
陆扬 Lu Yang|瑞银艺术藏品收藏&大中华研讨会 UBS Art Collection & UBS GCC 2024


陆扬 Lu Yang‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

瑞银大中华研讨会 2024

巴塞尔艺术展 主题研讨


UBS Greater China Conference 2024

Art Panel by Art Basel


Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai


在《独生独死》系列,艺术家陆扬在数字平行宇宙中转生为角色“DOKU” ,展现了虚拟技术无限的创作潜力。移除时间和空间的限制,没有身体需求和身份的束缚,DOKU探索人类心灵的秘密和宇宙的意图。《独生独死-天国》(2022年)展现了一种完全无忧无虑的极乐世界的幻想,它属于神明的领域,即是伊甸园也是天堂。艺术家的化身衣着俏皮,在缀满荧光水晶的河流上翩翩起舞,周围是充斥着美妙声音和光圈的天堂般的热带森林。受各种巴厘岛和印尼传统舞蹈风格的影响,如黎弓舞,陆扬在巴厘岛与舞者一起使用动作捕捉技术录制了这种舞蹈,然后通过数字技术将其再现到虚拟化身的动作和面部表情之中。《独生独死-天国》的光环似乎是一种具有欺骗性的光环。在天国里,也有奢靡之风和无所事事的诱惑,无知会让人付出代价,这些都阻碍了人们对纯粹和觉悟的追求。

影像中不断变化形象的主角为DOKU,名字灵感来自佛教经文“独生独死”(Dokusho Dokushi)。DOKU作为非二元性别角色,融合了多位舞者和音乐家的独特的创作,并借助科学家、3D动画师和数字技术专业人士的团队合作,运用最尖端的动作捕捉技术创造而成。通过这种反复转生,艺术家涅槃重生为一个超越肉体限制的、无处不在的化身,这也见证了古老的轮回概念与最新技术创新的融合。

BANK is pleased to announce the acquisition of artist Lu Yang's DOKU-Heaven by the UBS Art Collection. On January 8th, Lu Yang was invited to participate in the panel on “How is the digital art market in China evolving” by Art Basel during UBS Greater China Conference 2024, where he presented works DOKU-Heaven and DOKU-Behind Scenes Documentary

In DOKU series, the artist Lu Yang is reincarnated as the avatar DOKU in a digital parallel universe built to unleash the creative potential of virtual technology. Without the constraints of time and space, being free from the shackles of physical needs and identity, DOKU explores the secrets of the human mind and the intention of the universe. DOKU-Heaven (2022) embodies the illusion of a completely carefree, bliss-filled existence in the realm of the gods or devas, a Garden of Eden, a conception of paradise. Clad in playful clothing, DOKU dances on the stream of a river adorned with fluorescent crystals, surrounded by a paradisiacal tropical forest full of spherical sounds and light phenomena. Influenced by various traditional Balinese and Indonesian dance styles, such as Legong, Lu recorded the movement of dancers in Bali using motion capture then digitally reproduced the dance patterns and facial expressions of his avatars. The halo of DOKU-Heaven seems like a deceptive aura. In the realm of Heaven there are also the temptations of luxury and idleness, the propensity for ignorance, which prevent the pursuit of simplicity and awakening.

The shape-shifting protagonist in this work is DOKU; the name is derived from the phrase “Dokusho Dokushi,” which translates to “We are born alone, and we die alone,” and references a canonical Buddhist scripture. While sharing Lu Yang’s facial expressions and features, the nonbinary character was generated from an amalgamation of various dancers and musicians, and created in collaboration with a team of scientists, 3D animators, and digital technicians using the latest in motion capture technology. Through this repeated incarnation, the artist is reborn as an ever-present avatar, endowed with talents surpassing physical limitations — uniting ancient concepts such as reincarnation with the latest technological innovations.


Installation View


Courtesy the UBS‍‍‍‍



陆扬 Lu Yang

独生独死-天国 DOKU-Heaven

单通道高清数字影像 Single channel HD digital video



UBS Art Collection 瑞银艺术藏品


DOKU-Behind Scenes Documentary

陆扬 Lu Yang

独生独死-幕后纪录片 DOKU-Behind Scenes Documentary



 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

陆扬 Lu Yang‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

陆扬(生于中国上海)是一位多媒体艺术家。死亡、雌雄同体、歇斯底里、存在主义和神经科学助长了他不和谐甚至病态的幻想。他还从动漫、游戏和科幻亚文化中汲取灵感和素材,通过 3D 动画、沉浸式视频游戏装置、全息、现场表演、虚拟现实和计算机编程等媒介探索他的幻想。陆扬在创作过程中与科学家、心理学家、表演者、设计师、实验作曲家、流行音乐制作人、机器人实验室和名人合作。
陆扬曾在多地举办展览,如巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心(2023年);瑞士巴塞尔美术馆(2023 年);阿姆斯特丹Nxt 博物馆(2023 年);伦敦Zabludowicz Collection(2023 年);第 59 届威尼斯双年展(2022 年);柏林人民宫(2022 - 23);丹麦ARoS 奥尔胡斯美术馆(2021-22);纽约亚洲协会博物馆(2021);旧金山艺术学院(2018);北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心(2011)和日本福冈亚洲艺术博物馆(2011)等。2022年,陆扬被评选为德意志银行年度艺术家,并获得陆扬获得了 "宝马艺术之旅"(BMW Art Journey)奖项(2019)、亚洲文化理事会资助金(2013)、今日美术馆聚焦人才奖(2011)。
Lu Yang (b. Shanghai, China) is a multi-media artist. Mortality, androgyny, hysteria, existentialism and spiritual neurology feed Lu’s jarring and at times morbid fantasies. Also taking inspiration and resources from Anime, gaming and Sci-fi subcultures, Lu explores his fantasies through mediums including 3D animation, immersive video game installation, holographic, live performances, virtual reality, and computer programming. Lu has collaborated with scientists, psychologists, performers, designers, experimental composers, Pop Music producers, robotics labs, and celebrities throughout his practice.
Lu Yang has held exhibitions at Centre Pompidou-Metz, France (2023); Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland (2023); Nxt Museum, Amsterdam (2023); Zabludowicz Collection, London (2023); the 59th La Biennale di Venezia, Venice (2022); PalaisPopulaire, Berlin (2022 - 23); ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, Denmark (2021– 22); Asia Society Museum, New York (2021); San Francisco Art Institute, California (2018); Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2011), and Fukuoka Museum of Asian Art, Japan (2011) among others. In 2022, Lu Yang was selected as Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year, Lu also received the BMW Art Journey Prize (2019), Asian Cultural Council Grant (2013), and the Focus on Talents Award, Today Art Museum (2011).

 - 正在展出 Current Exhibition - 

BANK 10th Anniversary Show

《生日派对!》Birthday Party!

展览时间/Duration: 2023.11.10-2024.02.24‍

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

🔗 十周年庆生会回顾 Recap of BANK's 10th Birthday Party


Click to access "THE VAULT" store👇 


