
Teachers’ Remarks | 石倚洁:从要我学转变成我要学

CUHKSZMUS 香港中文大学深圳音乐学院 2023-04-02



Musical artists are engineers of human souls. For young students who are yearning to enter the hall of music, wise sayings and heartfelt advice from mentors are their “lighthouse” during the long voyage. It’s a fortune for students to have good teachers; It’s a glory for the school to have a group of masters. For this purpose, we take advantage of the abundant global resources of music masters in the School of Music to carry out Art Lighthouse Project and start a series of “Teachers’ Remarks” column.

In this issue, we invited Prof. SHI Yijie, the Academic Leader and Head of Opera & Voice at the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. Let’s listen to Prof. SHI’s “remarks”!



“Transform from passive learning to active learning. We need comprehensive talents: music students must comprehend chorus singing, music conducting besides vocal singing, so that they can be more competitive in the society.”

—SHI Yijie


本期《师说心语》专栏让我们听听我院歌剧与声乐学术和学部主任石倚洁教授对 “大学的学习时光中最重要的是什么?”、“大学要培养的是什么样的人?”是如何解答的。以及对于同学们关注的以下困惑:男高音一定要能唱high C吗?如何解决高音?练声时对场地有要求吗?石教授也是一一解答。如果你在声乐学习中也碰到了这些疑问,那就一起听听石教授的心语吧!

There is more time available to a student when entering the university. And it is time to transform from a passive learning mode to an active learning mode. Every student is required to think about how to manage their time properly, study actively, and adopt a proactive attitude toward life. The Analects of Confucius states: “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, identify their shortcomings and avoid them.” During our time at the university, we have sufficient time to improve our skills, explore our potential, seek guidance from our teachers and peers, learn from them, and strive to become more competitive individuals. As Prof. Shi Yijie told the students, for example, students majoring in Opera and Voice should not only learn the skills from their own majors but also take more courses in other majors, such as chorus, conducting, etc., so as to make themselves a more well-rounded person.

In this issue, let’s hear from Prof. SHI and find out what kind of views he has on the questions “What’s the most important thing during university?”, “What specific student qualities does the university aim to cultivate?” Prof. SHI also addressed the following concerns: Must a tenor always reach a high C? How can one improve their high range? Where is the best place for doing vocal exercises? If you also encountered these questions when studying Opera and Voice, let’s listen to Prof. SHI’s remarks together!




Prof. SHI Yijie

Academic Leader and Head

of Opera & Voice




石倚洁作为当今世界歌剧舞台上演唱意大利“Bel Canto时期”作品的代表歌唱家之一,尤擅罗西尼、唐尼采蒂、贝里尼和莫扎特的作品,他对声音音色的纯净度、音色变化的细腻层次以及音乐线条的连贯性都有精湛而严谨的把控,因而让他可以游弋于其他任何风格作品的诠释当中。



SHI Yijie, tenor, is currently a Professor, Academic Leader and Head of Opera & Voice at the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He is an accomplished Chinese singer who actively performs on stages around the world.

In 2007, he won the gold medal at International Vocal Competition for the fourth consecutive year, making him the first Chinese singer to perform at Rossini Opera Festival, where Rossini’s works are best performed. He also starred in the operas for the fifth consecutive year. Since then, he has performed in many of the great opera houses of the world which include Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, Teatro di San Carlo, Teatro Real (Madrid), Deutsche Oper of Berlin, Wiener Staatsoper, the Metropolitan Opera House of New York, San Francisco Opera, Suntory Hall, National Center for the Performing Arts in China and has performed at renowned art festivals including Edinburgh International Arts Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Shanghai International Arts Festival and Beijing Music Festival, with over 500 performances.

As one of the representative singers who perform the Bel Canto works on stages around the globe, SHI Yijie specializes in the works of Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini and Mozart. His exquisite and rigorous control of the voice purity, the delicate layers of timbre changes and the coherence of the musical line makes him be competent at interpreting works in other styles.

In the past decade, SHI Yijie has performed 40 operas worldwide, which include CinderellaThe Barber of SevilleRigolettoLucia di LammermoorLa Fille Du Regiment, L'elisir d'amoreDas Land des Lächelns, etc. What should be noted is that his excellent performance of the 19 High C in La Fille Du Regiment earned him a reputation as one of the leading and prestigious tenors in the world.

In 2010, SHI Yijie returned to China and started to cooperate with renowned composer Xiaogang YE. SHI Yijie premiered the opera Song of Farewell and performed the operas including Four Poems of LingnanThe Road to the RepublicTwilight of the Himalayas and Shaoling Thatched Cottage. With a profound love of Chinese culture and music, SHI Yijie spares no effort to promote many fine works from China to the rest of the world. In 2021, he worked with prestigious pianist CHEN Sa and published the album Chinese Art Songs which is considered as a significant album by their fans.






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