
惠立幼儿发展指南 | 风险评估,让孩子们成为探索的“拥有者” Effective risk assessment

南通惠立幼儿园 南通惠立幼儿园 2023-03-30


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Do you remember Marlin, the clownfish dad from Finding Nemo? At first, he was known as the 'coward' of the Great Barrier Reef, protecting his son Nemo more than his life and being cautious and worried about his safety. He also epitomizes the image of many parents: because they love their children, they always want to put them in the safest possible situation, preferably without any risks at all.

Picture from: https://movies.disney.com/

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But no environment can be perfectly safe, as in the film where Nemo is eventually taken away by divers on a series of thrilling adventures. In the real world, if parents stop their children from acting because they feel there is a risk, they will never develop the ability to assess danger in response to challenges and risks.

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But then parents worry about letting their children go out of their safe zone to explore, to take risks, to grow, and what happens when they encounter risks? Therefore, as developmental companions we need to carry out risk assessments for some activities to rule out some possible pitfalls. It is important to provide the maximum possible space for children to explore and grow within acceptable limits.

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At Huili Nursery Nantong, teachers assess the risks before a lesson or activity in terms of open resources, tools and equipment, the natural environment, and many other aspects, and then provide the maximum possible space for children to explore after eliminating especially risky hazards. For example, before the Adventures in Nature activity, the teachers carefully review roads around the school, from traffic lights and pavements to plants and rocks on the side of the road, listing all the possible risks and hazards, and finally choosing the most suitable route for the children to explore.

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In the course of daily teaching activities, teachers are also constantly assessing risks to maximise learning opportunities for children.


Using the glue gun

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When many parents hear about hot glue guns, the first thing that comes to mind is, "This is too dangerous for children to use!". Our teachers don't immediately decline children or simply tell them mechanically, "You must wear gloves". They will tell the children: "This tool will be very hot, what can you wear to protect yourself?". Within the limits of tolerable risk, the children knew first-hand the dos and don'ts of using a glue gun and would even tell their buddies the second time they used it, "Wear gloves to protect yourself with this, it's hot!"


Crossing the street

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When out exploring, teachers will guide children, with protection, to first observe traffic lights, judge the proximity of vehicles by the sound, judge the distance between vehicles by observing the change in size, and work together to determine when they should cross the road. The teacher helps the children to analyse and judge the risks and dangers in unfamiliar situations on their own, to make appropriate behavioural choices and to avoid danger effectively.

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Effective risk assessment by adults gives children the opportunity to solve problems and gives them ample opportunities to challenge themselves and be their own masters in their explorations. It helps children to have the ability to handle various situations in real-life situations, to gradually increase their awareness and ability to protect themselves and control risks through adventure and challenges, and to better adapt to a world full of unknowns.


