉斐尔西斯廷圣母的争议
[1] Kraut 1986, 80ff. Cf. R. Grosshanss, M. van Heemskerck. Die Gemälde (Berlin, 1980), 195, and catalog of a 1974 Rennes exhibition (Le dossier d'un tableau. St-Luc peignant la Vierge de M. van Heemskerck).
[2]Cf. F. Haskell, Taste and the Antique (New Haven, 1981).
[3]关于西斯廷圣母历史上的接受问题可参考E. Schaeffer, Raffaels Sixtinische Madonna im Erlebnis der Nachwelt (Leipzig, 1927); M. Putscher, Die Sixtinische Madonna. Das Werk und seine Wirkung (Tu bingen, 1955); and M. Ebhardt, Die Deutung der Werke Raffaels in der deutschen Kunstliteratur von Klassik tmd Romantik (Baden-Baden, 1972). 注48中也提供了进一步的文献
[4]F. Schlegel, "Die Gemälde," in Athenäum, Rowohlts Klassiker, Deutsche Literatur (Hamburg, 1969; orig. ed., 1799), 2:55ff
[5]关于瓦肯罗德,可以参考the edition by J. F. Unger, Werke und Briefe (Heidelberg, 1967), 14ff. 关于这幅版画可以参考J. J. Riepenhausen, 12 Umrisse zum Leben Raphaels von Urbino (Stuttgart, 1834 ), pl. 8. 关于历史上对灵感的解释,可以参考E. Panofsky, Idea (Berlin, 1924; 2d ed., 1960). 关于这一主题的想法,我要感谢S. Hefele (Munich, 1988).的一篇文章
[6]Kraut 1986, 59ff., and Z. Wazbinski, "S. Luca che dipinge la Madonna all' Accademia di Roma," Artibus et historiae 12 (1985): 27ff.
[7]最近J. K. Eberlein, "The Curtain of Raphael's Sistine Madonna," Art Bulletin 65. 1 (1983): 61ff., 在75-77页提供了关于画帘的阐释的研究。可参考B. A. Sigel, Der Vorhang der Sixtinischen Madonna (Zurich, 1977).
[9]Cf. Panofsky (seen. 46 above). 关于这些词语可参考我在Das Ende der Kunstgeschichte? (Munich, 1983), 73.中的讨论
[10]Panofsky (见注46), 32 and 37.
[11]Warnke 1968, 61 ff.
[12]Ibid., 74.
[13]Gumpenberg 1657, vols. 1 and 2. Cf. Beissel 1913, 157ff. (对图像的粉饰), l 69ff. (图像的加冕), and 295. 关于图像的加冕可参考Dejonghe 1969. 关于彼时的图像崇拜可参考Male 1951, 2:20ff.
[14]Gumpenberg 1657, I :20ff.; 关于圣母大殿的证据可见Angelis 1621.关于这些圣母像的复制品可以参考O. Karrer, Der hl. Franz von Borja, 603 General der Gesellschaft Jesu, 1510-1572 (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1921 ), 382-83.来源可见F. Sacchino, Historiae Societatis jesu, part 3 (Rome, 1649), bk. 5, no. 296, and Monumenta Historica Societatis Jesu, fasc. 28 (Madrid, 1910), 3: 112-13 no. 734. 关于英戈尔施塔特,可参考 P. A. Hoss, Pater Jakob Rem S.J. (Munich, 1953), 29, 90-91, and 208-9.
[15]H. Friedel, "Die Cappella Alremps in S. Maria in Trastevere," Romisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 17 ( 1978 ): 92ff
[16]Angelis 1621, 189ff. 关于保禄小堂可以参考M. C. Dorarori, "Gli scultori della Cappella Paolina," Commentari 18 (1967): 231ff.; 关于祭坛的类型可以参考E. Lavagnino et al., Altari barocchi in Roma (Rome, 1959); 关于圣灵在图像中的显现可见chap. 4e and n. 83 in that chapter.
[17]Warnke 1968, 77ff.; D. Freedberg, in Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 32 (1981 ): 11 5ff.; Ilse von zur Muhlen, "Rubens und die Gegenreformation am Beispiel der Altarbilder für S. Maria in Vallicella in Rom" (diss. Munich, 1987). 关于司铎祈祷会可参考最近的研究L. Ponnelle and L. Border, St. Philip Neri and the Roman Society of His Times (London, 1979). 关于巴罗尼奥可参考C. K. Pullapidilly, Caesar Baronius: Counter Reformation Historian (London, 1975.
北京大学视觉与图像研究中心( Centre for Visual Studies,Peking University,简称CVS) 是研究中国古代艺术、中国当代艺术和世界艺术的基地。中心横跨多种学科,承担视觉与图像研究前沿的课题。
The Centre for Visual Studies (CVS) atPeking University is a national base for the research of traditional Chinese art, Chinese contemporary art and world art history. As a multidisciplinary center, CVS is on the forefront of visual studies.
Traditional Chinese Art
World Art
执行第34 届世界艺术史大会在北京成功举办。
Archives of Contemporary Art in China, located in 798 Art District, is an entitative archival space established by Chinese Modern Art Archive (CMAA) of Peking University. Open to the public, it studies and displays the conditions of contemporary art in China, and provides reference services. It is also a platform that extends the information on contemporary art in China.