
捷报!剑桥、UCL、港大等顶级名校offer榜单强势来袭 !

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08


Congratulations to our Upper Sixth students who have all received wonderful offers from elite universities all over the world. Together, you have achieved the best outcomes in the history of Harrow Shanghai. We are immensely proud of the hugely impressive offers listed below, which are a testament to the huge effort of our pupils, the high-quality lessons and pastoral care of our dedicated teachers, and the strong support from our parents. 


Our pupils’ passions, supported by our strong teaching staff, who are experts in their fields, have resulted in offers from a diverse range of competitive courses such as Architecture, Economics, Medical Sciences, Design, Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Illustration, Music, Psychology, Business, and International Hotel Management, to name a few.  


This year also marks the most global acceptances we’ve ever had here at Harrow, with offers from the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, Ireland and Hong Kong. 


Upper Sixth students


Furthermore, we are delighted that our talented pupils have been accepted by top art & music schools in the world including Rhode Island School of Design, Royal Holloway, Berklee College of Music, and the University of the Arts London. 

在哈罗,我们根据每个学生的特性为其量身定制最适合的高等教育和职业规划方案。我们的高等教育和职业规划负责人 Zach Bennetts,毕业于牛津大曾在英美执教多年,Zach强大的学术背景和专业能力,使他成为哈罗上海全球大学申请负责人的最佳人选。Zach花费了大量的时间与精力与学生们在一起,了解每个学生的特性,并且乐此不疲的帮助每个学生在人生的下一个重大阶段到来前做好规划与准备。对于哈罗上海在今年offer申请季中取得的优异成绩,下面Zach将与我们分享他的心得与看法。

Here at Harrow, we have carefully crafted a bespoke Higher Education programme for each individual Harrovian. Our Head of Higher Education and Careers, Zach Bennetts, graduated from Oxford, and has taught in the UK and the US, which makes him ideally placed to offer expertise and advice  for all global university applications. Zach spends endless hours with our students, getting to know them individually, and tirelessly helping them prepare for this next big step in their life. He shares his thoughts with regards to this year’s outstanding results below. 

Zach Bennetts

Head of Higher Education and Careers


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Congratulations Class of 2022! 

“With thousands of students deferring places in the wake of the pandemic, the 2022 admissions cycle has been the most competitive in history. Despite these challenges, our students have secured the best set of offers in Harrow Shanghai’s history, and it’s such a testament to their hard work and commitment over the course of their A-Level studies. I’m so proud of the students for putting so much effort into their applications and maintaining their academic performance, particularly given the challenges of recent months, and they thoroughly deserve the successes coming their way. At Harrow, we provide one-to-one support to help students identify the programmes that harness their passions and talents, and work with them to submit a compelling application. I’m so glad that this work has paid off.” 


Congratulations to all our Upper Sixth pupils, their teachers and their parents for these outstanding results! We look forward to seeing you all become leaders in the future who make our world a better place! 

Reach out to us now to find out how Harrow provides boundless opportunities to nurture our pupils' passions to pursue their dreams.  


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