
捷报!哈罗上海在A Level考试中再创佳绩!

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

恭喜哈罗上海的学生在A Level考试中再创佳绩!这充分证明了他们不懈的努力以及我们强大师资的专业性和奉献精神。祝贺为这个惊人成绩付出努力的所有人!

Our pupils here at Harrow Shanghai have once again received outstanding A Level results - a huge testament to their amazing efforts, as well as the dedication and expertise of our high quality teachers and tutors – congratulations to all involved in achieving these amazing outcomes!

哈罗上海的A Level平均测试成绩远超英国本土学生

Harrow Shanghai far outpaces UK results

我们哈罗上海学生的A Level成绩远超英国本土学生。例如,我们的A*成绩是英国本土学生平均成绩的4倍—让我们共同庆祝这一优异成绩!为你们感到自豪!

Our pupils have far exceeded the UK national results. As an example, our A* results are 4 times higher than the UK national average - what an amazing feat!

100% A*-A 成绩

100% A*-A Grades

除此之外,我们的学生更是在英语文学、计算机科学、生物、化学、戏剧、经济学、高等数学、音乐、西班牙语以及中文等十门学科中达到了100%的 A*-A的好成绩!

Moreover, our pupils have achieved 100% A*-A grades in no less than 10 subjects.


Head Master's Address 

Swipe left to read English

我们对才华横溢、刻苦勤学的毕业生们获得如此优异的A Level成绩表示祝贺!这个破纪录的历史佳绩是我们的学生、家长和老师们共同努力后应得的回报!我们在此祝愿毕业班的每一个学子离开哈罗校园后的精彩生活,能够一帆风顺,我们知道此时的他们即将在世界上最好的大学里开启新的冒险之旅!

“We are simply delighted by the astounding A Level results achieved by our talented and hardworking Upper Sixth leavers.  The record breaking outcomes are nothing less than they, their dedicated teachers and supportive parents deserve.  We now wish them every success with their exciting lives beyond school as they venture on to many of the very best universities across the world.”

Head Master

Mr Charles Ellison


Pupil Progress


What makes us most proud is our pupils’ progress and improvement in their grades, in comparison to their original predicted scores. This value added outcome score puts us in the top 1% of all schools (UK and international), which demonstrates the immense impact Harrow Shanghai has had on improving our students' grades.


Our pupils progress is testament to our school’s contribution in delivering high quality teaching, excellent pastoral care and a diverse programme which empowers pupils to improve their grades. In addition, our small class sizes allow each pupil to flourish, expand their capabilities and interests, and gain confidence to explore topics of interest in great depth. Contact us now to find out about how we can help to improve your child's outcomes through our robust offerings here at Harrow Shanghai.


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