Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousism and The Horn of Plenty展览时间/Show Duration: 2023/03/10 - 2023/05/06地点/Address: 上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼 Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai
感谢Objective Gallery提供珍贵家具共同展出 Special Thanks to Objective Gallery for providing furniture for the exhibition
文爵 Wenjue
永恒族·盖亚 Eternals·Gaia
贝壳、布面木板油画 Shells, oil on canvas mounted on board
114 x 149 cm
文爵 Wenjue
「哦.......德·拉瓦尔先生,瞧!TA全身心散 发着诗意的感性光辉!」
Oh......Mr.De Laval,Look! His whole body exudes poetic sensual brilliance
Oil on board
114 x 149 cm
文爵 Wenjue
👀 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (A Flicker of Light)
布面木板油画 Oil on canvas mounted on board
88 x 125cm
文爵 Wenjue
自画像习作 O (克苏鲁船⻓) Study for Self portrait O (Cthulhu Captain)
木板油画 Oil on board
31 x 22 cm
文爵 Wenjue
假装自己很坚强 Pretending to be Strong (Clara&Maria)
贝壳、布面木板油画 Shells, oil on canvas mounted on board
114 x 149 cm
文爵 Wenjue
來自遠方的禮物,赫菲斯托斯的神秘微 笑(或者又可以從三個定義兩個維度以及六個規 劃來全方位孕育出擁抱超級超越極致奢華無敵霹靂閃電庫魯魯瓊斯阿布拉比 特光輝燦爛無限循環旋風螺旋递進式樂觀主義)
A gift from afar, Hephaestus Giggles(or Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)
贝壳、布面木板油画 Shells, oil on canvas mounted on board
114 x 149 cm
文爵 Wenjue
德拉弗玛斯 Terra Formars
木板油画 Oil on board
114 x 149 cm
文爵 Wenjue
木板油画 Oil on board
88 x 125 cm
文爵,2001年生于北京。2015年就读于巴黎大茅舍艺术学院,2016年进修于弗朗索瓦·勒朗德工作室,2019年成为法国泰勒艺术基金会终身会员,现居上海。他的创作围绕着对“油画”这种媒介的实验,通过颜料的物理质感堆积,令三维的类岩石和浅浮雕与二维绘画相互碰撞,产生出新的对话关系,赋予结构与图像以全新的定义。 近期个展包括 “夏日弗拉明戈”(hiart space,深圳,2021),“我和我的…”(程昕东国际当代艺术空间, 北京,2020),也参与群展 “I Waited For You”(无事发生画廊,上海,2023),“春潮”(BLANKgallery ,上海,2022),“术士与猎犬”(HALF IMAGE ,上海,2022),“人间”(BLANKgallery,上海,2022),“经编机”(大气层空间,南京,2022)。Wenjue was born in Beijing in 2001. He studied at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris in 2015 and then at Atelier François Legrand in 2016. In 2019, he became a lifelong member of the Fondation Taylor.Wen Jue currently lives in Shanghai. His work revolves around the experimentation with the medium of "oil paints”. Through the physical accumulation of oil paints, he makes three-dimensional rock-like and bas-relief sculptures collide with two-dimensional paintings, creating a new dialogue and giving a new definition to structure and image. His recent solo shows include: Flamenco Summer (hiart space, Shenzhen, 2021), Me and My... (Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2020). Recent group shows include I Waited For You (Nothing Happened Gallery, Shanghai, 2023), Spring Blooming, (BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2022), Magician and Hound, (HALF IMAGE, Shanghai, 2022), The Human World, (BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2022), TEXTRONIC, (Atmosphere Space, Nanjing, 2022).
- 正在展出 Current Exhibition -
Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousism 展览时间/Duration: 2023.03.10-2023.05.10 地点/Address:上海市安福路298弄2号楼底楼 No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai
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