
BANK|画廊周北京 Gallery Weekend Beijing|文爵 Wenjue & 奇科 Chico da Silva


BANK 参加画廊周北京
Gallery Weekend Beijing

 展位 Booth | A07-402 

文爵 Wenjue
奇科 · 达 · 西尔瓦 Chico da Silva

媒体日 Media Day

贵宾日 VIP Days

公众日 Public Days 
2024.05.28 - 2024.06.02

Building A07, 798 ArtDist, Beijing


BANK is pleased to announce a double solo exhibition of Wenjue and Chico da Silva at Gallery Weekend Beijing. The works of the two artists will create an interesting dialogue across time and space. The post-00s Chinese artist Wenjue will present new works from the branches of his “Wunderkammer series” — "Parapsodie"(paradise + Rhapsodie)and "Supercalifragilisticencyclopedia". Brazilian Indigenous artist Chico da Silva, on the other hand, features creatures from Amazonian jungle fantasy stories and myths, with bright colors and graphics intertwined with vivid depictions of the scenes, revealing a sense of prophecy and transcendent mystery.

艺术家 & 作品 
 Artists & Works 


文爵 Wenjue

“每个灵魂都是一座岛屿” 一个白日梦幻者的独白

“Jeder ÂME ist eine Insel.” A Daydreamer’s Monologue

布面木板油画,贝壳,珍珠 Oil on canvas mounted on board, Shells, Pearls

114 x 149 cm x 2


文爵 Wenjue

宇宙百科全书习作: 穿靴子的猫与气象学家

Studies for S.E.A(Supercalifragilisticencyclopedia): Meteorologist & Puss in Boots

布面木板油画 Oil on canvas mounted on board

114x 149 cm


文爵 Wenjue

捕风 Pursuing The Wind

布面木板油画,珍珠  Oil on canvas mounted on board, Pearls

73 x 100 cm


← 滑动查看更多 Slide for more

近期个展包括 “超体:丰饶角”(BANK,上海,2023),“夏日弗拉明戈”(hiart space,深圳,2021),“我和我的…”(程昕东国际当代艺术空间, 北京,2020),也参与群展“梦之飞鸟”( 当代唐人艺术中心·香港黄竹坑空间,香港,2023),“青春乐园 —— 中国新绘画案例研究展(一)”(又生空间,北京,2023), “I Waited For You”(无事发生画廊,上海,2023),“春潮”(BLANKgallery ,上海,2022),“术士与猎犬”(HALF IMAGE ,上海,2022),“人间”(BLANKgallery,上海,2022),“经编机”(大气层空间,南京,2022)。
Wenjue was born in Beijing in 2001. He studied at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris in 2015 and then at Atelier François Legrand in 2016. In 2019, he became a lifelong member of the Fondation Taylor.Wen Jue currently lives in Shanghai. His work revolves around the experimentation with the medium of "oil paints”. Through the physical accumulation of oil paints, he makes three-dimensional rock-like and bas-relief sculptures collide with two-dimensional paintings, creating a new dialogue and giving a new definition to structure and image.
His recent solo shows include: Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousism and The Horn of Plenty (BANK, Shanghai, 2023), Flamenco Summer (hiart space, Shenzhen, 2021), Me and My... (Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2020). Recent group shows include Dream Bird (Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong Wong Chuk Hang Space, Hong Kong, 2023), Youth Paradise: A Case Study of Chinese New Painting I (CYCLE SPACE, Beijing, 2023), I Waited For You (Nothing Happened Gallery, Shanghai, 2023), Spring Blooming (BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2022), Magician and Hound (HALF IMAGE, Shanghai, 2022), The Human World (BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2022), TEXTRONIC (Atmosphere Space, Nanjing, 2022)

🔗 BANK 代理艺术家文爵|BANK Represents the Artist Wenjue

奇科 · 达 · 西尔瓦 

Chico da Silva

奇科·达·西尔瓦 Chico da Silva

无题(鱼)Untitled (fish)布面水粉画 Gouache on canvas75 x 100 cm1972

奇科·达·西尔瓦 Chico da Silva无题(鸟)Untitled (bird)布面水粉画 Gouache on canvas56 x 76 cm1971

奇科·达·西尔瓦 Chico da Silva

无题(鸟与鳄鱼)Untitled (Bird and Croc)布面水粉画 Gouache on canvas55 x 70 cm1968

← 滑动查看更多 Slide for more


Chico da Silva (also known as Francisco da Silva) is one of the most influential and widely exhibited indigenous Brazilian artists. He was born surrounded by the Amazon rainforest in Alto Tejo, but while still a child he moved to Ceara, in northeastern Brazil. In 1935 he settled in Fortaleza where he lived until his death. He started his artistic production spontaneously by drawing and painting on the walls of fishermen's houses in Praia Formosa. In his gouaches and paintings, Chico da Silva represented mainly the creatures of the forest, such as Amazon birds and fish, as well as fanciful figures, such as dragons. His artworks give form to stories and mythologies from the oral tradition of Northern Brazilian culture, in compositions marked by rich polychromy and by the graphic details of the drawing, composed of colorful wefts and lines.
We saw an Amazonian, creative and pure ancestry in the realization of his painting inhabited by a fantastic fauna. Today, with the climate issue on the planet becoming more and more worrying, we can find a surprisingly current parallel in the themes painted by Chico. A warning cry, coming from these beings, that we need to know how to live with nature. Beings are being extinguished by the felling of the forest, itself much more deadly than the death poetically represented in the food chains painted in his works. In the artist's work, colors play a magical role and the fauna comes to life in our consciousness.

🔗 纽约时报 The New York Times | 对巴西艺术家奇科·达·西尔瓦 (Chico da Silva) 的再发现

 - 正在展出 On View - 

白乂乂:游离的彗星Bai Yiyi: Comet Drifting Away 
展览时间/Duration: 2024.03.23-2024.05.16
地点/Address:上海市安福路298弄2号楼底楼 No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

奇科·达·西尔瓦:亚马逊传奇Chico da Silva: Amazônian Legend 
展览时间/Duration: 2024.03.23-2024.05.16
地点/Address:上海市安福路298弄2号楼底楼 金库空间 The Vault No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

👇点击进入“金库”商店 Click to access "THE VAULT" store


