
陆扬 LuYang|近期展讯 Recent Exhibitions



Installation view at MUDEC, 2023. © Julehering

Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year

DOKU体验中心 - 陆扬
DOKU Experience Center - LuYang

MUDEC in Milan, Italy

米兰文化艺术博物馆正在展出“德意志银行年度艺术家“新展——“DOKU 体验中心”,来自德意志银行国际当代艺术奖2022年度的获奖者陆扬。该展览由德意志银行艺术与文化全球负责人 Britta Färber 策划。


展览“DOKU 体验中心”完全围绕以上主题展开,尤其是艺术家(即角色“独生独死”,简称 DOKU)的虚拟轮回,将其转化为不分性别的化身,也是一个超现实的形象。角色面部以艺术家本人为原型,但外表各不相同。该展览首次汇集了陆扬创作的六个DOKU化身——人类、天堂、阿修罗、畜生、饿鬼、地狱——它们体现了三世轮回的六个境界,三世轮回是生命的因果轮回,象征着生死和轮回的永恒循环。

The MUDEC hosts the new exhibition of “Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year”: on display DOKU Experience Center by LuYang, who in 2022 won the prestigious Deutsche Bank international prize dedicated to art Contemporary. The exhibition is curated by Britta Färber, Global Head of Art & Culture at Deutsche Bank. 

Among the most interesting contemporary young Asian artists, LuYang is inspired by science fiction, manga, video games and techno culture, exploring hypermodern technologies and contents that concern posthumanism and transhumanism. His reflection blurs the distinctions between real and digital body and finds expression above all in dance, a recurring theme in his practice. 

The DOKU Experience Center exhibition is entirely dedicated to these themes and, in particular, to the virtual #reincarnation of the artist – i.e. Dokusho Dokushi, or DOKU for short – into a gender-neutral avatar, a hyperrealistic figure whose face is modeled on his but can take differentlikeness. The exhibition brings together and for the first time the six different avatars created by LuYang – Human, Heaven, Asura, Animal, Hungry Ghost, Hell – who embody the six realms of rebirth of Samsara, the karmic wheel of life which symbolizes the eternal cycle of birth, death and reincarnation.


Installation view at Zabludowicz Collection, 2022.
Photo: David Bebber ©️ Zabludowicz Collection

LuYang NetiNeti


Zabludowicz Collection, London

展览“LuYang NetiNeti"为艺术家陆扬在英国的首个个展。展览名“NetiNeti“取自梵语,意为“非此非彼“。主厅集中展示了艺术家的化身DOKU,该化身是通过 CGI动画和舞者动捕制作而成的。



The exhibition "LuYang NetiNeti" marks the artist LuYang's first UK solo show. The title "NetiNeti" incorporates the Sanskrit expression ‘neti neti’, meaning ‘neither this, nor that’. The Main Hall focuses on the artist’s own avatar, DOKU, created using CGI animation and by motion-tracking the movements of dancers. 

The six versions of DOKU that exist to date correspond to the six paths of Buddhist reincarnation: Hell, Heaven, Hungry Ghost, Animal, Asura and Human. DOKU – Binary conflicts invert illusions is a new video commissioned by Zabludowicz Collection. It features the characters Heaven and Hell engaged in a dance on a yin yang symbol, leading to the formation of a new hybrid DOKU character, the binary god. 

The Back Gallery has been transformed in to an interactive games arcade, with the ambitious Material World Knight project at its centre, while the Middle Gallery features a selection of LuYang’s key video works.


Installation view at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2023.
Photo: Hong Cheolki. ©️ MMCA

Game Society

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Seoul


LuYang's video installation "The Great Advanture of Material World" (2020) was featured at the "Game Society" exhibition in National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) in South Korea. "Game Society" is an exhibition that examines how the grammar and aesthetics of video games have influenced contemporary art and visual culture, and permeated our society and daily lives over the five decades since the launch of the first video game. The artwork by LuYang explore further this issue and the complex dynamics of communual experiences.


Installation view at Bruton Street. Image courtesy of the artist.


Bruton Street, London

在香奈儿文化基金(CHANEL Culture Fund)的支持下,陆扬的艺术作品《DOKU》系列于伦敦布鲁顿街橱窗的LED大屏展出,其中包括《DOKU》六界轮回的片段,呈现DOKU六种不同的分身。陆扬的作品灵感源自于动漫,电子游戏,以及科幻亚文化,通过沉浸式电玩装置,虚拟现实,视频等媒介占据观众的感官。

Supported by the CHANEL Culture Fund, Lu ang’s artwork series DOKU showcased on the LED screen at Bruton Street window in London, including fragments of DOKU's Six Realms of Reincarnation dance in six different postures. The inspirations for LuYang’s works range from anime, and video games to sci-fi subculture. Through immersive video game installations, virtual reality, and videos, LuYang appropriates elements from pop culture and constructed a morbid yet esoteric fantasy world.

About the artist


陆扬曾在法国蓬皮杜梅斯中心(2023)、瑞士巴塞尔艺术厅(2023)、阿姆斯特丹Nxt Museum(2023)、伦敦萨布多维奇美术馆(2023)、纽约亚洲协会博物馆(2021)、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心(2018)、福冈亚洲美术馆、旧金山艺术学院等场馆举办过重要的个人展览。陆扬还参加了众多双年展三年展,如:第59届威尼斯双年展(2022 & 2015)、上海双年展(2018 & 2012)、雅典双年展(2018)、利物浦双年展(2016)、福冈亚洲艺术三年展(2014)等。陆扬荣获德意志银行2022年年度艺术家。此外,他还获得了宝马艺术之旅大奖(2019 )、亚洲文化协会资助(2013 )和今日美术馆 "聚焦人才奖"(2011 )。

LuYang (b. Shanghai, China) is a multi-media artist based in Tokyo. Mortality, androgyny, hysteria, existentialism and spiritual neurology feed Lu’s jarring and at times morbid fantasies. Also taking inspiration and resources from Anime, gaming and Sci-fi subcultures, Lu explores his fantasies through mediums including 3D animation, immersive video game installation, holographic, live performances, virtual reality, and computer programming. 

LuYang has held exhibitions at Centre Pompidou-Metz, France (2023); Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland (2023); Nxt Museum, Amsterdam (2023); Zabludowicz Collection, London (2023); the 59th La Biennale di Venezia, Venice (2022); Asia Society Museum, New York (2021); and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2018), Fukuoka Museum of Asian Art (Fukuoka, Japan), and San Francisco Art Institute, California (2018) among others. In 2022, LuYang was selected as Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year, Lu also received the BMW Art Journey Prize (2019), Asian Cultural Council Grant (2013), and the Focus on Talents Award, Today Art Museum (2011). 

 - 当前展出 On View - 

Paris+ par Art Basel

陆扬 LuYang
展位 Booth C03

展览时间/Duration: 2023.10.18-2023.10.22

地址/Add: Grand Palais Éphémère 
2 place Joffre 75007, Paris


Zheng Haozhong Solo Exhibition
 Indoor Enclosure, Sub-Alto Saxophone, Drum Roll, Saw, Voice Silence Turns into A Major Musical Phrase

展览时间/Duration: 2023.09.28-2023.10.31

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai



营业日期/Duration: 2023.09.28-2023.10.31

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai


