BANK 十周年庆生会回顾|Recap of BANK 10th Anniversary After Party
🌞 文爵设计——生日蛋糕 🌞
🍎 王芮的艺术家特调 🍎
Artist's Special Cocktails by Wang Rui
“打车44” 44 for a cab ride
“伟大的马修” The Great Mathieu
“在城市里一棵树也需要工作” Even a tree needs to work in the city
💎 孙一钿戒指糖KENDY 💎
KENDY the ring candy by Sun Yitian
Musician Wu Zhuoling's garden live set
Music continues indoor,
warmly presented by DJ Omen
庆生会场地 After Party Venue
雍福会 YongFoo Élite
视觉设计 Visual Design
彭浩东 Scene Peng
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