随着数据呈爆发式增长、计算能力大幅提升以及深度学习算法的不断发展和成熟,人工智能迎来了第三次发展浪潮,进入了大模型时代,并在全球范围内引起了一场新的产业革命。鉴于人工智能技术对企业获取、创造和传递价值产生重要影响,众多学者已开始研究人工智能技术与企业创新之间的关联。本次推送四篇文章着重关注人工智能对企业创新的促进作用:Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda一文中,作者系统探讨了人工智能对企业创新管理的影响,并分析了人工智能取代人类的可能性。同时,详细阐述了企业数字化创新转型过程中的关键影响因素,并进一步对未来研究方向进行展望。Influence of artificial intelligence on technological innovation: Evidence from the panel data of china's manufacturing sectors一文中,作者基于国际机器人联合会(IFR)提供的工业机器人数据和2008—2017年中国14个制造业的面板数据,通过实证分析探索了人工智能对技术创新的影响。实证分析结果表明,人工智能对技术创新具有积极影响,并且人工智能对技术创新的影响具有部门异质性。Artificial intelligence and industrial innovation: Evidence from German firm-level data一文中,作者基于2018年社区创新调查(CIS)德国部分的企业级数据,研究了不同人工智能方法和应用领域在创新中的作用。研究结果显示,人工智能在创新方面具有积极影响,但其普适性仍需进一步探讨,因为该结论仅基于德国数据得出。How AI capabilities enable business model innovation: Scaling AI through co-evolutionary processes and feedback loops一文中,作者基于六家成功应用人工智能的工业企业案例,探讨了企业如何通过发展人工智能能力推动企业商业模式创新。研究结果揭示了人工智能的三组关键能力:数据管道、算法开发和人工智能民主化,并进一步提出了一个协同演进框架。
Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda
Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; innovation; review; literature review; innovation management; machine learning; information processing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshapes companies and how innovation management is organized. Consistent with rapid technological development and the replacement of human organization, AI may indeed compel management to rethink a company's entire innovation process. In response, we review and explore the implications for future innovation management. Using ideas from the Carnegie School and the behavioral theory of the firm, we review the implications for innovation management of AI technologies and machine learning-based AI systems. We outline a framework showing the extent to which AI can replace humans and explain what is important to consider in making the transformation to the digital organization of innovation. We conclude our study by exploring directions for future research.
Haefner N, Wincent J, Parida V, et al. Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 162: 120392.
Influence of artificial intelligence on technological innovation: Evidence from the panel data of china's manufacturing sectors
Keywords: artificial intelligence; technological innovation; sector heterogeneity
This paper analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on technological innovation through logic reasoning and empirical modeling. Based on the industrial robot data provided by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) and the panel data of China's 14 manufacturing sectors from 2008 to 2017, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of AI on technological innovation. Our analysis shows that the mechanism of how AI affects technological innovation is that the former promotes technological innovation through accelerating knowledge creation and technology spillover, improving learning and absorptive capacities, while increasing R&D and talent investment. Our empirical results indicate that under the condition of controlling intensity of R&D investment, FDI, ownership structure, technical imitation, AI significantly promotes technological innovation. And the impact of AI on technological innovation experiences sector heterogeneity: AI has more significant impact on the technological innovation of low-tech sectors. The higher the level of AI, the greater its impact on technological innovation. Based on our established conclusions, we provide corresponding suggestions and recommendations for managerial decision-making.
Liu J, Chang H, Forrest J, et al. Influence of artificial intelligence on technological innovation: Evidence from the panel data of china’s manufacturing sectors[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 158: 120142.
Artificial intelligence and industrial innovation: Evidence from German firm-level data
Keywords: artificial intelligence; innovation; CIS data; Germany
This paper analyses the link between the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and innovation performance in firms. Based on firm-level data from the German part of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2018, we examine the role of different AI methods and application areas in innovation. The results show that 5.8% of firms in Germany were actively using AI in their business operations or products and services in 2019. We find that the use of AI is associated with annual sales with world-first product innovations in these firms of about €16 billion (i.e. 18% of total annual sales of world-first innovations). In addition, AI technologies have been used in process innovation that contributed to about 6% of total annual cost savings of the German business sector. Firms that apply AI broadly (using different methods for different applications areas) and that have already several years of experience in using AI obtain significantly higher innovation results. These positive findings on the role of AI for innovation have to be interpreted with caution as they refer to a specific country (Germany) in a situation where AI started to diffuse rapidly.
Rammer C, Fernández G P, Czarnitzki D. Artificial intelligence and industrial innovation: Evidence from German firm-level data[J]. Research Policy, 2022,51(7): 104555
How AI capabilities enable business model innovation: Scaling AI through co-evolutionary processes and feedback loops
Keywords: artificial intelligence; digital servitization; digital transformation; digitalization; business model innovation; platform
Artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to radically transform the ways manufacturing firms create, deliver, and capture value. However, many manufacturers struggle to successfully assimilate AI capabilities into their business models and operations at scale. In this paper, we explore how manufacturing firms can develop AI capabilities and innovate their business models to scale AI in digital servitization. We present empirical insights from a case study of six leading manufacturers engaged in AI. The findings reveal three sets of critical AI capabilities: data pipeline, algorithm development, and AI democratization. To scale these capabilities, firms need to innovate their business models by focusing on agile customer co-creation, data-driven delivery operations, and scalable ecosystem integration. We combine these insights into a co-evolutionary framework for scaling AI through business model innovation underscoring the mechanisms and feedback loops. We offer insights into how manufacturers can scale AI, with important implications for management.
Sjodina D, Parida V, Palmie M, et al. How AI capabilities enable business model innovation: Scaling AI through co-evolutionary processes and feedback loops[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 134: 574-587.