探究 LightHouse 工作流程
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本文为来自 字节教育-智能学习-前端团队 的文章,已授权 ELab 发布。
智能学习前端团队 自创立以来,团队专注于打破大众对教育的刻板印象,突破固有的教学思维,攻破各类教学屏障。旨在为每一位学生制定最合适的学习方案,予以因材施教,使优质教育随‘触’可达。
什么是 Lighthouse
Lighthouse analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performance metrics and insights on developer best practices.
Chrome 浏览器插件。Chrome 插件的形式提供了更加友好的用户界面,方便读取报告。 Chrome DevTools。该工具集成在最新版本的 Chrome 浏览器中,无需安装即可使用。 Lighthouse CLI 命令行工具。方便将 Lighthouse 集成到持续集成系统中。 代码中引用。我们也能通过 Node.js 模块引入 Lighthouse 工具包。
Driver 驱动
通过 Chrome Debugging Protocol 和 Puppeteer[2] (提供无头浏览器环境模拟页面操作) /进行交互。
Chrome Debugging Protocol(CDP)
Chrome DevTools 协议允许使用工具来检测、检查、调试和分析 Chromium、Chrome 和其他基于 Blink 的浏览器。 在Chrome扩展中,Chrome protocol 利用 chrome.debugger
Api 通过 WebSocket[3] 来建立连接。
Instrumentation 分为多个 Domains(DOM, Debugger, Network 等)。每个 Domain 定义了许多它支持的命令和它生成的事件。命令和事件都是固定结构的序列化 JSON 对象。
CDP Domains,红色为实验性
Domain 必须 enable()
后才可以发出事件。一旦启用enable,它们将刷新表示状态的所有事件。因此,网络事件仅在 enable()
后才会发出。所有协议代理解析 enable()
// will NOT work
driver.defaultSession.sendCommand('Security.enable').then(_ => {
driver.defaultSession.on('Security.securityStateChanged', state => { /* ... */ });
// WILL work! happy happy. :)
driver.defaultSession.on('Security.securityStateChanged', state => { /* ... */ }); // event binding is synchronous
调试协议:阅读更好地调试协议 Better debugging of the Protocol[4]。
passes 属性控制如何加载请求的 URL,以及在加载时收集哪些关于页面的信息。pass 数组中的每个条目代表页面的一次加载,
每个 pass
都定义了基本设置,例如等待页面加载多长时间、是否记录 trace 文件。此外,每次传递都定义了要使用的 gatherer
可以从页面中读取信息以生成 artifacts
,稍后 Audits 使用这些artifacts
提供 Lighthouse 报告。
具体的 pass 配置示例:
passes: [{
passName: 'fastPass',
atherers: ['fast-gatherer'],
passName: 'slowPass',
recordTrace: true,
useThrottling: true,
networkQuietThresholdMs: 5000,
gatherers: ['slow-gatherer'],
Gatherers 采集器
决定在页面加载过程中采集哪些信息,将采集的信息输出为 artifacts
。使用 Driver 采集页面信息。用 --gather-mode
: 所有采集器的输出。
: 大多数性能指标。可以在DevTools性能面板中查看。
: DevTools Protocol[5] 事件的日志。
每一个 gatherer
继承自相同的基类 Gatherer,基类 Gatherer定义了传递生命周期的n个方法。 gatherer
或返回解析为该值的 Promise。子类只需实现生命周期方法即可。
比如用于js覆盖率的 gatherer:
该实例实现了 startInstrumentation 、stopInstrumentation、getArtifact 3个生命周期方法,其
class JsUsage extends FRGatherer {
meta = {
supportedModes: ['snapshot', 'timespan', 'navigation'],
constructor() {
this._scriptUsages = [];
async startInstrumentation(context) {
const session = context.driver.defaultSession;
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.enable');
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.startPreciseCoverage', {detailed: false});
async stopInstrumentation(context) {
const session = context.driver.defaultSession;
const coverageResponse = await session.sendCommand('Profiler.takePreciseCoverage');
this._scriptUsages = coverageResponse.result;
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage');
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.disable');
async getArtifact() {
const usageByScriptId = {};
for (const scriptUsage of this._scriptUsages) {
if (scriptUsage.url === '' || scriptUsage.url === '_lighthouse-eval.js') {
usageByScriptId[scriptUsage.scriptId] = scriptUsage;
return usageByScriptId;
class FRGatherer { meta = { supportedModes : []}; //在任意时间段内开始观察页面 startInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //Sensitive开始观察页面 startSensitiveInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //Sensitive停止观察页面的方法 stopSensitiveInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //在任意时间段内结束观察页面 stopInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //收集有关页面的结果 getArtifact ( passContext ) { } /** * Legacy */ get name () {} async beforePass ( passContext ) {} pass ( passContext ) { } async afterPass ( passContext, loadData ) {}
当 pass 中定义的所有 gatherers 运行完后,就会生成一个中间产物 artifacts,此后 Lighthouse 就可以断开与浏览器的连接,只使用 artifacts 进行后续的分析。
Trace 链路追踪
提供了链路到更有意义对象的转换。每个原始trace event[6] 都具有以微秒为单位增长的时间戳、线程ID、进程ID、持续时间以及其他适用的元数据属性(比如事件类型、任务名称、帧等)
Example Trace Event
'pid': 41904, // process ID
'tid': 1295, // thread ID
'ts': 1676836141, // timestamp in microseconds
'ph': 'X', // trace event type
'cat': 'toplevel', // trace category from which this event came
'name': 'MessageLoop::RunTask', // relatively human-readable description of the trace event
'dur': 64, // duration of the task in microseconds
'args': {}, // contains additional data such as frame when applicable
Processed trace
Processed trace 可识别关键时刻的 trace 事件((navigation start, FCP, LCP, DCL, trace end 等),并过滤出主进程和主线程事件的视图。
processEvents: [/* all trace events in the main process */],
mainThreadEvents: [/* all trace events on the main thread */],
timings: {
timeOrigin: 0, // timeOrigin is always 0
msfirstContentfulPaint: 150, // firstContentfulPaint time in ms after time origin
/* other key moments */
traceEnd: 16420, // traceEnd time in ms after time origin
timestamps: {
timeOrigin: 623000000, // timeOrigin timestamp in microseconds, marks the start of the navigation of interest
firstContentfulPaint: 623150000, // firstContentfulPaint timestamp in microseconds
/* other key moments */
traceEnd: 639420000, // traceEnd timestamp in microseconds
Connecting to browser
Resetting state with about:blank
Navigate to about:blank
Benchmarking machine
Preparing target for navigation mode
Running defaultPass pass
Resetting state with about:blank
Navigate to about:blank
Preparing target for navigation
Cleaning origin data
Cleaning browser cache
Preparing network conditions
Beginning devtoolsLog and trace
Loading page & waiting for onload
Navigating to https:XXX
Gathering in-page: XXXXXXXX. (xN)
Gathering trace
Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
Gathering XXX (xN)
→ runLighthouse();
→ legacyNavigation();
async function legacyNavigation(url, flags = {}, configJSON, userConnection) {
const connection = userConnection || new CriConnection(flags.port, flags.hostname);
const artifacts = await Runner.gather(() => {
const requestedUrl = UrlUtils.normalizeUrl(url);
return Runner._gatherArtifactsFromBrowser(requestedUrl, options, connection);
}, options);
return Runner.audit(artifacts, options);
static async _gatherArtifactsFromBrowser(requestedUrl, runnerOpts, connection) {
const driver = runnerOpts.driverMock || new Driver(connection);
const gatherOpts = {
settings: runnerOpts.config.settings,
computedCache: runnerOpts.computedCache,
const artifacts = await GatherRunner.run(runnerOpts.config.passes, gatherOpts);
return artifacts;
/****** GatherRunner ****/
static async run(passConfigs, options) {
//1.Connecting to browser
//通过 Websocket 建立连接, 基于 Chrome Debugging Protocol 通信
// CDPSession 实例用于与 Chrome Devtools 协议的原生通信
await driver.connect();
// 在 devtools/extension 案例中,我们在尝试清除状态时仍不能在站点上
// 所以我们首先导航到 about:blank,然后应用我们的仿真和设置
// 2.Resetting state with about:blank & 3.Navigating to blankPage
await GatherRunner.loadBlank(driver);
// 4. Benchmarking machine
const baseArtifacts = await GatherRunner.initializeBaseArtifacts(options);
// ...processing benchmarkIndex
// 5. Initializing…
await GatherRunner.setupDriver(driver, options);
let isFirstPass = true;
// each pass
for (const passConfig of passConfigs) {
const passContext = {
gatherMode: 'navigation',
url: options.requestedUrl,
settings: options.settings,
computedCache: options.computedCache,
LighthouseRunWarnings: baseArtifacts.LighthouseRunWarnings,
//Starting from about:blank, load the page and run gatherers for this pass.
const passResults = await GatherRunner.runPass(passContext);
Object.assign(artifacts, passResults.artifacts);
// If we encountered a pageLoadError, don't try to keep loading the page in future passes.
if (passResults.pageLoadError && passConfig.loadFailureMode === 'fatal') {
baseArtifacts.PageLoadError = passResults.pageLoadError;
if (isFirstPass) {
await GatherRunner.populateBaseArtifacts(passContext);
isFirstPass = false;
await GatherRunner.disposeDriver(driver, options);
return finalizeArtifacts(baseArtifacts, artifacts);
} catch (err) {
// Clean up on error. Don't await so that the root error, not a disposal error, is shown.
GatherRunner.disposeDriver(driver, options);
throw err;
_connectToSocket(response) {
const url = response.webSocketDebuggerUrl;
this._pageId = response.id;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ws = new WebSocket(url, {
perMessageDeflate: false,
ws.on('open', () => {
this._ws = ws;
ws.on('message', data => this.handleRawMessage(/** @type {string} */ (data)));
ws.on('close', this.dispose.bind(this));
ws.on('error', reject);
static async setupDriver(driver, options) {
await GatherRunner.assertNoSameOriginServiceWorkerClients(session, options.requestedUrl);
// 6. Preparing target for navigation mode,通过为全局 API 或错误处理启用协议域、仿真和新文档处理程序,准备在导航模式下分析的目标。
await prepare.prepareTargetForNavigationMode(driver, options.settings);
static async runPass(passContext) {
//7. Running defaultPass pass
const gathererResults = {};
const {driver, passConfig} = passContext;
// 8.Resetting state with about:blank 9.Navigating to about:blankGo to about:blank
// set up
await GatherRunner.loadBlank(driver, passConfig.blankPage);
// 10.Preparing target for navigation ~ 13.Preparing network conditions
const {warnings} = await prepare.prepareTargetForIndividualNavigation(
requestor: passContext.url,
disableStorageReset: !passConfig.useThrottling,
disableThrottling: !passConfig.useThrottling,
blockedUrlPatterns: passConfig.blockedUrlPatterns,
// run `startInstrumentation() /beforePass()` on gatherers.
await GatherRunner.beforePass(passContext, gathererResults);
// 14.Beginning devtoolsLog and trace,
// await driver.beginDevtoolsLog(); await driver.beginTrace(settings);
await GatherRunner.beginRecording(passContext);
//15.Loading page & waiting for onload ,16.Navigating to https:XXX
const {navigationError: possibleNavError} = await GatherRunner.loadPage(driver, passContext);
//17.Gathering in-page: XXXXXXXX,run `pass()` on gatherers.
await GatherRunner.pass(passContext, gathererResults);
const loadData = await GatherRunner.endRecording(passContext);
//18.Gathering trace 19.Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
await emulation.clearThrottling(driver.defaultSession);
//process page error
// If no error, save devtoolsLog and trace.
GatherRunner._addLoadDataToBaseArtifacts(passContext, loadData, passConfig.passName);
// 20.Gathering XXX. Run `afterPass()(stopInstrumentation -> getArtifact )` on gatherers and return collected artifacts.
await GatherRunner.afterPass(passContext, loadData, gathererResults);
const artifacts = GatherRunner.collectArtifacts(gathererResults);
return artifacts;
Audits 审查器
Audits是对单个功能/优化/指标的测试,Gatherer 采集的 artifacts 作为输入,审查器会对其测试,然后得出相应的测评分数结果。
Computed Artifacts :根据 artifacts 的需求生成,有额外的含义,经常在在多个 audits 中共享。
audits 属性控制要运行和包含在 Lighthouse 报告中的审计。 查看更多示例以了解如何将自定义审核添加到您的配置中。 具体的 audits 配置示例: {
audits: [
Analyzing and running audits
Auditing: XXX
Generating results...
async function legacyNavigation(url, flags = {}, configJSON, userConnection) {
return Runner.audit(artifacts, options);
static async audit(artifacts, options) {
//1. Analyzing and running audits &2.Auditing: XXX
const auditResultsById = await Runner._runAudits(settings, config.audits, artifacts,
lighthouseRunWarnings, computedCache);
//3.Generating results...
if (artifacts.LighthouseRunWarnings) {
Report 报告
客户端根据生成 Audit 结果的 LHR.json (Lighthouse Result) 生成结果报告页。评分报告,它包含了性能(Performance),访问无障碍(Accessibility),最佳实践(Best Practice),搜索引擎优化(SEO),PWA(Progressive Web App)5 个部分,每一项下面又有若干小项(audit),还有详细诊断结果和优化建议,帮助开发者有针对性地进行优化。
例如:在 Lighthouse 8 中,性能得分由以下几项的得分按不同的权重相加而得:
Lighthouse 8 中性能指标权重
以性能评分[7]为例,一旦 Lighthouse 收集完性能指标(主要以毫秒为单位报告),它会通过查看指标值在其 Lighthouse 评分分布中的位置,将每个原始指标值转换为从 0 到 100 的指标分数。评分分布是从 HTTP Archive[8] 上真实网站性能数据的性能指标得出的对数正态分布。
FCP in HTTP Archive
Lighthouse 评分曲线模型使用 HTTPArchive 数据来确定两个控制点,然后设置对数正态曲线的形状。HTTPArchive 数据的第 25 个百分位数变为 50 分(中值控制点),第 8 个百分位数变为 90 分(良好/绿色控制点)。在探索下面的评分曲线图时,请注意在 0.50 和 0.92 之间,度量值和分数之间存在近乎线性的关系。0.96 左右的分数是上面的“收益递减点”,曲线拉开,需要越来越多的指标改进来提高已经很高的分数。
探索 TTI 的评分曲线[9]
static async audit(artifacts, options) {
//conclusion of the lighthouse result object
const axeVersion = artifacts.Accessibility?.version;
const credits = {
'axe-core': axeVersion,
let categories = {};
if (config.categories) {
categories = ReportScoring.scoreAllCategories(config.categories, auditResultsById);
// Replace ICU message references with localized strings; save replaced paths in lhr.
i18nLhr.i18n.icuMessagePaths = format.replaceIcuMessages(i18nLhr, settings.locale);
// LHR has now been localized.
const lhr = /** @type {LH.Result} */ (i18nLhr);
if (settings.auditMode) {
const path = Runner._getDataSavePath(settings);
assetSaver.saveLhr(lhr, path);
// 生成报告
const report = ReportGenerator.generateReport(lhr, settings.output);
return {lhr, artifacts, report};
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智能学习前端团队 自创立以来,团队专注于打破大众对教育的刻板印象,突破固有的教学思维,攻破各类教学屏障。旨在为每一位学生制定最合适的学习方案,予以因材施教,使优质教育随‘触’可达。
字节跳动校/社招内推码: XW7FF6M 投递链接: https://job.toutiao.com/s/MsXj3d4 可凭内推码投递 字节教育 - 智能学习前端团队 相关岗位哦~
原理结构: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main/docs/architecture.md
[2]Puppeteer: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer
[3]WebSocket: https://github.com/websockets/ws
[4]Better debugging of the Protocol: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/184
[5]DevTools Protocol: https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/
[6]trace event: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvAClvFfyA5R-PhYUmn5OOQtYMH4h6I0nSsKchNAySU/preview
[7]性能评分: https://web.dev/performance-scoring/
[8]HTTP Archive: https://httparchive.org/reports/state-of-the-web
[9]探索 TTI 的评分曲线: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/o98tbeyt1t